To my family. All of this is for you. Thank you for putting up with me!
Julia Goda and Mayra Statham. I love you both, to the moon and back. You ladies keep me sane!
Deb Hawblitzel Schultz, I love you like a sister. Thank you for always having my back
Nichole Hart, Gi Paar, Jane S. Wells, Angela Shue, Sallie Brown Davis, Michelle Reed, Jamila Giel and Victoria Dixon. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to find my errors. It means a lot to me that you care as much as I do about these characters I bring to life.
Joanne Thompson and Karen Hrdlicka, you edit like rock stars, thank you for all your hard work.
Tracie Douglas-Rabas, thank you for always understanding my vision. Your covers make me happy!
My Wallflowers, what can I say? You get me. You put up with me and never complain. I love that you love all the word as much as I do. #Crossfire
Teeny’s Tarts, you’re the bomb. Thank you for all your help. I can’t express my appreciation enough that you would give up your spare time to help this Wallflower with her books!
And to my original Dream Team. I love you more than you know! ‘Thank you’ isn’t a big enough word. I never forget where it all started. Who pushed me to take this step. I wish all of you nothing but love and happiness.