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Upon our arrival at Sadler's Ridge, my family was quick to surround the van and snatch my girls from their seats to smother them with kisses.
"Oh, my sweet Mandy! You get bigger every time I see you!" my Aunt Shawn cooed while Mandy was overcome with giggles at her favorite aunt's admiration.
"There's my big helper!" my Uncle Terry announced while giving Mazie a bear hug and kiss on the cheek. "Want to help me milk the goats? I was just about to head over to the barn."
"I get to milk the goats? I'm so excited and...." realizing that she had brought friends Mazie added, "but Uncle Terry, my friends Katie and John came too. Can they help milk the goats?"
Beaming hopefully at my sweet uncle while he assessed them with his mock judgment, he said, "Well that depends. Are you two afraid of goats?"
"No sir," Katie said bouncing up and down.
"We learned how to milk them last year at the festival!" John added proudly.
"You did? Well, I guess that's okay then. As long as it's okay with your Daddy," he said while giving Dale a quick once over that said that he would be vetting him shortly. "I'm Terry Sadler by the way. I understand you are Mazie's principal?"
"Yes sir, my name is Dale Wilson. It's a pleasure to meet you finally. I'm a huge fan of your brewery."
Winning my uncle over with flattery always worked, and Dale's was no different.
"Well, it's always nice to meet a loyal customer. Welcome to Sadler's Ridge," my uncle stated with a giant grin. His smiles were sweet and always made me remember my grandpa.
Before Dale could continue his conversation with Uncle Terry, John and Katie were already pulling on his arms.
"Daddy, please let us help milk the goats!" Katie and John begged together.
"That will be fine with me," he said as the kids started jumping up and down and then ran ahead with Mazie, "But make sure you listen to Mr. Sadler!" He shouted after them as my uncle and cousin David followed.
"Well Dale Wilson, welcome to our farm. My name is Shawn, and you've already met my husband, Terry. David is the one that's following him to the goat corral and Jared, our youngest, is studying for an exam upstairs. You'll see him at 5:00 pm for dinner. Now, if you don't mind, Kelly, I'm going to snag Ms. Mandy to help me finish baking," she declared winking dramatically in my direction. "Why don't you show Dale around the farm and we'll all meet up at the main house for dinner." Then she added another double wink in my direction.
"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Sadler," Dale said as my aunt retreated hastily with happy Mandy.
Rolling my eyes at my aunt's apparent attempts to give me alone time with Dale, I turned to my mom.
"Mom, I'd like you to meet Dale Wilson. Dale, this is my mom Joan Persons."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Persons."
"Likewise. Mazie and Kelly have told me so much about you. Welcome to our family farm. We'll be having dinner around 5:00 pm, so why don't you and Kelly go have some alone time."
Then, to my pure embarrassment, my mom whispers loudly, "The lean-to is empty if you'd like some privacy before dinner."
This not so subtle comment caused Dale to burst into a fit of laughter at my speechless horror.
Once my mother had retreated into the farmhouse, Dale turned to me with a knowing smirk and said, "Well, your mother is... progressive."
"That's one way to word it," I said with a nervous laugh. "How about I give you a tour?"
Over the next thirty minutes Dale and I walk through all of my favorite places: The creek near the brewery; the old carriage barn that my aunt turned into a shop for when they do private tours; and finally, my favorite place of all, the gazebo my grandfather built for my grandmother when they were first married.
"I can see why you love this place, Kelly," Dale said, in awe of his surroundings. "Most of the old family farms have been snatched up by subdivisions. How have they thrived all of these years?"
"Well, the brewery and the Halloween festival bring in most of the income needed to turn a modest profit yearly. However, the biggest money maker is my Uncle Terry's consulting business. During the winter, he travels around the country helping breweries start up new operations or revamp old ones. Plus, it keeps him from driving my Aunt Shawn crazy after harvest season," I said, with a good-natured laugh.
Lost in my reflections, I didn’t realize that Dale had shifted behind me until I could feel his arms enveloping me so that I was leaning against his warm chest.
Nuzzling my ear, he whispered, "But there is one place you haven't shown me, Kelly."
"What place is that?" I asked, knowing the answer, but wanting to hear him speak it.
"How about you show me to the lean-to."
Feeling empowered by his request, I slowly turned in his arms, pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose, and said, "Okay," before leading him by the hand towards the lean-to located down the hill and behind a small grove of trees.
As soon as we entered the building and bolted the door, our bodies collide in a desperate attempt to join like magnets.
"I do believe that we are due for some make-up sex," Dale said breathlessly while pulling my blouse over my head.
"How much time do we have before dinner?" I asked while unbuttoning his dress shirt.
"According to my watch we have about two and a half hours before dinner," he said, pushing my skirt above my hips in a desperate attempt to caress my center.
When he finally slid his fingers into my panties, I sighed as his warmth meet my throbbing clit.
"Oh, Kelly! You're so wet for me baby."
"Dale, please. I need you! Now!" I said gasping between kisses.
Within seconds Dale had pulled me onto the floor and was thrusting into my depths. Reveling in our connection, Dale tenderly held my face and kissed me desperately before pulling out and thrusting again as if trying to get deeper than he'd ever been before.
When Dale had pressed his pelvis so close to my center that my heart shuddered in pleasure from our connection he asked, "How could you think that I would ever cheat on you?" Before I could answer his thrusts became more frantic as his body joined with mine over and over again in a desperate attempt to go deeper and deeper with every stroke of his hips. Unconsciously, I found myself thrusting upward to meet his clear need for complete oneness.
"Ah! Dale, I know...that...now! Oh God, closer! I need you closer!" I yelled while meeting him, blow for blow. "Forgive me! Please!" I screamed as I felt the pressure of orgasm building inside of me along with a violent torrent of emotions.
Unable to hold off any longer I cried out in the most violent orgasm of my existence.
"I forgive you!" he growled as he followed me into oblivion emptying himself so violently, that I could feel his cum pouring into my womb.
Just as our bodies slowly calmed from the aftershocks of our lovemaking, Dale whispered, "I love you, Kelly." And tears began streaming down my face out of pure joy.
"I'm yours, Dale," I whispered while feathering kisses against his jaw. "For as long as you'll have me."