“Somebody, help!” said Frog, kneeling over the fallen King.

“I was supposed to know … what the future held,” coughed King Kroak, looking at the smoking wound in his chest. “How did I not see this coming?”

“You’ll be all right,” said Frog. “You’re me … and I’m full-on mighty.”

“Ugh,” the King groaned, screwing up his face. “Would you at least get some of the dust off me?”

Frog gently brushed the dust off King Kroak’s armour.

“Clean as whistles,” Frog said.

“Your standards of cleanliness … are disturbingly low,” the King tutted. “But maybe you’re right … maybe I could have been more like you. Maybe when I’m better … I’ll try doing that thing you were talking about. What did you … call it again?”

“Um, being good?” replied Frog.

“Yep…” the King said with a cough. “That.”

Frog heard King Kroak’s final breath escape from his mouth. A moment later, he was gone.

Frog slumped to the floor. He wasn’t sure what to feel. Until a minute ago, King Kroak had been his arch-enemy – but now it felt as if part of him was lost. Tears welled up in his eyes and he wiped them away with his arm.


At Princess Rainbow’s cry, Frog looked up to see Major Krung, General Kurg and a dozen Kroakan troopers leap down towards them. Frog plucked the Green Button from the floor just as Major Krung and General Kurg landed either side of him.

“Get away!” Frog cried. He struggled to his feet, brandishing his sword.

“My King! By the Turmoil, I’m sorry!” howled General Kurg, pushing Frog out of the way and collapsing to his knees in front of King Kroak. “I was just trying to complete my mission, Your Majesty! I stowed aboard that blue house-ship, in the hope that Frog would return… In the hope that I could deliver him to you as you commanded! Then I got locked in the toilet, but that’s not important. Then I ended up here on the Farthership! I was just trying to complete my mission…”

The general’s expression hardened. He stood up and turned to face Frog, his sunder-gun drawn.

“Frog!” he growled. “Just when I thought you couldn’t possibly be more annoying, you make me shoot my own King! I’m going to finish you once and for all…”

“Bring it on!” Frog cried. “I’ll defeat you to shreds!”

“I think not,” said a voice. Major Krung drew her sunder-gun … and pointed it at General Kurg. “General, you are under arrest for the murder of King Kroak. Drop your weapon.”

“What? But I was trying to… Prince Frog was… I’m a good and loyal…” he began, as troopers surrounded him. “By the Void, I’m going to be turned into protein bars, aren’t I?”

As General Kurg dropped his gun and held his hands high, Frog tried to think of the best way to defeat the Kroakans, rescue the princess and save the world all over again. Major Krung took a step towards him. Then she replaced her sunder-gun in its holster, took a deep breath … and knelt before Frog.

“Prince Frog, by Royal Amendment Three Thousand and Forty-Nine of the Big Book of Kroakan Law, I hereby declare you the new King of Kroakas,” she said. “Welcome to your destiny – Royal Majesty, Lord of All Planets, Rightful Ruler of the Universe … King Frog.”

“What the … what?” said Frog.