
They came at Tom fast. He opened his eyes when he heard the thud of their feet as they ran towards him down the boardwalk. Four of them. Dressed in black, hoods low over their faces. Two held large sticks, like clubs. Not a social visit, so. Tom sat up and held his two hands up in defence. Bette Davis bared her teeth and charged towards the first two. Before he could arrange the thought from his head into a reasoned sentence, to ask them to desist, the first blow hit his back. He fell forward, face into the cold concrete path as he saw Bette Davis fly through the air.

Heavy, laboured breaths filled the air. His? Or theirs? Grunts and shouts, from each, as they kicked and hit his body in continuous barrage. He felt his nose crunch and splinter, as a foot connected with his face.

‘That’s enough,’ a voice said, breathless with exertion. Tom recognised that voice.

He kneeled down low, so that his face was inches from Tom’s now bloodied mess. Recognition passed between the two. Bobby. Sheila’s boyfriend. He spat on Tom, then hissed, ‘Interfering old bastard.’ He stood up, taking Tom’s rucksack with him.

No! Not that. My things … No!

But Tom could not speak. All he could do was watch through half-closed lids as they rummaged their way through his rucksack.

They found what they were searching for. His doctor’s bag.

‘He’s as good as dead,’ a faceless hoody said, glee lacing each word. He bounced up and down, nervous energy abounding through him.

Where are you, Bette? Come to me. Good girl.

Bright lights filled the street. Headlights from an oncoming car. He saw Bette limping towards him, blood dripping from her face.

‘Let’s get out of here!’ Bobby said.

They ran but not before giving one last kick to his abdomen. Tom felt another rib crack and closed his eyes.

The car slowed down and he heard voices.

‘Is that man OK?’ a young woman asked.

‘He’s probably pissed,’ a man answered.

‘Is he bleeding, though?’ Her voice again, more urgent this time.

‘Nah. He’s just a bum.’ The engine revved and they were gone.

Tom lay on the street, bloodied and bruised. He wanted to go home so badly.

But only darkness came.