AFRF Association Française de Rugby Féminin
ARL Australian Rugby League
ARU Australian Rugby Union
EARFU East African Rugby Football Union
FFR Fédération Française de Rugby
FIR Federazione Italiana Rugby
FIRA Fédération Internationale de Rugby Amateur
GAA Gaelic Athletic Association
IB International Rugby Football Board
IFA Intercollegiate Football Association
IFA Irish Football Association
IFU Irish Football Union
IGRAB International Gay Rugby Association Board
IRFU Irish Rugby Football Union
JRFU Japanese Rugby Football Union
LFRT Ligue Française de Rugby à Treize
NFUI Northern Football Union of Ireland
NIFC North of Ireland Football Club
NRL National Rugby League
NSWRFL New South Wales Rugby Football League
NZRFU New Zealand Rugby Football Union
PIRA Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance
RFU Rugby Football Union
SANZAR South African, New Zealand and Australian Rugby
SARB South African Rugby Board
SARFU South African Rugby Football Union
SRU Scottish Rugby Union (formerly SFU – Scottish Football Union)
UFRA Union Française de Rugby Amateur
USFSA Union des Sociétés Françaises de Sports Athlétiques
WPCRFU Western Province Coloured Rugby Football League
WRC World Rugby Corporation
WRFU Women’s Rugby Football Union
WRU Welsh Rugby Union
YRF Yugoslav Rugby Federation