[Given as two lectures at the Eranos Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, in 1942, the theme of which was “The Hermetic Principle in Mythology, Gnosis, and Alchemy.” Published as “Der Geist Mercurius,” Eranos-Jahrbuch 1042 (Zurich, 1943); revised and expanded in Symbolik des Geistes: Studien über psychische Phänomenologie . . . (Psychologische Abhandlungen, VI; Zurich, 1948). An English translation by Gladys Phelan and Hildegard Nagel, titled The Spirit Mercury, was published as a book by the Analytical Psychology Club of New York, Inc., in 1953, and forms the basis of the present translation. Some brief chapters have been combined.—EDITORS.]



(Hermes, ruler of the world, dweller in the heart, circle of the moon, Round and square, inventor of the words of the tongue, Obedient to justice, wearer of the chlamys, shod in winged sandals, Guardian of the many-sounding tongue, prophet to mortals.)

—A Magic Papyrus (Preisendanz, II, p. 139)