This is a clock that is missing some numbers. You have to figure out which numbers are missing. Can you see which number is missing? No, eleven is right there, see it? What number should be here? Yes, good, twelve. Now, can you point to the minute hand? Are you sure that’s the minute hand? Right, good, yes…Can you put the hands at nine fifteen? No, no…Three is fifteen, remember? If it’s nine fifteen, can you tell me what time it was a half hour ago? Do you want to say your words out loud, or would you rather keep nodding? Nodding, okay. Look at this clock. You have to draw the numbers and the hands. Can you draw noon? Can you show me where twelve is? Can you put your pencil on twelve? Good. Now draw a little line. Now where do you draw the minute hand?…Are you okay? Dizzy? Do you want some water? Do you need a snack? What will help with your dizziness? You want to go visit your mom? Okay. Okay, let’s stop for now. Let’s take a little break.