June 1981
Dr. Rivka Golod
Summary of Test Results
Amanda’s fine motor movements of her fingers are excellent. There was some mild awkwardness, by contrast, in the area of speech praxis (eg in repeating multisyllabic words). Laterality is well established. She is right sided for handedness, footedness and eyedness, although she has trouble distinguishing left from right, and is equally as comfortable writing with her left hand as she is her right. Orientation is not entirely secure; she must think carefully before she locates body positions and must reposition her body in order to locate positions in space.
She has a poor understanding of spatial and temporal concepts. It is difficult to understand history, or read a map, without a spatial and temporal framework on which to anchor ideas. She specifically needs to understand geographical relationships, and can only do so if taught visually and kinesthetically. For instance, instead of asking her to follow directions on a map, she needs to first experience the route by taking it.