A-Birding on a Bronco (Bailey), 157

Abbe, Ernst, 160

Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2324,61, 132, 139

advertising, birds in, 162

Agassiz, Louis, 188; and collecting guides, 33, 77; on geographical distribution and variation, 7778, 7981; and MCZ, 24

Agassiz Association, 14, 62, 165

Ainley, Marianne G., 57, 209

Alexander, Annie M., 187

Allen, Arthur A., 178, 189, 196, 199

Allen, Glover M., 202203, 269n.107

Allen, J. A., 50, 62, 142, 193; and AOU Committee on Classification and Nomenclature, 8688; on AOU model law, 121122, 124125; and Audubon movement, 111, 120; background, 25; on Burroughs, John, 114; defends collecting, 114; as editor, 48, 53, 57, 6667; and founding of AOU, 46, 5152; on geographical variation, 8083; and Shufeldt scandal, 66; on subspecies, 9899; and trinomial nomenclature, 8384, 9394; on value of birds, 116; on wildlife decline, 108110, 112113

Almy, Charles, 66

amateurs, 146; and AOU, 5457, 6768; and AOU model law, 123125, 182184; Auk's dependence on, 67; divergence from expert ornithologists, 92, 100101; and scientific nomenclature, 8895, 96, 100; in ornithology, 8, 178, 208211; and professionals, 8, 154; in science, 5, 6. See also American Ornithologists’ Union—membership: associate members; community; networks

Amazon River, 104

American Bird Banding Association, 171

American Bison, Living and Extinct (Allen), 108109

American Chemical Society, 46

American Committee for International Wild Life Protection, 152

American Humane Association, 112

American Magazine of Natural Science, 16

American Museum of Natural History, 25, 104, 142, 147, 148, 149, 150, 178, 189; bird collection, 29, 61, 62, 191193; habitat groups, 45; inspires budding ornithologists, 199; and professional collectors, 41, 115; as site of first AOU meeting, 46, 52

American Nature Study Society, 14

American Ornithologist, 228n.13

American Ornithologists’ Union (AOU): and amateurs, 5457, 182184, 209; criticism of, 47, 5457, 6973, 182183, 200201; develops national plan for ornithology, 210; and Division of Economic Ornithology, 59; endowment, 183, 184, 205; first meeting in West, 73; founding of, 4, 7, 46, 5057; group photograph, 64; meeting sites, 234n.149; and nomenclatural reform, 76, 8588; and professionalization of ornithology, 5762, 67; proposal for field station, 268n.164; reform of, 8, 182184, 198205; and research standards, 88; rival organizations, 69; salaries of officers of, 203204; seeks federal aid, 5960; and Shufeldt scandal, 6367; as a social organization, 63, 6667

committees: Committee on Classification and Nomenclature of North American Birds, 53, 8688 (see also AOU Code and Checklist); Committee on Migration of Birds, 5761, 104, 143, 167; Committee on the Protection of North American Birds, 7, 106107, 111117, 118, 120, 121, 124125, 128134, 137139, 141, 143145, 146, 147148, 150153, 183 (see also AOU model law); council, 53, 5657, 59, 60, 6162, 6667, 86, 88, 92, 134, 143, 144, 152153, 203, 205; creation of, 53; nominating committee, 205; program committee, 203; research committee, 204205

membership: active members, 47, 53, 70; associate members, 47, 56, 6768, 70, 72, 73, 89, 201, 204, 206; certification function of, 5; educational background of, 185; elections in, 200201, 202, 203; elective members, 7071, 72, 73, 203204; emeritus fellows, 203, 204; fellows, 70, 7172, 200, 204, 267n.137; figures for, 68, 182; honorary members, 229n.46; policies for, 4647, 5253, 57, 6773, 89, 94, 203, 204, 233n.141; women, 71, 195, 198, 265n.97, 266n.106

American Ornithology (Wilson), 23, 7475

American Ornithology for the Home and School, 15, 158

American school of ornithology, 7, 76, 83, 90, 93

American Society of Mammalogists, 73, 148, 152

American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 111

American Society of Zoologists, 46

American Splitters’ Union, 98

American Sportsman, 30, 223n.69, 228n.13

Angell, George T., 118

animal rights, 141, 148

Antes, Frank, 137138

AOU. See American Ornithologists’ Union

AOU Code and Checklist, 76, 77, 8688, 170; lack of stability in, 95101; opposition to, from amateurs, 8895; principles of, widely adopted, 95; subspecies in, 99100

AOU model law, 116117, 122, 125; and amateur collecting, 123125; bonding requirement of, 142143; campaign to secure passage of, 133; divides ornithological community, 124, 135; effects on collecting, 142; narrow interpretation of, encouraged, 137; opposition to, 121

Appel, Toby A., 233n.141

Arbor Day, 130

archaeology, 5

Argosy, 113

Arm and Hammer Baking Soda, 162

Association of American Ornithologists, 69

astronomy, 5

Atlantic Slope Naturalist, 15

Audubon, Florence, 6365

Audubon, John James, 24, 79, 118, 173; biographical treatment of, 64; Birds of America, 7475, 103, 113; inspires ornithologists, 46; as Romantic artist, 11

Audubon, Lucy, 118

Audubon, Maria R., 64

Audubon Magazine, 119, 126, 156, 157

Audubon movement, 69, 106107, 117120; and bird collecting, 178; and birdwatching, 155156; and children, 130131; and Christmas Bird Counts, 169; creation of National Association of Audubon Societies, 134; creation of state societies, 130; ecological perspectives in, 146147, 151152; educational emphasis of, 130132; effects of, on AOU, 182183; and natural history dealers, 139; radical wing of, 135136, 141 (see also Emergency Conservation Committee); reasons for success of, 127128; religious imagery in, 105106, 142; revival of, 127; and tensions in ornithology, 128. See also American Ornithologists’ Union—committees: Committee on the Protection of North American Birds; Audubon Society; bird protection; National Association of Audubon Societies; National Audubon Society

Audubon Society, first, 117120, 125126

Auk, 6667, 8788, 115, 144, 151, 176, 179, 206; and amateur ornithologists, 67, 94, 208, 209; audience, 57; change in editorship, 202; criticism of, 182183, 199200, 201, 230n.68; editorial board, 203; founding of, 53; size of, changes in, 182, 203, 260n.3; and trinomialism, 9294

auk, great, 38, 109, 149

Austin, Oliver L., Jr., 174

authority: of experts, 19, 40; to issue collecting permits, 124, 142; nomenclatural, 76, 85, 87, 90, 93, 95; in ornithology 6, 40, 46, 47, 4849, 52, 120, 155, 181; in science, 4

automobile, 161

autonomy, 4, 6, 47, 214n.10

Babcock, C. A., 130

Bailey, Florence M., 71, 266n.106; creates first modern field guide, 156157; and nature study, 130131; and Smith College Audubon Society, 118119

Bailey, Harold H., 72

Bailey, Henry Balch, 69

Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 14

Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 24, 48, 86, 236n.14; and AOU, 52; collecting guides, 7778; on geographical distribution and variation, 7778, 81; History of North American Birds: Land Birds, 21; influence on ornithologists, 35, 5758; issues collecting manual, 33; Pacific Railroad Survey Report, 75, 79, 81; and precision in specimen description, 79; recruits collectors, 20, 26; and U.S. National Museum, 26

Baker, John, 153

Baldwin, Roger, 150

Baldwin, S. Prentiss, 172, 152, 187

Baldwin Research Laboratory, 187

Ballard, Harlan, 14

Bangs, Outram, 28

Barbour, Thomas, 186

Barnes, Richard M., 30, 92

Batchelder, Charles, 30, 143

Batty, Joseph H., 41, 115

Baynes, Ernst Harold, 255n.49

Beal, F. E. L., 239n.82

bear, black, 109

Beecher, Henry Ward, 118

Behavior of the Snow Bunting in Spring (Tinbergen), 197

behavioral studies, 75, 145, 153, 179, 185, 187, 194, 195, 197, 199, 207

Bell, Jean, 223n.60

Bell, John G., 9, 31, 129

Bendire, Charles E„ 29, 41, 102, 139, 173174, 175

Bent, Arthur Cleveland, 170, 174175, 208

Bergh, Henry, 111, 118

Bergmann, Carl, 237n.34

Berlin Zoological Museum, 190, 191

Bicknell, Eugene P., 3132

Bicknell, Mrs. F. T., photograph of, 168

bicycle, 161

binoculars, 156160, 207

biological provinces, 77. See also geographical distribution

biologists, 183

biology, 74, 154, 185186, 187, 188, 189, 200

bird banding, 171172, 193, 207, 208, 209, 196

bird clubs, 69, 163164, 169, 171. See also Bronx County Bird Club

bird collecting: aesthetic dimensions of, 21, 102; and AOU model law, 116117; benefits of, 39; criticism of, 113114, 135136, 141; dangers of, 4042; defense of, 140, 142, 143, 145146; discouraged, 137; to document bird distribution, 175, 177178; equipment, 34, 36, 39; and exchanging specimens, 2728, 39; and fraud, 3940; guides to, 3339, 157; illustration of, 22, 105; in pairs, 78; permits, 116117, 121, 124, 128, 135, 136, 137, 142143, 144, 145, 146, 151, 152, 178 (see also AOU model law); rare and endangered species, 7, 44, 3637, 38, 102106, 115, 124, 139, 146, 151153, 252n.155; and research collections, 7879; restrictions on, 36, 123125, 128, 142, 144, 146, 151153, 178 (see also AOU model law); scientific, 107; and scientific ornithology, 5, 121, 125; in a series, 2730, 7879, 83; shift away from, 206; specimen data, 3435; specimen preservation techniques, 2223, 3435; study skins, 79; tension with bird protection, 106107, 173; tension with birdwatching, 173; and women, 4345. See also collecting; egg collecting

bird collections: Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 2324, 61; American Museum of Natural History, 29, 6162; Bangs, Outram, 28; Bishop, Louis B., 28; Boardman, George A., 2627; Boston Society of Natural History, 24, 33, 61; Boys, Captain, Indian collection, 23; Brewster, William, 28; Dwight, Jonathan, 2829; Elliot, D. G., 62; Field Museum, 28; Fleming, James, 28; Gould, John, 23; Lafresnaye, Count de Falaise, 24; Lawrence, George N., 62; Massena, Prince d’Essling, 23; Mearns, Edgar A., 62; Museum of Comparative Zoology, 25, 28, 186; Peale’s Philadelphia Museum, 23; Peet, Max, 28; private, 24; Rothschild, Walter, 192; sale of, as source of income, 25, 221n.34; Smith, Herbert H., 62; Smithsonian Institution, 26, 78. See also egg collections

Bird Day, 130

bird feeders, 156

bird forms, number of North American, 9697

Bird Guide (Reed), 158, 194

bird identification, guides to, 8, 3339, 156159, 165, 225n.11. See also field identification

bird migration, study of, 5761, 154, 169172, 207, 231n.76

bird protection: and bird collecting, 106107; divides ornithological community, 124126; legislation, 110, 116117, 132133, 142, 170 (see also AOU model law); media coverage of, 120; opposition to, 120125; rational for, 116; reasons for success of, movement, 127128; and taxidermists, 123; and wildlife refuges, 133134; women’s involvement in, 131; and young ornithologists, 137. See also American Ornithologists’ Union—committees: Committee on the Protection of North American Birds; Audubon movement

Bird Song (Greenewalt), 209

Bird Studies with a Camera (Chapman), 161

bird study, motivations for, 161. See also ornithology

Bird-Banding, 197

Birdcraft (Wright), 195

“Bird-Killing as a Method in Ornithology” (Robbins), 135136

Bird-Life (Chapman), 158

Bird-Lore, 106, 132, 150, 177; and Christmas Bird Count, 167169; mission of, 157

birds: in advertising, 162; aesthetic value of, 116, 130, 156, 161, 180; and agriculture, 5960; anthropomorphic depictions of, 43, 118, 197, 211; as commodities, 172173; economic value of, 116, 130, 122; emotional bond with, 156, 161, 180; and fashion, 113; in symbolism and folklore, 211

Birds of America (Audubon), 46, 7475, 103, 113

Birds of the Cambridge Region (Brewster), 176177

Birds of Middle and North America (Ridgway), 74, 199

Birds of the New York City Region (Griscom), 178

Birds of Oklahoma (Nice and Nice), 196

Birds through an Opera Glass (Bailey), 156157

birds of prey, 208. See also eagle; hawk

Birds in Village and Field (Bailey), 157

birdwatching, 3, 78, 68, 153; census studies, 170171; changes in values promoting, 161; competition in, 166, 180181; equipment for, 156161; growth of interest in, 154165; guide to, 194; and life-history studies, 172175; and listing, 166167, 180, 194, 256n.64; and Mayr, Ernst, 193195; migration studies, 169170; motivations for, 180; networks, 165169, 208; origin and use of term, 253n.3; and sight records, 175180; and tensions with collecting, 173; and tensions within ornithology, 180

Birtwell, Francis J., 42

Bishop, Louis B., 28

bison, 38, 102, 107109, 121, 136

blackbird, red-winged, 80, 82, 189

Blanchan, Neltje, 157, 165

Blasius, J. H., 236n.25

Boardman, George A., 2627, 31

bobcat, 148

Bonaparte, Charles Lucien, 23, 79

Bond, Frank, 134

Boston Society of Natural History, 24, 61

botany, 5, 227n.152

boundaries: in ornithology, 47, 54, 73, 89, 107, 135, 137; in science, 4, 46, 89. See also community

Boys, Captain, 23

Brant, Irving, 150

Breeding Bird Census, 171, 194

Brewer, Thomas Mayo, 24, 4950, 173

Brewster, William, 53, 61, 125, 137138, 174, 184; and AOU, 46, 5052, 53, 65, 86, 129; background, 28; and bird collecting, 39, 42, 124; on bird destruction, 111112; Birds of the Cambridge Region, 176177; and Brewster’s warbler, 177; and Chamberlain, Montague, 56; on collectors and taxidermists, 121; on instability of nomenclature, 96, 9798; interest in hunting, 33; and Massachusetts Audubon Society, 127; and Nuttall Ornithological Club, 4748, 5051; photograph of, 26, 105, 115; on sight records, 176177

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 75, 86, 90

British Ornithologists’ Union, 53

Broley, Charles, 208

Bronowski, Jacob, 210211

Bronx County Bird Club, 179, 193195, 209

Bronx Zoo, 136, 199

Brooks, Allan, 168

Bryant, Henry, 24

Bryant, Henry Child, 150151, 153

Bryant, William Cullen, 11

buffalo, 38, 102, 107109, 121, 136

Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, 48, 51, 53, 84, 176, 206

Bureau of the Biological Survey, 138, 143, 147, 201; bird banding program, 171172, 208; bird census program, 170171; and bird protection movement, 128; criticized, 150; founding of, 5961; migration studies, 169172, 196; predator-control program, 148, 151; staff of, dominates AOU, 201

Burkhardt, Richard W., Jr., 196

Burns, Frank L., 174

Burroughs, John, 56, 113114, 118119

Butts, Wilber, 266n.104

cabinet of curiosities, 9

Cahoon, John C., 42

Cairns, John S., 41

California Academy of Sciences, 100

Canada, ornithological research in, 215n.22

cardinal, 155, 177

Carey, Henry R., 147148, 150

caribou, 109

Carpenter, Frederic H., 123

cartoons, 98, 163, 164, 202

Cassin, John, 24, 30, 43

Cassinia, 201

Castle, W. W., 122

census studies, 166169, 170171, 180181, 257n.86

certification: in ornithology, 47, 73, 190, 207; in science, 5

Chamberlain, Montague, 172; on accessible scientific writing, 89; on amateurs in AOU, 5657; and Auk, 53, 57; criticizes American school of ornithology, 90; offers to buy O and O, 56; on opposition to AOU, 5556; on trinomial nomenclature, 9293

Chapin, James, 148, 191, 269n.170

Chapman, Fannie Embury, 4445

Chapman, Frank M., 37, 144, 162, 184, 189, 191, 193; and American Museum of Natural History, 62, 104; background, 103104; and bird protection movement, 106, 130; Bird-Lore, 132, 150; and Christmas Bird Count, 167169; collecting experiences, 4445; and cooperative bird study, 174; on Crisis in Conservation, 150; on emotional impact of birds, 161; as field guide author, 157158, 165; interest in hunting, 33; and Pelican Island, 133; photograph of, 105; and popular interest in birds, 207; on pressure to collect specimens, 173; on reform of AOU, 70; on sight records, 177178; on social structure of ornithology, 5; on stability of common names, 96; Warblers of North America, 174; and wildlife photography, 161

Check-list of the Birds of the World (Peters), 186

Check List of North American Birds (Coues), 3536, 85

Childs, John Lewis, 2930, 7172

Christmas Bird Count, 167169, 193, 195, 208, 209

Church and Co., 162

Cincinnati Natural History Society, 120

Cincinnati Zoo, 106, 108

Cole, Leon J., 171, 268n.165

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 142

collecting: aesthetic dimensions of, 17; benefits of, 3, 1213; conflicts over, 1819; guides to, 14, 20, 25, 26; as leisure activity, 12; motivations for, 9, 21; natural history, 918; networks, 7, 21, 2427; of rare and endangered species, 38; specimen catalogs, 18; stamp, 12. See also bird collecting; egg collecting; natural history

collectors: challenge authority of scientists, 40; directories of, 13, 206207, 226n.132; provide specimens for scientists, 154, 155. See also bird collecting; egg collecting; natural history

Collectors’ Monthly, 15

Color Key to North American Birds (Chapman), 158, 159

Colorado Ornithological Association, 234n.146

coloration of animals, debate over, 4

community, 42, 74; bird collecting, 28, 40, 43, 89, 135, 140; natural history, 10, 1719, 24, 25; ornithological, 21, 24, 28, 45, 67, 92,101, 106, 165, 173; ornithological, growth of, 200, 206207; ornithological, tensions within, 68, 47, 51, 54, 57, 73, 76, 94, 97, 99, 122, 128, 180; scientific, 5, 6, 215n.21; sport hunting, 3032, 33, 110. See also boundaries; networks

competitive exclusion, 187

competition in birdwatching, 166167, 180181

Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen (Forester), 30

Comstock, Anna Botsford, 14

Comstock, John H., 189

Condor, 69, 71, 97, 186, 197, 198; amateur contributions to, 209

Connecticut Audubon Society, 132

“Conserve the Collector” (Grinnell), 145

Cooke, May Thatcher, 171, 266n.106

Cooke, Wells W., 170171, 174

Cooper Ornithological Club, 6970, 186

cooperation, in scientific research, 6. See also networks

Cornell, 178, 188189, 196, 199

Cory, Charles B., 33, 86, 141

Coues, Elliott, 43, 48, 53, 61; and AOU bird protection committee, 129; and AOU Committee on Classification and Nomenclature, 8687; background, 35; Check List of North American Birds, 85; on collecting, 17, 27, 140; and employment in ornithology, 62; and English sparrows, 49; Field Ornithology, 36, 37; and founding of AOU, 46, 5152; influence on ornithologists, 37; Key to North American Birds, 35, 37, 83, 156, 166; and Ridgway, Robert, 38, 51, 84; and Shufeldt scandal, 63, 6566; and trinomial nomenclature, 83, 85

country clubs, 11, 111

Cowbirds (Friedmann), 199

coyote, 147, 148

Craig, Wallace, 197

crane: sandhill, 110; whooping, 110, 149

credentials, 185

Crisis in Conservation (Miller, Van Name, and Quinn), 148150

Crispin, William B., 41

crow, 149

culture of collecting, 910. See also bird collecting; collecting; networks

curlew, Eskimo, 149

Custer, George Armstrong, 117

cytology, 185, 186

Daggett, Frank S., 70

Darwin, Charles, 27, 77, 78, 81, 83, 191, 237n.36

Darwinian revolution, 110

Davie, Oliver, 34, 38

Davison, F. Trubee, 192

Dawson, William Leon, 96, 166167, 168, 180

DDT, 208

dealers, natural history. See natural history: dealers

Deane, Ruthven, 47, 228n.13

deer, Virginia, 109

Delaware Valley Ornithological Club, 69, 132, 147

Delineator, 113

“Directions for Collecting Birds” (Ridgway), 38

Directory of Ornithologists, 206207

discipline formation: in ornithology, 4, 7, 46, 53, 73, 89, 155, 175, 207; in science, 75, 89, 185, 213n.4

District of Columbia Audubon Society, 141

diversity of scientific communities, 6

Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy, 5961, 116, 143. See also Bureau of the Biological Survey

Division of Entomology, 60

Division of the Biological Survey, 61. See also Bureau of the Biological Survey

Dixon, Fred J., 104

Du Pont Company, 149, 209

duck, Labrador, 38, 149

Dugmore, A. Radclyffe, 161

Dunlap, Thomas, 147

Dutcher, Basil, 129

Dutcher, William, 6768; and AOU bird protection committee, 127, 128, 131, 133, 134, 144; background, 129; on collecting, 136, 140141; and federal wildlife refuges, 133134; hires wardens, 133; and National Association of Audubon Societies, 134; photograph of, 129; and state Audubon societies, 130

Dwight, Jonathan, 2829, 154155, 193

Dwight Baking Soda, 162

eagle, 147; bald, 147, 149, 151, 208

Eastern Bird Banding Association, 171

Eastlake, Charles, 12

ecology, 146150, 151152, 153, 179, 185, 187, 189

economic ornithology, 59, 116, 207

Edge, Rosalie, 150, 153

Egerton, Harold, 209

egg collecting, 4344; compared to stamp collecting, 138; dangers of, 4142; debates surrounding, 139142; discouraged, 137, 138139; fraud, 40; guides to, 3839; illustration of, 22; and life-history data, 173175; preservation techniques, 22; rare and endangered species, 142, 152; repudiated by scientific ornithologists, 107; restrictions on, 128. See also bird collecting

egg collections: Barnes, Richard M., 30; Bell, Jean, 223n.60; Bendire, Charles E., 29; Childs, John Lewis, 2930, 7172; Field Museum, 30; Morse, George W., photograph of, 140; Norris, J. Parker, Jr. and Sr., 29; Smithsonian Institution, 29

egret, 114

Eliot, Charles, 186

elk, 109

Elliot, D. G„ 62, 65, 144

embryology, 185, 186

Emergency Conservation Committee, 150, 152153

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 11

Emlen, John, 189

employment opportunities in science, 5. See also professionalization

endangered species. See bird collecting: rare and endangered species; extinction

Enlightenment, Romantic reaction to, 11

entomology, 5

Essay on Classification (Agassiz), 77

ethology, 195, 197. See also behavioral studies

evolution, 94

Evolution, 198

experimentation, biological, 185, 207

explorers as conservationists, 107

Extermination of the Bison (Hornaday), 136

extinction, 38, 146147, 149150, 151, 152; discovery of, 107111, 117. See also bird collecting: rare and endangered species

Faber, Frederik, 237n.34

falcon, peregrine, 41, 194

Farber, Paul L., 2223, 75

Field and Stream, 30

field glasses, 159160, 176

Field Guide to the Birds (Peterson), 179

field guides, 8, 3339, 225n.11; development of, 156159; sales figures for, 165

field identification, 145, 156159, 175180, 193, 207. See also field guides; sight records

Field Museum, 28, 30

Field Ornithology (Coues), 36, 37

finch, purple, 20; serin, 191

Finley, William, 161

Fisher, A. K., 58, 60, 142, 143, 147

Fisher, Walter K., 142

Flagg, Wilson, 227n.155

flamingo, 149

Fleming, James, 28

flicker, 174, 196

Floyd, William H., 33

Forest and Stream, 30, 31, 54, 112, 170, 223n.70; Grinnell purchases, 117; publishes early notices of bird decline, 122

Forester, Frank, 30

Forty Years Notes of a Field Ornithologist (Krider), 33

Frank B. Webster’s Naturalists’ Supply Depot, 139

fraud, 3940, 175

Fresh Pond, 39

Friedmann, Herbert, 189; as AOU president, 204205; background, 199; criticism of AOU, 182183, 199200; and Nice, Margaret M., 201; and reform of AOU, 203

Fulton Market, 31

Gage, Simon H., 189

game management, 207

game markets, 31

Garrett, H., 139

genetics, 185, 186, 204

geographical distribution, 60, 75, 7778, 166, 170171, 187. See also migration studies

geographical variation, 76, 7985, 87, 93, 100. See also nomenclature: trinomial; subspecies

German Ornithological Society, 193

Gill, Theodore, 86, 99100

Gloger, Constantin, 81

Gloger-Middendorff school, 237n.39

godwit, Hudsonian, 149

Goodale and Frazer, 18

Gordon, G. E., 112, 118

Goss, N. S., 59

Gould, John, 23

graduate training: in American universities, 185; in biology, 185190; in ornithology, 56, 47, 73, 179, 184190, 205, 207, 260n.20; in science, 5

Gray, John Edward, 12

grebe, Holboell, 141

Greenewalt, Crawford, 208209

Grinnell, George B., 52; and AOU bird protection committee, 112; and Audubon Magazine, 119120; background, 117; and first Audubon society, 117120, 126

Grinnell, Joseph, 198, 205; and AOU membership survey, 182183; background, 186187; and bird conservation, 150, 151; caricature of, 98, 188; and Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 187; promotes reform of AOU, 200; on scientific collecting, 145146; tracks number of North American bird forms, 9697

Griscom, Ludlow, 178179, 189, 193, 195

grosbeak, red-breasted, 162

Guide to Bird Watching (Hickey), 194

gull, 111114

guns, 29, 34, 36, 39,41,43

habitat exhibits, 23, 45

Hall, Minna B., 127

Hallock, Charles, 31

Handbook of Birds of Eastern North America (Chapman), 157158

Handbook of Birds of the Western United States (Bailey), 157

Handbook of Nature Study (Comstock), 14

Hardy, Fannie, 118

Hardy, Manly, 56, 226n.134

Harlow, Richard C., 4142

Harper's Bazar, 113

Harrison, Nell, 43

Harvard, 48, 186

Hatch, William H., 60

hawk, 143, 147148; duck, 41, 194; zonetailed, 41

Hayden, Ferdinand, 58

Hayden Survey, 59

Heinroth, Oscar, 196197

Hemenway, Harriet Lawrence, 127

hen, heath, 110, 149

Henshaw, Henry W., 39, 47, 86

Herbert, Richard, 194

heron, 111, 114, 115

Herrick, Francis H., 161, 187, 197

Hickey, Joseph, 194195

Hicks, Lawrence E., 204

Hints on Household Taste (Eastlake), 12

“Hints to Audubon Workers” (Bailey), 156

Hints to Young Birds Students (Stone), 138139

Hints to Young Sportsmen (Lewis), 30

histology, 186

History of North American Birds: Land Birds (Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway), 21

Hodge, Clifton F., 14, 195

Hoosier Naturalist, 16

Hornaday, William T., 38, 102, 136, 239n.82

How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers (Wood), 163

Hoxie, Walter, 37, 39

Hudson River School, 11

Hull, Walter B., 94

humanitarians, 106, 110111, 112, 188

Hummingbirds (Greenewalt), 209

humor, 69, 9091, 9798, 163, 188, 202

hunting. See market hunting; sport hunting

Huxley, Julian, 154

ibis, 114

Ibis, 53

illustrations, 43-44, 7475, 94, 173, 174; in held guides, 156158, 253n.16; photographs, 160161, 187, 189; tables, 79, 80, 8183

Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Ohio Birds (Jones and Jones), 4344

Indian River, 133

Ingersoll, Ernest, 69

Inland Bird Banding Association, 171

International Code of Nomenclature, 76, 95

International Congress of Zoology: Fifth, 76, 95; Fourth, 95

International Ornithological Conference: Eighth, 197; First, 59

International Physiological Conference, 196

Iowa Ornithological Association, 234n.146

Jencks, Fred T, 56

Jesup, Morris K., 62

Job, Herbert K., 161

Jones, Genevieve Estelle, 4344

Jones, Howard, 44

Jones, Lynds, 44, 166167, 174

Jordan, David Starr, 8788, 189

Journal für Ornithologie, 183, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201

Junior Audubon Societies, 131

Junior Audubon Society of Sutton, West, Virginia, picture of, 131

Kalmbach, E. R. 188, 202

Kassoy, Irving, 193194

Kellogg, Peter Paul, 189

Kendeigh, S. C., 268n.165

Key to North American Birds (Coues), 35, 37, 83, 156, 166

Keyser, Leander, 135

King, Clarence, 20

kite, swallow-tailed, 177

Kofoid, Charles A., 186

Krider, John, 3233

Kuerzi, Richard, 194

laboratories, biological, 185186, 188

Lacey Act, 133

Lafresnaye, Count de Falaise, 24

Langdon, Frank W., 120121

Langille, James H., 255n.53

Langley, S. P., 65

Lattin, Frank H, 17, 3839, 91, 139

law of priority, 86, 95, 96, 240n.110

Lawrence, George N., 24, 48, 62

Lawrence Scientific School, 24, 48

League of American Sportsmen, 133

Lechevalier, Alfred, 114

LeConte, Joseph, 236n.14

legitimation, 94

leisure, appreciation of, 11, 12

Leopold, Aldo, 194, 198

Lewis, Elisha J., 30

Lewis, Graceanna, 43

Life Histories of North American Birds (Bendire), 139, 173174, 175

Life Histories of North American Birds (Bent), 170, 174175, 208

life history studies, 70, 7475, 153, 154, 166, 172175, 189, 193, 197

Lincoln, Frederick C., 172, 179, 269n.14

Linnaean Society of New York, 171, 193194, 195

Linnaeus, 84, 86, 95

listing, 166167, 180, 194, 256n.64

Loomis, Leverett Μ., 100

Lorenz, Konrad, 197

Lorquin, Ernest F., 230n.70

Los Angeles Audubon Society, 168

Lowun, Alfhild Dagny, 65

Lucas, Frederic A., 122

Ludlow, William, 117

lynx, 109

McAtee, W. L., 68, 180, 201202

McCormick, L. Μ., 122

McGregor, Richard, 70, 98

Maclure, William, 23

Maienschein, Jane, 185

Maine Ornithological Society, 234n.146

“Mammals and Winter Birds of East Florida” (Allen), 8183

Manual of North American Birds (Ridgway), 3738, 156

Manual of the Ornithology of the U.S. and Canada (Nuttall), 48

Mark, E. L., 186

market hunting, 107, 108, 110, 112113. See also millinery trade

Marsh, O. C., 117

Massachusetts Audubon Society, 127

Massena, Prince d’Essling, 23

Matuszewski, John, 194

Maxwell, Martha, 43

Mayfield, Harold, 8

Maynard, C. J., 48, 54, 56, 228n.13; and MCZ, 221n.36; Naturalist’s Guide, 3335; and opposition to AOU, 5556

Mayr, Ernst, 184, 190195, 209, 211; on amateur ornithologists, 6, 210; on American ornithological societies, 69; and birdwatching, 193195; elected to AOU fellowship, 204; and evolutionary synthesis, 207; and Linnaean Society of New York, 193194, 198; and Nice, Margaret M., 196198, 201; and reform of AOU, 8, 199, 203204

Mearns, Edgar A., 58, 62, 98

Medico-Legal Society of New York, 65

Mendelsohn, Everett, 4

Meriden (N.H.) Bird Club, 255n.49

Merriam, C. Hart, 54, 71, 86, 104, 129, 143, 144; on amateurs in the AOU, 5657; and AOU bird migration committee, 53, 5861; background, 5758; on bird protection, 112; calls for paid bird curators, 6162; founder of Linnaean Society of New York, 69; heads Division of Economic Ornithology, 6061; learns taxidermy, 32; on metric system, 88; on nomenclatural chaos, 85; and Shufeldt scandal, 66

Merriam, Florence. See Bailey, Florence M.

meteorology, 5

Methods in the Art of Taxidermy (Davie), 34

metric system, 88

Michigan Ornithological Club, 234n.146

migration studies, 5761, 154, 166, 169172, 207; in Europe, 59, 231n.76

Migratory Bird Act, 170

migratory flyways, 257n.103

Miller, Alden H., 187, 200, 268n.165

Miller, Howard, 5

Miller, Olive Thorne, 71

Miller, W. DeWitt, 148149, 150

Miller, Warner, 60

millinery trade, 32,41, 111, 112113, 114, 116, 117, 122, 123, 127; opposition to bird protection, 120; and scientific collecting, 135

Minot, Henry D., 50, 52, 5556

Mitchell, E. C., 1213

Mitman, Gregg, 196

moose, 109

morphology, 63, 75, 77, 81, 89, 207

Morse, George W., 140

Mortensen, Christian, 171

mountain lion, 148

Murphy, Robert C., 191, 192, 200

Museum of Comparative Zoology, 23, 62, 108, 178, 202; bird collection, 25, 28, 186; founding and early years, 2427; natural history focus of, 185186

Museum of Natural History (at Michigan), 188

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 145, 187, 198

museums: development of research collections, 7879; habitat exhibits, 23, 45. See also Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; American Museum of Natural History; Boston Society of Natural History; Museum of Comparative Zoology; U.S. National Museum

National Association of Audubon Societies, 128, 134, 143, 149, 150, 152153, 157, 169. See also National Audubon Society

National Audubon Society, 134, 171, 194. See also National Association of Audubon Societies

national parks, 11, 111, 117, 149

National Research Council, 199, 268n.164

National Science Foundation, 210

nationalism, 76, 87. See also American school of ornithology

native Americans, 41, 108

natural history: aesthetic dimensions of, 17, 21, 102; collecting, 3, 1213, 21; conflicts in, 1719; dealers, 10, 15, 16, 17, 21, 38, 42, 48, 56, 107, 137, 139, 158; descriptive tradition in, 185; employment prospects in, 3; exchanging specimens, 2728; guides to collecting, 14, 20; periodicals devoted to, 10, 1417; public interest in, 3, 7; societies devoted to, 1314; specimen catalogs, 18; standards in, 187. See also bird collecting; collecting; egg collecting

Natural History of Birds (Lewis), 43

Natural Science Bulletin, 17

natural theology, 9, 216n.5

naturalists: as conservationists, 107; directories of, 13, 206207, 226n.132

Naturalists’ Agency, 35

Naturalists’ Directory, 1314

Naturalists’ Leisure Hour and Monthly Bulletin, 16

nature: appreciation of, 11, 111; desire for contact with, 12; as a resource, 11, 17, 21, 27, 172173; as a wasteland, 11

nature fakers debate, 4

nature study, 14, 130131

Nature Study Review, 14

nature writing, 12

Naumberg, Elsie, 266n.106

Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, 234n.146

neo-Lamarckians, 237n.36

Nests and Eggs of North American Birds (Davie), 38

networks: Agassiz’s reliance on, 25, 77; Baird’s reliance on, 26, 7778; bird banding, 171172, 208; birdwatching, 154, 165169, 180, 208; census monitoring, 170171; collecting, 7, 21, 2427, 187; correspondence, 10; life history data gathering, 172175; migration monitoring, 5859, 169170, 231n.76; in ornithology, 8, 67, 181; in science, 6, 215n.21

New England Bird Banding Association, 171

New Haven Bird Club, 171

New Jersey Audubon Society, 148

New York Forest, Fish, and Game Commission, 142

New York Times, 149

New York Zoological Park, 199

New York Zoological Society, 136

New Yorker, 163

Newkirk, Garrett, 141

Nice, Leonard Blaine, 195

Nice, Margaret Morse, 195198, 227n.156, 268n.165; and the AOU, 201, 204; rejected as editor of Auk, 269n.170

niche, 187

nomenclature: binomial, 84, 95; botanical and zoological, relationship between, 95; codes of, 75, 240n.106; color, 88; common names, 89, 92, 94, 96, 239n.82; and evolution, 94; and founding of AOU, 51; International Code of Nomenclature, 76, 95; law of priority, 86, 95, 96, 240n.110; lumping, 96100; nomina conservanda, 240n.110; ornithologists criticized for preoccupation with, 114, 140; proliferation of scientific names, 76; reform of, 7, 76, 8586; scientific, criticism of, 19, 54, 76; splitting, 96100, 114; stability, lack of, 76, 95101; Strickland Code, 75, 86, 90, 93; test of intergradation, 83, 87; trinomial, 7, 76, 8385, 87, 9394, 95, 237n.39; trinomial, opposition to, 9293, 8895, 96100. See also American school of ornithology; AOU Code and Checklist; subspecies

Nomenclature of Colors for Naturalists (Ridgway), 88

Nomenclature of North American Birds (Ridgway), 85

Norris, J. Parker, Jr., 29, 139140

Norris, J. Parker, Sr., 29, 39

North American Oology (Brewer), 173

Northeastern Bird Banding Association, 171

Northrup, W. DeForrest, 124

Nuttall, Thomas, 48, 173

Nuttall Ornithological Club, 4750, 53, 54, 206, 223n.69

Oberholser, Harry C., 98

Oberlin, 166

observation of birds. See birdwatching

Oologist, 17, 39, 9192

Oologists’ Advertiser, 15

Oologists ’ Handbook (Lattin), 3839

oology, 218n.35. See also egg collecting; egg collections

opera glasses, 159160

Origin of Species (Darwin), 27, 77, 78, 81, 83

ornithological societies, 69, 234n.146; AOU cooperation with, 205; and bird clubs, 163164. See also American Ornithologists’ Union; bird clubs; Cooper Ornithological Club; Linnaean Society of New York; Nuttall Ornithological Club; Wilson Ornithological Club

Ornithologist and Oologist, 17, 5456, 91, 170, 176; on AOU, 69, 89; on bird protection, 122125; illustration of cover of, 55; on nomenclatural chaos, 85

ornithologists: and bird protection, 106, 228 (see also American Ornithologists’ Union—committees: Committee on the Protection of North American Birds; bird protection); directories of, 226n.132; and extinction, 149150; and social responsibility, 106; threats to authority of, 181; training of, 145146 (see also graduate training: in ornithology). See also American Ornithologists’ Union; bird collecting; egg collecting; ornithology

ornithology: avian inventories in, 7475, 79, 154, 172; in Canada, 215n.22; changes in, 7475, 145146, 153, 179, 206208; conflict in, 135; dependence on amateurs in, 56, 182184, 208211 (see also amateurs); development of research collections, 7879; diffusion of European work to America, 197; as discipline in Europe, 75 (see also discipline formation: in ornithology); diversification of research in, 189190, 207; economic, 116, 207, 59; employment opportunities in, 3, 190, 173, 176, 190, 207 (see also professionalization: in ornithology); Europeans describe North American birds, 83; motivations for doing, 161, 211; professionalization in (see professionalization: in ornithology); research standards in, 79, 8183, 88, 182183, 184, 187, 190; scientific vs. popular, 7475, 99101; and sport hunting, 3033 (see also sport hunting); tabular presentation of research data in, 79, 8183; and taxidermy, 3133 (see also taxidermy); taxonomic focus of, 47, 74, 186 (see also nomenclature; systematics); threats to science of, 146; training in, 166, 200 (see also graduate training); women in, 43, 48, 71, 157 (see also women). See also American Ornithologists’ Union; American school of ornithology; bird collecting; bird-watching; behavioral studies; life history studies; migration studies

Osgood, Wilfred H., 98, 100

Osprey, 140

owl, 143, 147; barn, 194

Owl, 16

Pacific Railroad Survey Report, 75, 79, 81

paleontology, 63, 199

Pallas, Peter Simon, 237n.34

Palmer, T. S., 68, 180181, 200, 203; caricature of, 202; criticism of, 201202; and Lacey Act, 133; lobbies for AOU model law, 133;

panther, 109

parakeet, Carolina, 102106, 110, 149; Audubon’s depiction of, 103

parks, 11, 111, 193

Peale, Charles Willson, 23

Peale’s Philadelphia Museum, 23

Pearson, T. Gilbert, 149, 150

Peet, Max, 28

pelican, 44, 114, 133

Pelican Island, 133134

Pennsylvania Audubon Society, 132

periodicals, growth in, 1011. See also natural history: periodicals devoted to

personal equation, 176

pesticides, 208

Peters, James, 186, 200

Peterson, Roger Tory, 159, 165, 179

Pettingill, Olin S., Jr., 189

photography, 160161, 187, 189, 209

physicians, as ornithologists, 24, 28, 29, 44, 58, 120, 143, 191

physiology, 153, 204

pigeon, passenger, 102, 107108, 110, 121, 149

plover, golden, 149; upland, 149; Wilson’s, 129

pochard, red-crested, 190

poetry, 69, 9091, 163

Pond, J. Warren, 142

Population Study of the Song Sparrow (Nice), 198

postal rates, 14, 15

practice, ornithological. See bird banding; bird collecting; birdwatching; collecting; egg collecting; ornithology

Preble, Edward A., 201

predators, 147, 148, 151. See also eagle; hawk

prestige, 6, 72

Prince, Charles H., 15

printing technologies, 10

“Problems in Field Identification” (Griscom), 178

profession: definition of, in science, 45, 6, 154; in ornithology, 7; relationship with amateurs, 8 (see also amateurs)

professional-amateur public system, 5, 6

professionalization, 184, 214n.10; credentials, 185; in ornithology, 4, 5, 6, 8, 46, 53, 5762, 73, 92, 100101, 175176, 190, 207208, 209, 210; resistance to, 6; in science, 4, 5, 213n.4

psychology, 204

Purdie, Henry A., 48

Putnam, Frederic Ward, 13

quail, bobwhite, 195

Quinn, Davis, 148

railroad, 10, 108, 109

Ralph, William L., 174

Random Notes on Natural History, 16

raven, 41, 42

records of occurrence, 177

“Red-winged Blackbird” (Allen), 189

Reed, Charles K., 158

Reed, Chester A., 158, 165, 194

Règles internationales de la Nomenclature zoologique, 95

Reiger, John, 110

Reingold, Nathan, 5, 214n.14

Richmond, Charles, 199

Ridgway, John L., 162, 174

Ridgway, Robert, 53, 90, 184, 199; advice to young ornithologists, 3; background, 2021; Birds of Middle and North America, 74; on color nomenclature, 88; and Coues, Elliott, 38, 51, 84; “Directions for Collecting Birds,” 38; History of North American Birds: Land Birds, 21; Manual of North American Birds, 3738, 156; on nomenclature, 8486

Riker, Clarence B., 104

Riley, C. V., 60

Riley, Joseph H., 199

Ritter, William E., 186

robin, American, 9596

Robbins, Reginald C., 135136

Rockefeller Foundation, 199

Rodgers, Daniel, 12

Romanticism, 11, 1718, 111, 155156

Roosevelt, Theodore, 9, 31, 50, 133134

Rothschild, Walter, 191, 192

Ruthven, Alexander, 186187

Sage, John Hall, 5455, 66

sandpiper, buff-breasted, 149

Sanford, Leonard C., 28, 191192

Saunders, Howard, 61

Schultze, Eliza J., 4344

Science, 112

scientific societies, 10, 1314; membership policies of, 46, 67. See also ornithological societies

Sclater, Philip L., 23, 61, 236n.14

Scott, W. E. D., 32, 48, 114115, 230n.70

Scripps Institution of Biological Research, 186

seal, 38

Sebastian River, 102, 104

Seebohm, Henry, 93

Sennett, George B., 52, 112, 125

Seton, Ernest T., 158, 239n.82

Sherman, Althea, 196, 266n.106

Sherwood, George H., 150

Shields, G. O., 133

shrike, Northern, 91

Shufeldt, Florence Audubon, 6365

Shufeldt, Robert, 6367

sight records, 8, 175180, 181, 193; concern about, 154155; criticized, 145

Singer Manufacturing Co., 162

Smith, Herbert H., 62

Smith College Audubon Society, 118, 156

Smithsonian Institution, 26, 84, 136, 138, 173175, 200; photograph of bird collection, 78; and Shufeldt, Robert, 63, 65. See also U.S. National Museum

social worlds, 6, 215n.21

Society of American Taxidermists, 121

Society for the Study of Evolution, 198

Southwick and Jencks, 16

sparrow: dusky seaside, 44; English, 4850, 53, 61, 90; field, 44; song, 196, 197, 198

sparrow wars, 4750

species. See geographical variation; nomenclature; subspecies; variation in species

sport hunters: as conservationists, 106, 110; 133; as members of collecting networks, 21; and ornithology, 5, 3033

sport hunting: and Audubon movement, 133; origins of, 30; and ornithology, 3033

Sportsman's Companion, 30

Spy Glass, 16

spyglass, 159

St. Nicholas Magazine, 14

status, 4, 6, 146, 200, 207

Stebbins, Robert A., 5

Stejneger, Leonhard, 6, 86

Stone, Witmer, 189, 200, 208; on AOU, 72, 73; on AOU bird protection committee, 144145; attacked for excessive collecting, 139; and Auk, 183184, 201, 202; background, 132; discourages collecting, 137, 138; on taxidermists, 136; on trends in American ornithology, 206207

Stresemann, Er win, 183, 190, 191, 197, 200

Strickland Code, 75, 86, 90, 93

Studies in the Life History of the Song Sparrow (Nice), 197198

subspecies, 7, >87, 88, 9394, 95, 96, 97, 175, 237n.39; creation of new, 206; criticism of concept, 207; development of concept, 7685; field identification of, 145; as nascent species, 83; proliferation of, 98100; test of intergradation for, 83, 87. See also geographical variation; nomenclature

subourbs, 11, 111

Sutton, George S., 189

swallow, tree, 194

swan, trumpeter, 110, 149

swift, chimney, 196

Swiss Cross, 14

Systema Naturae (Linnaeus), 86, 95

systematics, 47, 199, 204, 206, 207, 235n.1; as core activity in ornithology, 53, 74, 75, 154, 189190. See also AOU Code and Checklist; nomenclature; subspecies

tables, use of to present data, 79, 80, 8183. See also illustrations

tanager, 159; scarlet, 155, 163

Taverner, P. A., 268n.165

taxidermists, 17, 48, 3133, 58, 116, 159; and bird protection, 121122, 123, 136137; and collecting networks, 21; contributions to ornithology by, 5; invited to join AOU, 56; and museum collecting, 139. See also Joseph H. Batty; John G. Bell; W. W. Castle, Oliver Davie; William T. Hornaday; John Krider; C. J. Maynard; John Wallace; Frank Blake Webster; Frederic S. Webster; Chris Wood

taxidermy: lessons in, 9; manuals of, 38; and ornithology, 21, 3133; preservation techniques, 2223, 3435

Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting (Hornaday), 38

taxonomy. See AOU Code and Checklist; nomenclature; subspecies; systematics

Taylor, Henry Reed, 3

telegraph, 10, 108, 109

tern, 111, 114; sandwich, 115

territory theory, 197

Thayer, Abbott, 133

Thayer, John, 28

Thoreau, Henry David, 11, 118, 159

Tinbergen, Niko, 197

Torrey, Bradford, 56

Townsend, John Kirk, 24

trade cards, birds depicted on, 162

Transactions of the Linnaean Society of New York, 198

Transcendentalism, 11, 111

Trefethen, James B., 110

Trotter, Spencer, 21, 32

turkey, 110

turtle, box, 7980

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 5961

U.S. Exploring Expedition, 26

U.S. Fish Commission, 171

U.S. Geographical Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel, 20

U.S. Geological Survey, 35

U.S. National Museum, 26, 122, 138, 182, 199. See also Smithsonian Institution

U.S. National Zoo, 136

U.S. Northern Boundary Survey, 35

University of California, Berkeley, 186187

University of Michigan, 187, 188

Urner, Charlie, 194, 198

Van Name, Willard G., 148, 149, 150

Van Tyne, Josselyn, 188, 194, 205

variation in species, 27, 28, 78, 8183, 87, 9394. See also geographical variation

Verrill, A. H., 226n.137

Verrill, Addison E., 25

Vogt, William, 194, 266n.105

Vogue, 113

vulture, turkey, 177

Wade, Joseph M., 5456, 89

Wake-Robin (Burroughs), 113

Walcott, Charles D., 174

Wallace, Alfred R., 236n.14

Wallace, John, 3132, 58

warbler, 174; Bachman’s, 37, 115; Brewster’s, 177; Kentucky, 139; Swainson’s, 124; wormeating, 139; yellow, 98

Warbler, 71

Warblers of North America (Chapman), 174

Ward, Henry A., 17, 229n.39

Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, 17, 38, 121, 136, 139, 229n.39

waterfowl, decline of, 252n.139

Webb, Walter, E, 139

Webster, Frank Blake, 17, 122, 139

Webster, Frederic S., 121, 69

Weeks-McLean Act, 170

Welker, Robert H., 107

Western Bird Banding Association, 171

Western Reserve, 187

Wetmore, Alexander, 148, 152, 199; photograph of, 138

Wheeler, William Morton, 199

Whitney, Henry Payne, 191

Whitney Hall of Oceanic Birds, 192

Whitney South Sea Expedition, 191, 192

Whitney Wing of the American Museum of Natural History, 192

Whittier, John G., 118

Wilder, Burt G., 188

wildlife conservation, 110; ecological perspectives in, 146147. See also Audubon movement; bird protection

wildlife photography, 160161, 187, 189, 209

wildlife refuges, federal, 133134

Willard, S. L., 207

willet, 194

Williams, Gluyas, 163, 164

Wilson Bulletin, 69, 166167, 179, 207, 209

Wilson, Alexander, 79, 108, 173; American Ornithology, 23, 7475

Wilson, Thomas B., 23

Wilson Ornithological Club, 69, 165167, 174, 198, 204

wolf, 109, 147, 148

wolverine, 109

women: in AOU, 71, 195, 198, 265n.97, 266n.106; and Audubon movement, 131; as birdwatchers, 157; in botany, 227n.152; difficulties in the field, 227nn.155 and 156; as field guide authors, 157; in Nuttall Ornithological Club, 48; obstacles to collecting birds for, 43; in ornithology, 4345, 71, 157

Wood, Chris, 32

Wood, Robert W, 163

Wood, William A., 27

woodpecker, ivory-billed, 115, 149

work ethic, 12

workweek, changes in, 218n.29

Worthen, Charles K., 226n.134

wren, house, 196

Wright, Mabel Osgood, 71, 132, 157, 195, 266n.106

Xantus, John, 222n.40

Yellowstone National Park, 117

Young Oologist, 16, 39

Young Ornithologists’ Association, 165

Zeiss Works, 160

Zimmer, John T., 191, 192

zoos, 106, 108, 136, 199