“Dr. Garner, I understand I’m not supposed to be around these gang kids, but what am I supposed to do if I see them beating up on somebody innocent? My parents didn’t raise me to turn away when somebody is in trouble,” I said to the principal.
“Well, then you need to scream out for help. Under normal circumstances, we wouldn’t want you to leave somebody who’s in need of assistance stranded. But this Onyx group is around here wearing their pants ultra-low, with these black bandanas draped across every piece of their bodies … they’re ruthless. I’ve already had two of my tires slashed this year.”
“Are the police involved?” I asked.
“Absolutely, and some might be involved the wrong way.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I don’t want to explain anymore. I can’t be so scared of this group that I don’t do my job. I’m the principal here. That’s what I get paid for. You’re the student. You need to stay out of it and for sure away from this group. You understand?” I nodded while he wrote me a pass. “Here. Get on to class.”
As soon as I stepped out of Dr. Garner’s office and into the office waiting room area to cross through to exit, the two Onyx gang members stepped up to me and locked the door. One girl had a tattoo I’d never seen before on her cheek that said Lady G, so I assumed that was her name. She was real feminine looking, but still looked sort of tough. The other girl almost looked like a boy, with cornrows going straight back, with a build like a linebacker and a look on her face like she wanted to devour me.
“Tell me what you think, Tiny,” Lady G said, revealing the bigger girl’s name. “She rat us out or what?”
“I don’t know,” Tiny said, whose name certainly didn’t fit her body type. “But if she snitched, that pretty little face she got is going to be real messed up.”
“Hey! What y’all doing?” Dr. Garner yelled out and the two of them stepped aside. I was able to unlock the office door and rush out of the office.
The period was about to be over, so I went to Sloan’s class to catch her as soon as the bell rang. When she came out, I grabbed her. I was shaking.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“It’s that Onyx gang. I’m in trouble! Tell me you’ll help me! Tell me you’ll stay with me and fight with me if they mess with me! Please, Sloan! Say you’ll help me.”
My sister put her arms around me and said, “Of course I will. Why you think they gon’ jump you?”
As soon as she asked the question, a couple of other suspect members of Onyx walked by and gave me the evil eye. Scaring me further, one guy was pumping his fist into his palm over and over and over again. That confirmed that I was in trouble.
Sloan pushed me to a corner. “What is going on? What happened? I thought you got the message to leave them alone?”
I wanted to say it was a long story, that I wished I could go back and figure out what I did wrong, but I worked on instinct. I was there for Logan. I simply went to class and some people cheated off my paper. Why was I now in trouble? I truly didn’t understand. So I probably looked real shell shocked.
“Well, we are going to need back up. You just lay low the rest of the day. Don’t egg them on, and don’t leave out of the school building by yourself. You don’t have to worry,” Sloan said, making me relax.
“I won’t. Thank you, Sloan.”
“Hey, Yuri, wait up!” I heard a familiar voice call out to me.
I turned and saw that it was Paris. I turned back and kept walking. I had too much stressing me out as it was.
“Wait up!” he said, jogging to catch up with me. “You gon’ do a brother like that?”
“You’re not a brother,” I said to him. “And trust me you don’t want to be around me right now.”
“Why?” he asked.
Showing little interest, I said, “Well, it’s not because you’re not looking good and smelling good. That’s for sure.”
“So then what?” he questioned.
“Seriously. I’ve got a mark on my head. You don’t want to be around me.”
With all seriousness, he tugged on my arm, stopped us from walking, stared at me, and asked, “What are you talking about? So the Onyx people are messing with you too? I’m sick of them, man!”
“You know about them?” I asked, relieved, yet more scared at the same time.
“Yeah, they jumped one of my friends last month.”
Paris didn’t offer more information, and I didn’t want to know how bad it was. It was understood that it wasn’t a good thing. For sure, I was gonna stay clear of the defiant group.
Gently stroking my arm, Paris made my heart skip a beat when he uttered, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to let them hurt you.”
“Paris, please stay out of it,” I said as I dashed to class. I didn’t want to see him possibly getting hurt by being roped into my madness.
The school day was ending way too quickly. I didn’t want it to end, but 3:05 p.m. was upon me. Stepping out of my last class, I smiled seeing all four of my sisters standing outside my classroom door.
Sloan came to me and touched my cheek. “Word’s out you’re in trouble after school.”
“But we got you,” Slade said.
“Yeah, they’d have to take on all of us,” Shelby replied.
“Hopefully there won’t be any trouble, so our help won’t be needed,” Ansli said, thinking what I was feeling.
I knew our parents didn’t like it when Slade got to fighting with some random girls that were jealous of her back in October. If all four of them fought for me, this would be bigger than that. Also, my dad was just a candidate for mayor then. Now, if a gang was going to jump the mayor-elect’s daughters, it would be big time news. I couldn’t let them risk that much for me. Besides, I didn’t want to fight anyone either. As we walked out of the school, two of them were on one side of me, and the other two were on the other side. So many people were giving me looks like I was a pariah. Sloan was on my left.
I leaned to her and said, “Now I know how you felt.”
“What, with all the stares?”
“Yes,” I explained nervous as all get out.
Sensing I was having a hard time, Sloan encouraged me. “Do like I did, just hold your head up and keep it moving.”
“Just need to call Dad,” I said, wanting his help. This was blowing up way bigger than it needed to.
Shelby was on my right and said, “Now, what’s that going to do? He can’t come every day. We’ve got to face this. Deal with these punks. We need to show them we’re not going to be intimidated.”
When we walked out into the parking lot, we were overwhelmed, spotting twenty kids with black bandanas around some part of their body. The five of us didn’t stand a chance. My teeth started gritting on their own because I was so tense.
Along beside us was a whole bunch of white kids I didn’t even know. I looked up and was so surprised to see Paris, Charlotte, and a bunch of their friends. Dr. Garner and other administrators were also nearby.
As the Onyx crew walked away, Lady G yelled out, “This ain’t over, Urinade.”
It was clear who she was talking to. All I could do was hurry up and get in the car and be relieved because, for the moment, it was over.
I couldn’t believe I had to go to Ms. Pinky’s shop. My dad was serious about this whole internship thing. She was rather smart-mouthed when I met the first time, and I knew she was still brash.
“If you want to learn from the best,” Dad said. “You’ve got to spend time with the best. So get in there, smile, and take in everything she has to say. Learn from Ms. Pinky, and be grateful for the opportunity. Do not go in there thinking you know it all.”
“Yes sir, Dad,” I said as he dropped me off in front of her place. As soon as I wanted to turn and say, “Aren’t you coming in to break the ice?” he pulled off.
“Well, here you are! And there goes your dad,” Ms. Pinky said in an unhappy tone as she met me at the doorway.
Ms. Pinky, who was dressed in a business suit, looking more ready to go to a corporate job than head to the kitchen to bake, walked outside. She was talking to the air, fussing to the wind, and complaining aloud about how dare my father not come in and speak to her. Yes, she wanted to get cozy with the mayor-elect. I knew it. My dad probably knew it, which is probably why he didn’t stay, but she didn’t like it. When she came back inside, she had no problem voicing it.
I wasn’t concentrating on what she was saying, not because I didn’t care what she had to say, but because I was in awe of the lovely sight in front of me. Seeing her beautiful shop, I just couldn’t believe it. Not only did it smell fresher than ice cream, but the pinks, purples, and turquoises throughout the place made the store so inviting. The chairs were dainty. The white countertops appeared almost eatable themselves. Topping off my excitement for the decor were the glass displays showcasing scrumptious-looking treats. But even with all that, it wasn’t a large place.
Frustrated, Ms. Pinky yelled out to me. “Well, don’t just stand there looking all crazy. Let’s get to work! Go wash up. There’s an apron in the back. We must get ready for the health inspector. Chop, chop, Missy.” Ms. Pinky rolled her eyes and trotted off toward the back. There was a red-headed, female employee in her mid-twenties checking me out. I smiled her way to break the ice.
Guess that made her think I was cool because she opened up and joked, “So, you’re here to learn from Cruella de Vil? You sure you wanna work for her?”
I was skeptical with the worker being so forthcoming. I didn’t know her. My parents had always taught me to be diplomatic and never say anything that you can’t take back about someone. In addition, I was taught to never cosign with somebody who is saying something negative about somebody else, even if you agree.
“I’m Yuri,” I said, holding out my hand and intentionally not answering her.
“Hey, I’m Rhonda.”
“Nice to meet you. How long have you been working here?”
“Too long,” Rhonda said, pointing to the clock. “I’m ready to go now, but I’ve got three hours left.”
“Rhonda!” We heard Ms. Pinky yell from the back. “Why’d you open up the new milk?”
“Because the other one had a bad date on it,” Rhonda said boldly and sarcastically like Ms. Pinky was asking a dumb question.
M. Pinky screamed back, “You did what? Rhonda you know the rules! I’m deducting your pay. Yuri get back here, let me show you! Maybe you won’t be as stupid as that nut I’ve got working for me.
“She thinks I’m gonna help her kill folks? She’s crazy,” Rhonda uttered flippantly.
“What do you mean?” I asked. But before Rhonda could answer Ms. Pinky yelled out again.
The uptight new boss of mine, screamed out, “Yuri! How long does it take to get back here? It’s just five steps! And don’t let Rhonda fill your head up with lies. I’m trying to save the business here. Customers will be alright.”
I opened up the swinging door and said, “I don’t know what you mean. Customers will be alright? Do you sell outdated food?”
“So I go a couple days over the expiration date. Nobody’s dying from it. I do that with a bunch of my ingredients here. I’m not the only shop, so don’t look all bent out of shape about it.” She said as my eyes widened with fright. “Now quit looking around. Come here. I need your help.”
“Yes, ma’am, what do you need?”
She opened up the refrigerator. “The health inspector is going to be here in a second. I need to switch out this stuff. Put the right dates all lined up nice and pretty in a row, so when they check everything, I’ll be in good status.”
In my mind I wanted to tell her, “Are you serious about this? You want to put the right things out only to pass a test?” But I said nothing. I just followed her out the back door to her car, and when she popped her trunk, she had all new supplies with current dates. We took the outdated supplies that she was actually using and put them in her car.
Ms. Pinky proudly explained, “When they leave, we’ll switch it back out. I’ll go to my house and put these newer ones away, and then I’ll use them next month or the month after that.”
The lady was really insane, and when she heard the chime on the door, she smiled. “Great. We finished just in time. And not a word of this. No one outside of folks who work here knows our little secret.”
I wasn’t naïve enough to not understand that some people did cheat their way to the top. I guess I just never imagined they did it in the dessert business. When something looks scrumptious and you try it, it’s not supposed to harm you.
Ms. Pinky went into sweetie-pie-mode. Watching her interact with the health inspector and his assistant was a joke. Knowing who she really was, I hated watching her being all fake. Clearly the people knew her because they laughed together.
While Ms. Pinky schmoozed to make herself and her shop appear perfect, I stood over with Rhonda and asked, “Does this happen all the time?”
Rhonda leaned in and quietly told all to me. “You ain’t seen the half of it. Every night she takes what we don’t sell, and instead of throwing them away, she puts them in the refrigerator. Yeah, she’ll take off the old icing. But to make them look all pretty and fresh again the next day, she nukes it in the microwave and then puts the frosting on before she serves it. She never cooks a new batch until the old ones are all sold. Now that’s not what her sign says, but that’s the truth.”
The sign in the window read, Made fresh daily. Hearing what Rhonda was telling me let me know Ms. Pinky was a bigger fraud than I thought. I couldn’t believe Rhonda and I both knew Ms. Pinky wasn’t operating right, but neither of us were saying anything to the health inspector.
What was happening to me? I wasn’t a shy girl. I stayed in my lane, maybe because I stepped outside of it helping Logan when she was in trouble. I decided not to ever go down that path again—like telling my mom about my Dad being sick or telling the health inspector about Ms. Pinky’s trifling, illegal ways. I knew my reasons, and I knew I’d probably never forgive myself if something happened to a consumer. Ms. Pinky taught me my first lesson, and it wasn’t that cutting corners was the best way to go. Oh no, she taught me that you can dress it all up to make it look all good, but if it’s bad on the inside, it’s rotten. Though she was smiling from ear to ear when the health inspector handed her a score of 99, I hoped she would not continue to get away with this. Some kind of way, I was going to have to get out of being under her. I already thought she was slick, now I knew she was slimy. Not the type of person at all with whom I wanted to be associated.
After the coast was clear, she turned to us and said, “Oh, a 99 girls! Thank you both! Stick with me Yuri, and I’ll show you how it’s done.”
I didn’t know Rhonda well. However, when she looked at me and I looked at her, our thoughts were aligned, like we’d known each other forever. Ms. Pinky was crazy if she thought I wanted to stick with her. There was absolutely no way. But when she handed me a broom and handed Rhonda a mop, I realized I was stuck until I figured out a different plan.
“We haven’t had any customers today. Why are we sweeping and mopping?” Rhonda looked at Ms. Pinky.
“Because I’m paying you. I’m going to the back to bake for the catering job. It’s not like I’m doing nothing. You need to do what I say. Besides, I’ve got to take off and go get my kids. It’s tough being a single mother,” Ms. Pinky said as Rhonda mouthed those exact words behind her head. “I see you, Rhonda.” Ms. Pinky quickly turned around. “I’ve got eyes in the back of my head, Yuri. Watch this one. I’ll be back in a few!”
“But, what if somebody comes in?” I asked, not knowing how to take care of a customer.
“Rhonda will tell you what to do. But whatever you do, don’t throw away any products.”
She didn’t have to tell me that. I’d already gotten that message. She wasn’t going to throw it away. She was going to reserve it, figure out a way that it could stay on the shelves and be available for customers until it was sold.
When she trotted off to the back, Rhonda vented, “I gotta find someplace else to work. Ms. Pinky was telling me that your dad’s about to be the mayor. He can hire me as a janitor. I’ve got to get out of here!”
“So why do you stay if you don’t like it?”
“Because, she’s one of the best pastry chefs I know. I’m gonna be in the back. I’m trying not to be here all night. I’ve got to finish this catering order.”
She gave me a five second lesson on the cash register. Rhonda rushed through every step. I was smart, but I wasn’t as smart as Sloan. She could pick up anything. I needed to hear fast info a couple of times. However, Ms. Pinky called Rhonda, and my helper jetted to the back.
“But I don’t know what you just told me!” I shouted out.
“It’ll come to you. Besides, nobody is coming in,” Rhonda said as we both heard the door chime.
I bent down so Rhonda would have no choice but to help me. Rhonda rushed back over where I was. I was super thankful she had my back.
I was confused, when Rhonda uttered, “Oh, it’s just you. Help her. I’ve got work to do in the back.”
Standing to my feet, I smiled seeing Paris smiling back at me. “You?”
“Yeah, me. I work here in the evenings some days,” he said.
“You mean your aunt actually pays you?”
“No.” He looked at me, and we both laughed. “So you figured her out already, huh?”
“There’re some things I’m figuring out about her that are real suspect.”
“I don’t want to talk about her anymore,” he said as he came around to a side by me.
His eyes held interest. Butterflies were swirling in my tummy. When he placed his hand on mine his were cold, so I jerked away.
I playfully popped him in the gut. “Yeah, you’re freezing.”
“It is December, you know,” Paris replied. “What’s going on with you and Onyx?”
Exhaling, I got serious. “I don’t know. I guess I put my nose someplace where it didn’t belong, and they’re not going to let me forget.”
“Well, hopefully they’ll back off knowing you got more friends than they counted.”
“Yeah, hopefully.” I looked down.
I heard him blowing on his hands. Then I felt his finger under my chin. He turned my face toward his. His hand wasn’t so cold anymore, but the warmth in his eyes drew me in.
He whispered, “I don’t want you to be afraid.”
Stepping back, I said, “I didn’t want you to get other people involved. I mean, I’m thankful you did, don’t get me wrong. I’m so grateful, but I feel terrible about this. My sisters, you guys, y’all just came from out of nowhere, and this can get really ugly.”
“It could. But this is bigger than you, Yuri.”
I shook my head. “I don’t understand.”
“A lot of us came from the same school last year. When the gang first started, people were getting seriously hurt. We don’t want that to be the same case at Marks. If we don’t stick together, then we’re all in trouble. It’d be you today and somebody else tomorrow. So don’t feel bad we’re involved.”
“I just hate there’s really nothing we can do. My dad’s about to be the mayor, your dad’s the superintendent of the schools, and it’s just like we’re darned if we do and darned if we don’t. You say something, it gets worse. You don’t say anything, it’s getting worse. I don’t know what to do.” I threw up my hands, and he put his around my waist.
In his embrace, he mesmerized me when he said, “Maybe we should just forget about that and focus on something else.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” I said, completely bashful at that moment.
“Let me take you out on a date.”
“You drive?” I asked him, remembering he was also a sophomore.
“No, but I know people who do. Let me worry about that. You just say you’ll go out with me.”
I paused for a long while, and then I heard Rhonda’s voice from the back. “Say yes, or I will!”
Paris and I both let out laughter. He was a cutie. I wanted to rub my hands all through his smooth, blonde hair.
“Do I need to go ask her?” he finally said, but I wouldn’t let him move when he tried to tug away. “So you’ll go out with me?”
Feeling better than I had in a long while, I said, “Yes.”