Chapter Fourteen


The Clifton Bed and Breakfast closed for the winter, and Sharon moved into a motel in town. Olivia was happy she was gone but in reality, she knew Sharon would show up again. Olivia had no idea how to get her to leave and never come back other than give her the money. She exhaled a long breath as she finished answering emails and setting up reservations for next May. It still amazed her how well the B and B had done. The little town of fifteen hundred was thrilled it was doing so well because if the B and B did well, the town did well too. People seemed to love visiting the little town of Clifton, since so many guests were repeat customers.

When someone knocked on the back door, Olivia frowned and felt a little apprehensive since the B and B was closed, and she was here alone. She cautiously opened her apartment door and peered around the refrigerator to look to the back door. She smiled when she saw Wyatt, and quickly ran to let him in. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

“Hi, darlin’,” he said against her lips.

“Hi, yourself. What are you doing here?”

“I came to get you. Come home with me. I’ve missed you.”

Olivia reared back. “Seriously?”

Wyatt nodded. “Go pack some clothes. Not too many though. I like you naked,” he said grinning at her.

She didn’t argue with that request but hurried back to her apartment. She threw some things quickly into a suitcase, hollered for Punkin, and ran back to the kitchen. Wyatt was leaning against the counter with his arms folded and his booted feet crossed. His head was down. She couldn’t contain a moan. He was so hot. She’d seen him like this before and it always turned her on. His head snapped up and he grinned at her with pure sex appeal.

Olivia set her suitcase down, stepped up to him, pushed up on her tiptoes, and kissed him. His arms went around her as he deepened the kiss. When his tongue entered her mouth, she groaned and ran her hands under his T-shirt and up over his chest. Her nails scraped his pecs. Wyatt moaned low in his throat as he moved his lips across her cheek to her ear. He took her lobe between his teeth and tugged on it. She felt him grin when she shivered. His lips moved down her neck. He lightly bit her making her gasp. All of a sudden, he straightened up, picked up the suitcase, grabbed her hand, and pulled her out the door. Olivia grinned.

“In a hurry, cowboy?” she asked with a laugh as he pulled her along.

“Yes. Get in your car and I’ll see you at the ranch.” Wyatt shut the door on her SUV after she and Punkin had settled in, and then he ran to his truck with her suitcase.

Olivia laughed as she started her car and pulled out behind him. She followed him to his ranch with a big grin on her face the entire time. Once they pulled up to the house, they parked the vehicles and entered the house together. She barely made it in the door before Wyatt spun her around, pushing her back against it and leaning into her. Both of them moaned when their lips met.

She grabbed his hat off and threw it to the floor, and then pulled his T-shirt over his head. Her nails scraped down his chest, and over his rippled stomach to the snap on his jeans. She pulled the zipper down, snaked her hand inside, and wrapped her fingers around him. He pushed into her hand and groaned when she tightened her grip. After a moment, his hands went to her sweater and pulled it over her head.

Olivia reached behind her back, unhooked her bra, pulled it off, and tossed it. Wyatt’s hands went to the snap of her jeans and opened them. He pushed them down, along with her panties. She stepped out of them. Wyatt dropped to his knees in front of her. His mouth roamed over her stomach and down to her curls. He pushed his tongue through them to her clitoris, and in response, Olivia grabbed a handful of his hair. Wyatt lifted her leg over his shoulder, holding her hips in his hands while his tongue moved over her, and he scraped his teeth against her.

Olivia threw her head back against the door and shuddered as her orgasm shook her. She cried out his name as she came. Wyatt slowly moved up her body and lifted her other leg to encircle his waist, and thrust into her hard. He pressed his lips to hers as he moved against her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and she held onto him tight.

“Come with me, sweetheart,” he whispered against her lips.

She moaned. “Yes.”

He moved against her faster and harder. “Now, Olivia.”

She moved her hips against him and groaned as she came. Wyatt growled her name out as he joined her. Spent, he rested his forehead against hers as they both tried to catch their breath.

“That’s twice you’ve had me against a door,” she said between breaths.

Wyatt chuckled. “Any splinters this time?”

Her breath rushed out in a laugh. “No.”

Her let her legs down and swore softly. “Damn. I wanted to pull them out for you.” He caught her when her knees began to buckle. “You all right, darlin’?”

“I’m wonderful.” She kissed his lips, and then picked up her clothes heading toward the living room.

“Where are you going?” Wyatt asked.

She smiled over her shoulder.

“To take a shower.” She laughed when she heard him following her and knowing he was watching her naked ass.

Two days later, Olivia sat at Wyatt’s kitchen table answering emails for the B and B. The phone rang, but she shook her head. There was no way she was answering it—not after what happened the last time. Wyatt must have answered it since it quit ringing. She knew he was in his office working, so she headed that way. She could hear his deep voice as he spoke on the phone. She shivered with arousal remembering his voice whispering in her ear.

She stopped in the doorway. Wyatt glanced over to her and signaled for her to come in. She walked slowly around his office. One wall was nothing but glass. It had a gorgeous view of the back pastures. She knew the room opposite the office was his bedroom because there was a matching wall of glass in his bedroom too, but it had a view of the large in-ground swimming pool. Heated, with underwater lights, they’d spent a lot of time in it, swimming until all hours. Olivia loved the time they’d spent in it together.

As she strolled around the room, her gaze landed on a picture sitting on the bookshelf behind Wyatt. She moved closer and picked it up. It was an image of Wyatt sitting on Cochise in a competition. His hat sat low on his forehead and his hands were holding onto the saddle horn. Cochise had his hooves buried in the wood shavings as he stared down a calf. It was the sexiest picture Olivia had ever seen. She ran her finger over the image of man and horse. Smiling, she set it back on the shelf and another image caught her eye. This one was of the Marine symbol. The same one Wyatt had tattooed on his bicep.

Olivia gasped when Wyatt grabbed her around the waist and pulled her onto his lap.

“I didn’t know you were off the phone.” She laughed.

“I’ve been off the phone for a few minutes,” Wyatt said against her neck.

“What does Semper Fi mean? I know it has something to do with the Marines, but I’m not sure what.”

“It’s short for Semper Fidelis, which is Latin for Always Faithful. It’s the code of the Marines and means a Marine can always count on a fellow Marine.”

“Were you in combat?”

“I was in Afghanistan for eighteen months. I was a sniper, which you already know. I was the best.” He shrugged. She knew he wasn’t bragging, but just stating a fact.

Olivia knew just how good he was. He’d saved Becca from being shot by Steve Harris, and then again at Becca and Jake’s wedding reception when the brother of Harris tried to kill her family. Wyatt saved a good many people that night. The man was shooting at anyone and everyone, and someone had to stop him. She hugged him and stood.

“I love this picture of you and Cochise.” She smiled picking it up again. “Who took it?”

“A local newspaper...I think it was about three years ago. They sent me a copy.”

Olivia nodded and put it back on the shelf but she couldn’t stop looking at it. Wyatt wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

“I’m hungry,” he said nuzzling his face against her neck.

“I’m not going to say I am. You’ll just make fun of me.” She pouted.

Wyatt laughed. “I wouldn’t do that, darlin’.” He led her toward the kitchen.

Later that evening, Wyatt touched a match to the wood in the fireplace then they sat on the couch, curled up together to watch television. They no sooner got comfortable than they began arguing over what to watch. Wyatt wanted to watch a football game and Olivia wanted to watch a movie. He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap.

“If we can’t decide what to watch, we may as well go to bed,” he said.

Olivia frowned. “Are you sleepy?”

“I didn’t say anything about sleeping, sweetheart.”

She pulled out of his arms and got to her feet. “Well in that case, let’s go cowboy.” She ran down the hallway and started laughing when she heard him running behind her. He caught her and tossed her over his shoulder.

“Must you always carry me like this?” She grunted even as she smiled.

Wyatt chuckled as he carried her down the hallway to the bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind them, carried her to the bed and slowly lowered her to it. He lay down beside her, kissing her. She shoved him to his back and pulled his T-shirt off over his head. Her hands went to the snap of his jeans, and then she slowly lowered the zipper before pulling them down his legs. She threw them across the room and then reached for his boxer briefs. She could see his hard shaft straining against them. Giving an evil grin, she pulled them off him.

“You have too many clothes on, darlin’.” Wyatt reached for her.

“Keep your hands to yourself, cowboy.” Olivia grinned as she ran her tongue around his nipples and down his hard abs. He hissed in a breath when her tongue touched the tip of him. His hands clenched in her hair. She pulled her hair back over her shoulders. Her tongue ran the length of him, up and down, around the rim, and then down the length again. She covered him with her mouth and sucked hard.

She heard him groan long and low in his throat. His hips jerked and his hands let go of her hair to move to the bed where they fisted in the sheet. She heard his breathing growing heavier.

“ have to stop, sweetheart,” he panted.

“Give me a minute.”

Wyatt’s breath rushed out in a rough laugh. “I don’t have a minute.”

Olivia grinned. “Sure you do.”

He growled and tried to pull her away from him. She tightened her grip on him.

“Behave, Wyatt. Just relax and enjoy, cowboy.” She continued until she felt him stiffen and she heard a groan tear from deep in his chest as he came. His head went back and his fingers tightened in her hair again. She didn’t let up until he lay completely spent trying to catch his breath. She climbed her way up his body, kissing every bit of hot skin her lips met until she reached his mouth. She kissed him.

“You all right?” Olivia asked him, and then laughed when all he could do was nod his head.

Wyatt lifted his head to look at her. “Wow.”

She laughed again. “Yeah, wow. Didn’t we have this conversation before?”

He joined her laughter. “I believe so.” He rolled her to her back and moved over her. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“Why not? You do it for me.” Olivia frowned up at him.

Wyatt grunted. “I know but...” He shrugged.

“I know what you’re saying and know that I wanted to do it for you.” She raised her eyebrow. “You didn’t like it?”

He kissed her. “Are you kidding? I loved it!”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m glad.”

“Now, let me return the favor,” he whispered as he began moving down her body.

“You don’t have to do that.” She moaned when his tongue circled her nipple, and then moved lower.

“I know I don’t. I want to. I love the way you taste, Olivia.” His mouth moved down over her stomach and her excitement increased. Then his tongue moved lower to touch her clitoris.

Olivia gasped as he pulled her legs over his shoulders and feasted on her. Her hands clenched fistfuls of his hair as she screamed out when her orgasm hit her. Wyatt moved up her body and nudged her legs further apart.

“I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he said as he thrust into her while she was still shaking from her orgasm.

“I see no problem with that.” Her breath rushed out in a low satisfied moan.

Wyatt grinned at her and made love to her slowly and thoroughly. Completely sated, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

* * * *

Olivia returned to the B and B to help Becca, Emma, and Stacy clean it up and ready it for the winter months. Working as a team, they dusted, ran the vacuum, and tossed sheets over the furniture. While having lunch in the kitchen, they all frowned when the bell at the front desk rang. All of them strode to the foyer and halted in unison when they saw Sharon standing there. Olivia made a face of apparent disgust.

“We’re closed. What are you doing here?” Olivia watched as Sharon’s eyes scanned the women then she smiled at them.

“You know why I’m here, Olivia. We need to talk,” Sharon told her.

Olivia moved toward her. “We have nothing to talk about. I told you and Wyatt told you. You will get no money from us.” The women behind her gasped loudly.

“You’re here for money?” Emma practically shouted.

Olivia smiled knowing her friends had her back. “She wants seventy-five thousand dollars. Extortion, I believe it’s called.”

Sharon smiled at her. “That’s not true, Olivia. I simply want to borrow it.”

Olivia snorted. “Like anyone is ever going to believe that crap.”

Sharon shrugged. “We need to speak in private.”

Olivia glanced over her shoulder to her friends and nodded. “It’s fine. She won’t be staying long.”

After a slight hesitation, the women left Olivia and Sharon alone. Olivia turned to stare at Sharon.

“I want that money, Olivia. Did you get it?” Sharon asked.

“No. I told you I’m not giving you any money. You may as well leave Clifton.”

“You really shouldn’t give me an attitude, Olivia. I want that money and I want it now.”

Olivia leaned in close to Sharon. “Not going to happen.”

Sharon jerked back. “What do you mean? You really have no idea what you’re doing by not giving me that money. I know how crazy you are over Wyatt. Do you really want to see him hurt?”

“Wyatt can take care of himself.” Olivia shrugged. “He does dangerous things every day.” She hoped Sharon wouldn’t call her bluff. Inside, she was terrified Sharon would make good on her threat. All of a sudden Sharon laughed.

“Oh, you’re good, honey, almost as good as your mother but not quite. The thing is you are scared I’ll have him hurt, or take him away from you. You just want me to think you don’t care.”

Olivia shrugged again. “Think what you want.”

Sharon chewed on her bottom lip. “You’re in love with him. I know you wouldn’t want him hurt.” She leaned closer. “But know this, daughter of mine I will do anything I can to get that money. Anything.”

“What the hell are you doing here?” Wyatt growled as he strode into the foyer.

Olivia watched as Sharon’s eyes shifted toward him. Olivia did the same. His hair was damp on the ends as if he’d just stepped from the shower. She wanted to groan because he looked so good. His eyes moved to her and then back to Sharon.

“I came to speak with my...Olivia,” Sharon said.

“I’m sure Olivia’s not interested in anything you have to say.” He glanced over to Olivia and raised a brow. She nodded in agreement.

“We’ll talk again, Olivia,” Sharon muttered.

Olivia watched with relief as the woman who had given birth to her spun on her heel and left the premises. The breath whooshed out of her as she sat back on the stool behind the counter. She put her hands over her face. What was she going to do? She was her mother yet all she could think of was that she had to get Sharon to leave. If it took money to accomplish that then Olivia would give it to her...anything, anything at all to get her out of her life.

“Are you all right, darlin’?” Wyatt put his arm around her.

“I should just give her the money so she’ll go away.”

“No.” Wyatt’s voice booked no argument.

She gazed up at him. “If it will make her leave—”

“No,” he said through clenched teeth. “Let Sam do his job. Maybe he’ll find something on her. Just give him a little more time, sweetheart.”

Exhaling on a loud huff, she nodded. “All right, I’ll wait for Sam.”

Wyatt kissed her. “How much longer are you going to be here? I’m lonely for you,” he whispered against her lips. She wrapped her arms around him as he deepened the kiss, but then they sprang apart when someone cleared her throat.

“You two need to get a room.” Becca grinned at them.

Wyatt laughed. “I think you’re right.” He glanced at Olivia. “Let’s go, darlin’.”

She grinned happily as he took her hand and began leading her across the foyer. She glanced over her shoulder and waved goodbye to Becca, Emma, and Stacy standing in the doorway.

When they arrived at Wyatt’s home, Olivia headed straight for his bedroom with him on her heels. She spun around to face him once inside the room. He strode up to her, took her face in his hands, and kissed her.

“I need you so much, sweetheart,” he said before pressing his lips to hers.

Olivia smiled. “I need you too.”

Wyatt pulled her sweater off over her head then unhooked her bra. He groaned when he gazed at her breasts. Her nipples were already distended and eager. He placed his hands over them and rubbed the pads of his thumbs against them. She moaned and felt her body come alive. Wyatt quickly disposed of her jeans and then chuckled. She pulled back to stare at him.

“What’s so funny, cowboy?”

Wyatt chuckled again as he gazed at her panties.

“You don’t like my little hearts?” She laughed.

Wyatt rested his forehead against hers. “Sweetheart, you could wear pajamas with feet in them and I’d think they were sexy.”

Olivia laughed then hissed in a breath when he pushed them down her legs and his hand moved between her legs. He lowered her to the bed, and then stood again to pull his clothes off. She watched his every move until he was naked, then she lowered her eyes as she took in every bit of his beautiful body from his broad chest, over his rippled stomach, and finally, to his hard shaft. She scrambled to her knees and wrapped her hand around him. He closed his eyes enjoying the feel, and then pushed her down on the bed before stretching out alongside her.

His hands slowly roamed over her, making her squirm. Unable to resist, she ran her hands over him until she wrapped her hand around him tightly again. Wyatt groaned and pushed into her hand making her slide her hand up and down the length of him until he put his hand over hers to stop the action.

“I can’t wait, Olivia. I need you now.”

He moved over her and slid into her inch by inch until he could go no further. Her legs wrapped around his waist while Wyatt moved slowly in and out of her. Suddenly, he pulled out, making her whimper. Grinning, he rolled her to her stomach then lifted her hips until she rested on her knees. Then he thrust into her hard, making her cry out his name. He repeatedly pulled out and thrust back into her hard.

Feeling the rhythm, Olivia lifted up on her hands and moved back against him, meeting his every thrust. She groaned as her orgasm grabbed her so she began moving against him harder and faster. She felt his body stiffen when he groaned her name and came.

Olivia fell forward with Wyatt on top of her, rewarding her with kisses to the back of her neck even while both of them fought to breathe, their bodies slick with sweat. He rolled off her but rubbed his hand down her back. She suddenly felt overwhelmed, tears stinging at the back of her eyes. A feeling of panic washed over her, as if her world was suddenly ending.

“Olivia?” When she didn’t answer him, he put his hand on her shoulder and rolled her toward him. “What is it? Did I do something wrong, sweetheart?” She shook her head. “Then tell me what’s wrong.”

“I can’t,” she whispered.

Wyatt scooted up to sit against the headboard and pulled her against him. “Why can’t you?”

When she tried to get out of the bed, he grabbed a hold of her.

“I think you need to tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

She pushed against him. “Let go of me, Wyatt.”

He quickly let go of her. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She sat on the closed toilet and sobbed. How could she tell him what was going through her head when she knew if she did, he’d want out of this relationship, which wasn’t a relationship according to him. Wiping her wet eyes dry and taking a deep breath, she stood, exhaled even as tears threatened again, and turned on the shower. Even with water running over her tear-stained face, she heard him enter the bathroom. She could see his reflection in the mirror. He leaned against the counter and folded his arms across his broad chest. He had only his jeans on.

“Olivia, I need to know what’s going on with you.”

She shut the shower off and reached for a towel and quickly covered her nakedness. She raised her eyebrow at him. “Do you mind?”

Wyatt straightened up. “Do I mind? What the fuck does that mean?”

They glared at each other. With a surly grumble, he turned and left the bathroom. Olivia let out a ragged breath. How do you tell a man who doesn’t want a permanent relationship what you just shared was the most fantastic thing you’ve ever experienced?

It had been mind-blowing sex. The best she’d ever had. He was a fantastic lover and she was going to lose him because of it. She’d never have that again with any other man. Wyatt would walk away and she’d be in hell. A hell she knew from the very beginning would eventually happen. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and shook her head. She knew there was no way she could tell him, Well, you see, my gorgeous sexy cowboy, you just gave me the most amazing orgasm I’ve ever had and now I want to spend the rest of my life with you because I’m crazy in love with you.

Yeah, that would go over real well, about as well as walking through church with a cow paddy on your heel. She entered the bedroom a few minutes later only to find it was empty. Dressing quickly, she walked down the hallway, glancing into the living room, only to find it was empty too. She took a deep breath and headed to the kitchen. It was also empty. Where was he?

Olivia strode to the back door and peered out just in time to see Wyatt riding Cochise out of the barn and heading toward the north pasture. They were moving at full speed. That was her obvious cue to leave. He made it clear by not sticking around that he didn’t want to deal with her anymore. Blinking back tears, she returned to the bedroom and packed her suitcase. After calling for Punkin, she got into her vehicle and drove back to the B and B. Once inside, she collapsed on her sofa and sobbed until she had no tears left and fell asleep.

* * * *

Wyatt rode Cochise into the barn and wiped the horse down. He shook his head thinking of what had happened earlier. There was no way he’d ever understand a woman. They’d just had fantastic sex and she acted as if she wanted nothing to do with him afterwards. He swore aloud. Cochise turned his head to look at him.

“What are you looking at? It’s not my fault she’s mad,” he grumbled when Cochise snorted. He led the horse to his stall then as he was coming out, he almost ran over Kirk.

“Sorry, boss. I didn’t see you,” his ranch hand mumbled.

Wyatt sighed. “No problem. Hey, are you doing all right?”

Kirk blew out a breath. “Not really. I’m real sorry about Ben.”

“Did you and Ava talk? Is she still leaving?” Wyatt asked, changing the subject away from Ben Collins. He placed his hand on Kirk’s shoulder. “You can tell me anything. It goes no further than right here.”

“Yes, she is.”

Wyatt was shocked. “You have no idea why?”

Kirk sighed and shook his head. “I still have no clue. We’ve always gotten along great. I’ve had to move to a motel since Ben took off.”

“Why didn’t you say something?”

“I didn’t want you thinking I was just worming around for a raise.”

“Christ, Kirk. I wouldn’t think that. I know you well enough.” Wyatt took his hat off, ran his fingers through his hair, and then resettled his hat.

Kirk glanced away. “I’m just staying at the motel until I find a place.”

“Let me know if you need anything. I’ll help you any way I can,” Wyatt told him.

Kirk nodded and strolled away. Wyatt blew out a breath, headed toward the house, and halted when he saw Olivia’s vehicle was gone. His heart hit his stomach. If that didn’t shout out she was finished, nothing did. He was sure they’d talk about what happened and work it out, but apparently not.

Olivia wasn’t a fickle woman. When she wanted something, she went after it. Hell, he knew that better than anyone else ever could. She’d been after him since they first met two years ago. So what in the hell was her problem now? Son of a bitch! He couldn’t let this go. He was going to find out exactly what her problem was and if she wanted to end this, she needed to tell him to his face.

Wyatt drove his truck to the B and B. Snowflakes swirled in the headlights. It was late October after all. It wouldn’t be long before the weather would get much worse. He wanted Olivia at his home with him. Shaking his head, he couldn’t believe he’d even pondered the idea. He never had women at his place but he couldn’t stand being there without her. Shit! He was in trouble now. From the very beginning, going into this with her, he knew he was taking a big risk with his heart. It was why he didn’t want to get involved with her in the first place.

“Think with the head on your shoulders, not the one between your legs,” he muttered.

When he pulled up to the back door of the B and B, he noticed the place was dark. She usually had a light on since she was there alone now. He glanced around and sighed with relief when he saw her vehicle. She was home—unless she’d gone out with someone. Still, Olivia would’ve left a light on. He hopped down from his truck, took the steps to the back door two at a time, and knocked. When no one answered, he tried the knob and found it unlocked.

“Olivia,” he called out and saw the door to her apartment open slowly.

“Wyatt? What are you doing here?” Her voice sounded raw.

“I want to know what the hell’s going on. I thought we’d talk about it when I got back from my ride, but you were gone.” He strode toward her. “You have something you want to tell me?”

“Like what?”

“If you’re walking away from this, then you need to tell me now—to my face.”

Olivia’s eyes widened. “I’m not.”

Her response made him swear as he pushed his way into her apartment.

“Then what the fuck was that about, Olivia? You left and I thought we’d talk about it when I got back,” he practically shouted.

“You were the one who left, Wyatt.”

“I went for a ride to cool off. You knew I’d be back.”

“How was I supposed to know you didn’t want me to go?”

“How were you supposed to know? Because I didn’t say I wanted you to go,” he shouted.

“I...” She shook her head.

“I need to know what you want to do.”

“I’m not walking away,” she whispered.

Wyatt stared at her then nodded. “All right then. I still don’t understand why you left or why you were upset but if you’d rather not say, that’s fine. Just know that I’m not going to put up with these tantrums of yours. We do this or we don’t. I’m not going to chase after you the next time.”

“One of us is going to end up hurt, Wyatt.”

“It’s not going to be me, and if you think you’ll be hurt then maybe you should walk away.”

“I can’t. Not yet.” Olivia sighed and moved to take a seat on the sofa. She patted the spot beside her. Wyatt sat in the chair opposite her instead, stretched his long legs out, and clasped his hands across his flat stomach. When she didn’t say anything, he raised an eyebrow at her.

“I’m sorry, Wyatt.”

He leaned forward. “Sorry?” She nodded. “Sorry for what? What exactly are you apologizing for?” He leaned back in the chair when she waved her hand at him.

“I, uh...” She cleared her throat. “I thought that was the most amazing sex ever.”

He frowned at her. “Then why...?”

“It was just so mind-blowing. It just...”

Wyatt came to his feet. “Do you plan on getting this out some time tonight? I have things I need to do.”

Olivia got to her feet and glared at him. “I didn’t know how to react to it. It was fantastic and I wanted to tell you how great it was but I was afraid that if I did, it would scare you away. How do I tell you something like that without making you bolt and run?”

Wyatt glanced away, exhaled in a huff, and then looked at her. “You just did. Am I running?”


“I thought it was amazing too, darlin’. I don’t have a problem with you saying you thought so too.”

“You thought it was amazing too?”

“Yes. Now go pack and come home with me. I’ll make us dinner.”

“I am hungry.”

He burst out laughing. “Why am I not surprised?”

She stuck her tongue out at him, and his eyes dropped to stare at her mouth.

Olivia groaned. “You keep looking at me like that, cowboy, and dinner will be very late.”

Wyatt grinned, kissed her quickly, and headed for the door. As he passed through, he glanced over his shoulder. “You’d better hurry up then.”