America has always prided itself as a land of opportunity, where anyone can succeed with hard work and determination. Americans often point to the fact that even a poor person who lived in a roughly made log cabin could become a success. Several men who became president, such as Andrew Jackson, Millard Fillmore, Abraham Lincoln, and James Garfield, started life in log cabins. This log cabin bank can hold coins with pictures of presidents on them. Can you name the presidents on the coins?



1. Use a pencil and tracing paper to transfer the cabin pattern on here to light cardboard and cut it out. Make two pieces.

2. Use a pencil and tracing paper to transfer the chimney pattern on here to construction paper and cut it out.

3. For the roof, use a ruler to measure out a rectangle from card stock that is 6 x 5½ inches. Cut a coin slot into the roof.

4. Use markers, crayons, or colored pencils to decorate the cabin with log sides, doors, window frames, or other features. Decorate the chimney and roof as you wish.

5. Fold the cabin pattern along the fold lines of the pattern to form the corners of the cabin. Tape the edges of the walls together to form the cabin.

6. Fold the roof piece in half width-wise. Tape the roof to the top of the log cabin.

7. Tape the open side of the chimney closed. Tape the chimney in place on the roof.

8. Tape the whole house onto a sheet of construction paper.