Abraham, 1
Afterlife consciousness, 59, 77, 81, 141, 193, 213-14, 228-29
Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence for Life After Death (Schwartz and Simon), 59, 77, 136, 143, 193, 231, 269
Agnosticism, 67, 155-56, 269-70
Ahern, Geoffrey, 290
All in the Small
communication with G.O.D. and, 206
consciousness and, 190
God’s gender and, 278
infinite potential of humanity and, 128
systems science and, 60-61, 68, 142
Allen, Susan M., 223
American Psychological Association, 91, 174
Amusing theories, 91-92
Anatomy of Reality: Merging of Intuition and Reason (Salk), 177
Anomalous communication, 58
Anthropic Principle, 201
Apparent randomness, 101-12
Apple II computers, 45
Artificial intelligence, 188
Artificial-life programs, 203
As below, so above, 61-62, 142
Astrophysics, 271
Atheism, 88
Background radiation, 79-80
Behe, Michael, 227
Beirman, Dick, 172
Bell’s Theorem, 108
Berg, Rabbi, 285
Biology. See Medicine and healing
Black box story, 62-64
Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence from Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design (Dawkins), 35, 37, 225-26, 228
Bohm, David, 96
Braden, Gregg, 234
Brain, 116-19, 127-28, 193, 208, 216-18.
Burleson, Catherine, 274
Bush-Gore Florida voting crisis, 162
Business decisions, 161-62
Cardigan Welsh corgi, 286-92
Certainty, 147-48
Chance. See also Randomness
chance universe, 95-100
conditions necessary for, 102-4, 188, 202-3, 261-62
disorder and, 40
DNA development and, 34-35
evolutionary biology and, 96
intelligent design versus, 95-100
mainstream scientific conceptual model of universe and, 35, 37, 88-89
as opportunity, 112
quantum physics and, 96
Schiller on, 282
Change and randomness, 102-4
Chapman, Loren, 58
Chopra, Deepak, 232
COBE. See Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) telescope
Cognitive neuroscience, 188
Coin flips, 102-4
Coincidence, 15, 93
Committee to Investigate Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOPS), 269
Communication with G.O.D.
All in the Small and, 60-61
author’s communication with G.O.D., 65-74
as below, so above, 61-62
black box story and, 62-64
cognitive distortions and, 57-59
diamond analogy, 73-84
light and, 140
Sam conversation, 69-72, 75-76, 78-81
Compassion, 217-18
Complexity, 109-10
Computer science, 188
Apple II computers, 45
Dell Pentium IV PC, 45
Hewlett-Packard Pentium III PC, 45
Confirmation biases, definition of, 58
Conscious Acts of Creation (Tiller), 193, 194
Conscious intention, 160, 169-75
Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth About Psychic Phenomena (Radin), 191, 194, 229-30
after death, 59, 77, 81, 193, 213-14, 228-29
Einstein on, 174
existence of, 189
external fields and, 119
origin of human consciousness, 208
philosopher opinions on, 189-90
as rule in universe, 274-75
Universal Consciousness, 125, 132, 173, 209
Contact (Sagan), 120
Conversations. See Communication with G.O.D.
Copernican Revolution, 99
Copernicus, 99
Cornell University, 30, 117, 138
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) telescope, 79-80
Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature (Pagels), 46-47, 91, 264
Costco, 14-15
Creath, Katherine, 274
Creationism, 263
Darwin, Charles, 96, 191, 200, 209, 263
Dawkins, Richard, 35, 37, 96, 225-26, 228
Daydreaming, 171
Design Inference (Dembski), 226
Disorder, 40
Divine proportion, 113-14
Dollar bill, 156
Dossey, Larry, 173
Dragonfly, 164, 187
Dreams, 7-15
Dunne, Brenda, 170
Dynamical systems, 109
Education, 159-60
Education-based beliefs, 144
Egyptian Book of the Dead, 233
Einstein, Albert
on consciousness, 174
on counting, 143
on field as reality, 119
formulas of, 154
on how to live, 85
on imagination, 127
intelligent design universe and, 96
on intuition, 281
mathematics and, 209, 211, 212
on mind, 197
quantum physics and, 107
on questioning, 30
on reality, 265
relativity and, 91
on religion, 101
on respect for authority, 99
as role model, 264
on science and religion, 158
speed of light and, 108
thought experiments and, 67, 207
Electromagnetism, 139, 229, 265
Electromagnetism and the Sacred (Fagg), 229
Emergence of Personality (Schwartz), 91
Emergents, 109
Emotion-based beliefs, 144
Encryption programs, 41
Entangled mind, 191-92
Entanglement, 108
Envisioning, 128
Epictetus, 187
Ethics, 161-62
Evidence-based faith, 143-54, 157-59, 167, 194-95, 267
Evidence-based oracles, 163, 166
chance and, 265
debate about, 93
of design, 135-36
intelligent evolution, 155-67
of mathematics, 112
of meanings of God, spirit, and soul, 184-86
mind and evolving universe, 133-35
of order, 205-6
positive evolution, 177-79
role models and, 182-84
of surgery, 178
Experience-based beliefs, 145
Experimenter effects, 58
Experimenting G.O.D. Field, 85-86, 200
Experimenting with Truth; The Fusion of Religion with Technology Needed for Humanity’s Survival (Roy), 183
Experimenting G.O.D. Field, 85-86
imagination thought experiment, 128-33
interpretation and, 97-99
knowledge and, 81
observation and, 97-99
prophetic dreams and, 8-15
repetition of, 32
sand painting experiments, 29-35
simple G.O.D. experiments, 27-37
sun experiment, 121-23
“Ten Days in Arizona” experiment, 9-26, 76
Extended mind, 191-92
Fagg, Lawrence W., 229
beliefs and, 144-46
evidence-based faith, 143-54, 157-59, 167, 194-95, 267
implications for living, 149-54
logic and, 146
open-minded faith, 148
reality-based faith, 148
science and, 81
trust and, 144
False memories, definition of, 58
computer programs and, 202
pain as, 179-82
social feedback, 110
systems and, 110, 189, 202-3, 278
Feynman, Richard, 96
Field; The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe (McTaggart), 228
chance in evolution and, 265
“Experimenting G.O.D. Field” project, 85-86
morphologic fields, 268
organizing fields, 115-24, 119, 261
as reality, 119
unifying field, 165
void and, 203
Franklin, Benjamin, 156
Freedom, 277
Fromm, Erich, 215
Gardner, Laurence, 233
Genius, 187-95
Genius Within: Discovering the Intelligence of Every Living Thing (Vertosick), 194, 230-31
Geoffrion, Sabrina, 61-62
George Washington University, 229
Gladstone, William, 210
Global Consciousness Project, 192-93
definition of, 36
diamond analogy and, 80
fear of, 275-76
images of, 2
names for, 69-72
God and the Evolving Universe: The Next Step in Personal Evolution (Redfield, Murphy, and Timber), 232
God Code: The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future (Braden), 234
God, Faith, and Health: Exploring the Spirituality-Healing Connection (Levin), 231-32
G.O.D. (Guiding-Organizing-Design). See also Communication with G.O.D.
advocacy for principle, 271
author’s conclusions and, 261-62
chance versus, 95-100
computers and, 39-53
dangerous creatures and, 279
emotion and, 89-90
evidence and, 271
evil and pain and, 277
as experimenter, 89-90, 194-95
“Experimenting G.O.D. Field” project, 85-86
explanation of term, 2-3
feedback and, 273
gender and, 278
as genius-optimizing developer, 187
humor and, 279
implications of, 125-42
K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Science) and, 36-37
love and, 213-18
mathematics and, 113-14, 209-11
as one, 278
origin of, 277
randomness and, 101-12
science and, 1-4, 166, 276, 279-80, 280
simple G.O.D. experiments, 27-37
trust in, 276-77
Universal Organizing Consciousness and, 173, 195, 273-74
Gödel’s Theorem, 207-8
Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World’s Most Astonishing Number (Livio), 113, 230
Gonzalez, Guillermo, 228
Gould, Stephen J., 96
Guiding-Organizing-Designing species, 198
Hand of God: Thoughts and Images Reflecting the Spirit of the Universe (Reagan), 233
Harman, Willis, 96
Harvard University
computers and, 134
research at, 215
Healing and medicine, 160-61, 174-75, 178, 179-82, 230-32
Health psychology, 91
Heinemann Prize, 37
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 107, 108
Hibbert lectures (Roy), 183
Hope diamond, 82
How to Know God; The Soul’s Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries (Chopra), 232
How We Believe: The Search for God in the Age of Science (Shermer), 226
Hubble telescope, 141
Human Energy Systems Laboratory, 11
Illuminati, 156
Illusory correlates, definition of, 58
overview, 127-28
thought experiment, 128-33
Immortality, 141.See also Afterlife consciousness
Immune system, 230
Independence and randomness, 102, 104-10, 202, 265
Institute of Noetic Sciences, 172
Intelligent design
artificial intelligence, 188
evidence for, 17
natural intelligence, 188
“Ten Days in Arizona” experiment and, 19-21, 76
Intelligent design universe, 95-100
Intelligent evolution. See also Evolution
business decisions and, 161-62
courtroom and, 162-63
education and, 159-60
Experimenting G.O.D. process and, 206-7
fundamental explanations for nature, 197-99
G.O.D. and science and, 157-59
Gödel’s Theorem and, 207-8
mathematics and, 207-11
medicine and healing and, 160-61
order and, 199-206
pledge of allegiance analogy, 155-56
poetic formula, 211-12
religion and, 164-67
Interdependence, 107-10, 136, 203, 261-62, 274. See also Independence and randomness
Interference, 139
Irrational numbers, 113-14
Jahn, Robert, 170
Jain, Shamini, 274
James, William, 25, 76, 150-51, 193, 207, 267
Jeans, James, 114
Jefferson, Thomas, 156
John Hopkins University, 229
Johnson, Stardust, 213-14
Judaism, 67-70, 72, 262, 263, 270, 285, 286. See also Religion
Jung, Carl, 281
Justice, 162
Kabbalah for the Layman (Berg), 285
Keller, Helen, 207
K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Science) explanation of term, 29-30
order in universe and, 34-37
sand painting experiments and, 30-34
zebra analogy and, 87-88
Kitt Peak National Observatory, 11, 141
Knowledge, 81
Kraft, R. Wayne, 174
Krietzman, Stephen, 62-64, 181
Laszlo, Ervin, 174
Lewis, Dan, 274
Lewis, Sabrina, 274
Light and photons, 107, 108, 129, 139-42, 265
Living Energy Universe (Schwartz), 77, 210
Living Systems (Miller), 61, 264
Los Angeles Times Book Prize, 37
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of the Incredible Power of Gold (Gardner), 233-34
Love, 213-18
Macro-ordering, 212
Madrona, Lewis Mehl, 274
“Magic cube”, 291
electromagnetic spectrum and, 139, 265
as evolving, 112
irrational numbers, 113-14
“magic cube,” 291
mathematics of information theory, 227
negative feedback and, 181
phi and, 198
Maxwell, James Clerk, 139, 265
McCulloch, Warren, 95
McTaggart, Lynne, 228
Medicine and healing, 160-61, 174-75, 178, 179-82, 230-32
Messiah question, 279-80
Meta-ordering, 212
Metapatterns, 198, 230, 281-82
Metapatterns: Across Space, Time and Mind (Volk), 230, 281
Metaphors, 128
Meyer, Stephen C., 227
Mind. See also Brain
brain’s relation to, 116-19, 193
entangled mind, 191-92
evolving universe and, 133-35
extended mind, 191-92
nonlocal mind, 191-92
organizing mind, 169-75
potential of, 127-28
scope of human mind, 207-9
as Universal Organizing Consciousness, 173
“Mind first” thesis, 193
Mind-reading, 72
Morphologic fields, 268
Mother Teresa, 217
Motivation, 187
Murder, 19
Murphy, Michael, 232
Music, 47-50
Mutation, 35
National Academy of Engineering, 183
National Institutes of Health, 1, 3, 74, 215
National Science Foundation, 1, 3, 74
Native American sand paintings, 29-35
Natural intelligence, 188
Natural selection, 35
NDT. See Neo-Darwinian theory (NDT)
Negative feedback, 181
Nelson, Lonnie, 169-71, 273-74
Nelson, Roger, 172, 192-93, 265
Neo-Darwinian theory (NDT), 227
Newton, Isaac, 52, 84, 104-5, 265
No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased Without Intelligence (Dembski), 227-28
Nobel Prize, 207
Nonlocal mind, 191-92
Nonlocality, 108
Nonrandom quantum codes, 122
Normal distributions, 41-46, 52-53
Not by Chance: Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution (Spetner), 227 Novelty, 154
Null hypothesis, 159
Numbers. See also Mathematics
metapatterns and, 281
phi and, 198
randomness and, 41-50
synchronicity and, 282-84
Odenwald, Sten F., 106, 119, 228
Open-minded faith, 148
evolution of, 205-6
explanation for, 204-5
patterns and, 198
as rule in nature, 198
synchronicity and, 199
ubiquitous nature of, 199-203
Organizing fields, 115-24, 119, 261. See also Fields; Self-organizing Systems
Organizing mind, 169-75
Origin of universe, 79-80, 95-100
Pagels, Heinz
cosmic codes and, 141
nonrandom quantum codes and, 122
on probability theory, 39
randomness and absence of rules, 182
writings of, 46-47, 91-92, 264
Paradigm shifts, 99, 169, 174, 274-75
Parapsychology, 8-26, 191-92, 199
Pasteur, Louis, 29
Patterns in the Void: Why Nothing Is Important (Odenwald), 106, 119, 228-29
Pavlov, I., 68
PDP11/GT40 computer, 134
PEAR. See Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR)
Penn State University, 183
Perakh, Mark, 226
Personal computers. See Computers
PESD. See Posteducation stress disorder (PESD)
Phi, 198
Photons. See Light and photons
Pledge of allegiance, 155-56
Posteducation stress disorder (PESD), 269
Precognition, 21
Presence of the Past (Sheldrake), 72
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR), 169
Princeton Theological Seminary, 228
Princeton University, 47, 92, 169, 172, 192-93
Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery (Gonzalez), 228
Prophetic dreams, 7-26
Proto-intelligence, 274
Proust, Marcel, 40
Psychology, 264
Psychophysiology of healing, 91
Purdue University, 227
Qigong, 172
Quantum field physics
chance and, 96
medicine and healing and, 91-92
nonrandom quantum codes, 122
randomness and, 46-47
superconductive monatomic gold and, 233-34
superinterdependence and, 107-8
Quantum weirdness, 172
Radiation, 79-80
Radical empiricism, 267
Radin, Dean, 172, 191, 229-30, 264-65
Radio waves, 138
Rage, 277
Random event generator (REG), 169-74
Random sampling, 41, 261, 269-70
Randomness. See also Chance
alternative explanation for, 99-100
apparent randomness, 101-12
conditions necessary for, 102-4, 188, 202-3
disorder and, 40
DNA development and, 34-35
evolution of order and, 205-6
functioning of, 40
as G.O.D.’s design, 101-12
identifying randomness, 46-47
independence as necessary for randomness, 102, 104-12, 202, 265
mainstream scientific conceptual
metapatterns and, 281-82
music and, 47-50
normal distributions and, 41-46
role of, 40
sand painting experiments and, 29-35
software development and, 34-35
systems and, 109-10
unchanging components and randomness, 102-4
Raymo, Chet, 233
Reagan, Michael, 233
Reality-based faith, 148
Reason, 81
Reason-based beliefs, 145
Redfield, James, 232
REG. See Random event generator (REG)
Reinventing Medicine (Dossey), 173
Relativity theory, 91
Religion. See also Judaism
author and, 66, 70, 262-63, 269-70
courses in religion at University of
Arizona, 264
factions in, 164-65
fundamental values of, 165-66
intelligent evolution and, 164-67
Judaism, 67-70, 72, 262, 263, 270, 285, 286
shadow side of, 166
Religions of Man (Smith), 66, 70
Robinson, Chris, 7-26, 36, 76, 273
Rockefeller University, 47, 91
Rosenthal, Robert, 58
Roy, Rustum, 182-84, 194, 264-65
Royal Society of Literature Heinemann Prize, 37
Sacred science, 159
Salk, Jonas, 177
Sam conversations, 69-72, 75-76, 78-81, 177
Sand painting experiments, 29-35, 265-66
Schiller, Friedrich, 282
Schroeder, Gerald L., 169, 174, 227, 233
afterlife and, 77
anomalies in, 190-91
derivation of term, 141-42
as discovery process, 24-25
as evidence-based, 157
faith and, 81
finding God and, 1-4, 166, 280
human awareness changes and, 24-25
hypotheses and, 78
messiah question and, 279-80
and order, 198
of prophecy, 7-15
questions for, 78
sacred science, 159
systems science, 60-61
as tool of God, 278
Science and Evidence for Design in the Universe (Behe, Dembski, and Meyer), 227
Science and Human Transformation: Subtle Energies, Intentionality, and Consciousness (Tiller), 183
Science of God: The Convergence of Scientific and Biblical Wisdom (Schroeder), 174, 227, 233
Scientific conceptual model of universe, 35, 37, 88-89
Second Law of Thermodynamics, 61, 89, 97, 200
Self-deceptions, definition of, 58
Self-organizing Systems. See also Organizing fields
Dawkins and, 35
Experimenting G.O.D. field and, 204
external organizing forces and, 115-16, 119, 120-22, 200
feedback loops and, 202-3
randomness and, 115-16
Seurat, George, 212
Shapiro, Shauna, 274
Sheldrake, Rupert, 72, 96, 268, 275
Simon, E., 227
Simpson, O. J., 162
Skepticism, 3, 30, 69-74, 83, 233, 267-69
Skeptics and True Believers (Raymo), 233
Social feedback, 110
Sondheim, Stephen, 212
Soul as Information, Spirit as Energy:
Manifesting the Evolving Fields of
Wisdom and Love (Schwartz), 184-85
Spetner, Lee M., 227
Spinoza, B., 141
Spiral shapes, 198
Stanford University, 173, 183, 193
Statistics for Windows software, 45
Stephen’s Story, 63
Sun experiment, 121-23
Sunday in the Park with George (Sondheim), 212
Superconductive monatomic gold and, 233-34
Superinterdependence, 107-8
Superstomach lesson, 179-82
Swedenborg; Life and Teachings (Trobridge), 232-33
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 206-7, 232-33
Symbols, 128
Cardigan Welsh corgi and, 286-92
effect on author, 266
numbers and, 282-84
openness and, 281-82
orchestration of daily life and, 199
random event generator (REG) and, 172-74
states of consciousness and, 192
definition of, 109
dynamical systems, 109
evolution of, 159
feedback and, 110, 189, 202-3, 278
Gödel’s Theorem and, 207-8
organizing fields and, 115-24, 119, 261
randomness and, 109-10
self-organizing Systems, 35, 115-16, 119, 120-22
theory of systemic memory, 67
Television, 117-19
Ten Commandments, 162
“Ten Days in Arizona” experiment, 9-26, 76
Theory of systemic memory, 67
Thermodynamics, 61, 89, 97, 200
Three-body problem, 105
Tiffany’s, 82
Tiller, William, 173, 182-84, 193, 194, 264-65
Timber, Sylvia, 232
Tolstoy, L., 213
Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge (Walsch), 74, 160, 234-35
Trance, 171
Trobridge, George, 232-33
Truth about “Medium” (Schwartz), 59
Tucson Citizen, 19
Uncertainty principle, 107
Unchanging components and randomness, 102-4
Unclassified residuum, 190-91
Unifying field, 165
Unintelligent Design (Perakh), 226
Universal Consciousness, 125, 132, 190, 209
Universal Organizing Consciousness, 173, 195
Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality (Dalai Lama), 165
University of Arizona
Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Science, 215
courses in religion and, 264
random event generator (REG) and, 169
research conducted at, 7-15, 61-62
University of Chicago, 227-28
University of Pennsylvania, 138
University of Wisconsin, 58, 282
Vacuum, 203
Vertosick, Frank T., Jr., 230-31
Von Braun, Wernher, 115, 155, 165, 233
Walsch, Neale Donald, 74, 160, 234-35
Weil, Andrew, 178
Weiner, Norbert, 182
Whispering Pond: A Personal Guide to the Emerging Vision of Science (Laszlo), 174
Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of Disbelief (Smith), 231
William of Ockham, 120-21
Winston, Barbara, 81-83
Winston, Bruce, 81-82
Wisdom of the Body (Cannon, 263)
Wishes, 174
Wishing Well (Pearsall), 170, 173
Yale University
author on faculty of, 3, 36, 45, 67, 74, 215, 286, 287
computers and, 45
Yan Xin Qigong, 172
Zebra analogy, 87-88
Zero Point Field, 228