Bring on breakfast

Wholemeal orange and almond muffinsRhubarb compoteRoasted oranges with rosemary and vanillaLight and crunchy honey granolaSpiced coffee

Breakfast often gets overlooked when you’re unwell, busy or too stressed to think about anything other than getting well or getting sorted. I’m a big fan of giving someone a basket of breakfast provisions as a gesture of how much you care. It also offers a practical solution to a problem they probably haven’t even conceived of yet: that having nothing decent at home for breakfast leads to ‘hangriness’ (i.e. the angry hunger feelings) by about 11am. In my experience, the 11am hangry pangs tend to lead to bad eating decisions, which lead to feeling even worse and guilty, and so the cycle continues.

Make and pack up these goodies to leave by someone’s door or, better yet, organise a breakfast picnic in the golden light of early morning. It’s a lovely, friendly way to start the day – and by 9am you’ve had a good catch-up and you still have the rest of the day ahead of you.