The page numbers in this index refer to the page numbers of the printed book and are reproduced here for reference only. Please use the search facility of your device to find the relevant entry.


almond milk, Fresh 17

almond muffins, Wholemeal orange and 28


Baked ricotta with spring greens 71

banana: Bright and zingy green smoothie 16

beef ragu, Spicy, smoky 33

Beetroot, walnut and pomegranate dip 20


Golden syrup biscuits 52

Orange and quinoa biscuits 68

Seedy lavosh 24

Blood orange margaritas 35

blueberry and rosemary cake, Syrup-soaked lemon 40

Bread and butter pickles 24

Bright and zingy green smoothie 16

broad bean and pea dip, Spiced 20

butter, Caramelised onion 56



Dot’s sponge 52

Syrup-soaked lemon, blueberry and rosemary cake 40

Caramelised onion butter 56

cardamom, Ground toasted 75

cardamom and rose balls, Pistachio 15

Chicken sandwich mix with a wholegrain loaf 57

chicken pie, The 37–39


Just a really good chocolate mousse 34

Swirly, crunchy rocky road 59

Coconut and lemongrass broth with zucchini ‘noodles’ 14

coffee, Spiced 31

coffee, Vietnamese iced 52

Compote, rhubarb 28


Elderflower cordial 64

St Joseph’s lemonade 63

crackers: Seedy lavosh 24

cucumbers: Bread and butter pickles 24

curd, Lemon and passionfruit 75


dip, Beetroot, walnut and pomegranate dip 20

dip, Spiced broad bean and pea dip 20

Dot’s sponge 52


Bright and zingy green smoothie 16

Elderflower cordial 64

Elderflower vodka 64

St Joseph’s lemonade 63

Spiced coffee 31

Strawberry, almond and cardamom smoothie 16

Vietnamese iced coffee 52



Baked ricotta with spring greens 71

Filo, spinach and dill tart 46

Hot-smoked salmon and zucchini tart 46

Lemon and passionfruit curd 75


Elderflower cordial 64

Elderflower vodka 64

Strawberry and elderflower pops 64


Fennel and sausage ragu 35

Filo, spinach and dill tart 46

Fresh almond milk 17

fritters, Garlic scape and zucchini 58


Garlic bread 74

Garlic scape and zucchini fritters 58

Golden syrup biscuits 52

granola, Light and crunchy honey 31

Ground toasted cardamom 75


Hot-smoked salmon and zucchini tart 46


Jam pastries 51

Just a really good chocolate mousse 34


kale: Bright and zingy green smoothie 16


lavosh, Seedy 24

lemonade, St Joseph’s 63


Elderflower cordial 64

Lemon and passionfruit curd 75

St Joseph’s lemonade 63

Syrup-soaked lemon, blueberry and rosemary cake 40

Light and crunchy honey granola 31

Lime chilli salt 74


margaritas, Blood orange 35

mousse, Chocolate 34

muffins, Wholemeal orange and almond 28


Nutty sweet potato and lime soup 71


oats: Light and crunchy honey granola 31

onion butter, Caramelised 56


Blood orange margaritas 35

Orange and quinoa biscuits 68

Roasted oranges with rosemary and vanilla 30

Wholemeal orange and almond muffins 28


passionfruit curd, Lemon and 75

pastries, Jam 51

pastry: Rough puff 38

pea dip, Spiced broad bean and 20


Bread and butter pickles 24

Quick pickled baby vegetables 23

Sweet verjus-pickled rhubarb with bay 68

Sweet verjus-pickled strawberries with vanilla and pink peppercorns 68

pie, The chicken 37–39

Pistachio, cardamom and rose balls 15

pomegranate salad, Radish and 47


Quick pickled baby vegetables 23

quinoa biscuits, Orange and 68


Radish and pomegranate salad 47

ragu, Fennel and sausage 33

ragu, Spicy, smoky beef 33

Rhubarb compote 28

rhubarb with bay, Sweet verjus-
pickled 68

ricotta, Baked, with spring greens 71

Roasted oranges with rosemary and vanilla 30

rocky road, Swirly, crunchy 59

Rough puff pastry 38


St Joseph’s lemonade 63

salad, Radish and pomegranate 47

salmon, Hot-smoked, and zucchini tart 46

salt, Lime chilli 74

sandwich mix with a wholegrain loaf, Chicken 57

sausage ragu, Fennel and 33

Seedy lavosh 24

smoothie, Bright and zingy green 16

smoothie, Strawberry, almond and cardamom 16


Coconut and lemongrass broth with zucchini ‘noodles’ 14

Nutty sweet potato and lime soup 71

Spiced broad bean and pea dip 20

Spiced coffee 31

Spicy, smoky beef ragu 33

spinach and dill tart, Filo 46


Strawberry, almond and cardamom smoothie 16

Strawberry and elderflower pops 64

Sweet verjus-pickled strawberries with vanilla and pink peppercorns 68

Sugar syrup 34

sweet potato and lime soup, Nutty 71

Sweet verjus-pickled rhubarb with bay 68

Sweet verjus-pickled strawberries with vanilla and pink peppercorns 68

Swirly, crunchy rocky road 59

Syrup-soaked lemon, blueberry and rosemary cake 40


tart, Filo, spinach and dill 46

tart, Hot-smoked salmon and zucchini 46

The chicken pie 37–39


verjus-pickled rhubarb with bay, Sweet 68

verjus-pickled strawberries, vanilla and pink peppercorns, Sweet 68

Vietnamese iced coffee 52

vodka, Elderflower 64


walnut and pomegranate dip, Beetroot 20

Wholemeal orange and almond muffins 28



Coconut and lemongrass broth with zucchini ‘noodles’ 14

Garlic scape and zucchini fritters 58

Hot-smoked salmon and zucchini tart 46