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Achille (French naval ship)
Admiralty: regulations of the
age of consent: female; male
Alexander, William
Anne, Princess
Anne Royal
Anson, George, Lord Byron
Arbuthnot, Marriot
Arundel, John
Astell, Mary
Baker, Lt. (of the Sandwich)
Baker, Mrs. Richard
Baker, Richard
Baré, Jeanne
Bates, Sarah
Berry, William
Betsy (a girlfriend of Mary Lacy)
Bible: quotations from
Blackstone, William
Blane, Gilbert
Boscawen, Edward
Bougainville, Comte Louis Antoine de
Bowden, Elizabeth
Bowling, Tom
breeches parts
Brittany, duke of
Brown, William
Buckingham, earl of
buggery. See homosexuality, male
Bull, Mrs. (boatswain’s wife)
Bundy, Samuel
Byng, George
Caroline, Princess
Cavendish, Philip
Chamberlyne, Anne
Chandler, William. See Lacy, Mary
Chase, Sarah
Chatham Chest
Chelsea Hospital
Chesapeake (U.S. naval vessel)
children and infants of seamen: on board in port; on land; at sea
Clarence, duke and duchess of
Cochrane, Thomas
Coke, Edward
Coles, Mrs.
Collingwood, Lord Cuthbert
commissioned officers, wives of. See wives and female guests of commissioned officers
courts-martial: reprimand for carrying women to sea; for mutiny; for sodomy
cross-dressing. See transvestism, female; transvestism male
Cruikshank, George
Curtin, John
Dawkins, Robert
Denis, Peter
Dickinson, J. C.
Dilkes, Charles
Dillon, William Henry
disease; contagious; rheumatic; scurvy; in West Indies. See also sexually transmitted diseases
Dolphin (U.S. naval vessel)
domestic servants, female
Douglas, Arthur
drunkenness: on board; in hospital ships; of seamen’s wives on shore; in U.S. naval ships. See also liquor ration
Durham, Philip Charles
Dyer, Kathleen
evangelicals. See reform movement
Foley, Thomas
Fraser, (Marine) Col.
Fremantle, Thomas
French, Mary
Furzer, Daniel
Gambier, James
Garlick, Dr. (hospital ship’s surgeon)
Geary, Francis
Gibbs, Thomas
Giles, Hannah
Grant, John: mistress of
Gray, James. See Snell, Hannah
Griffiths, Anselm John
grog. See liquor ration
Halloran, (Marine) Lt.
Hamilton, Emma
Hanway, Thomas
Hardy, Thomas Masterman
Haslar Hospital
Hawke, Edward
Hawker, Edward
homosexuality, male; as a capital crime; commissioned officers’ attitude toward; court-martial for; among seamen; society’s attitude toward; stereotype of
Hopping, Ann
How, Sarah
impressment. See also recruitment
Jeannette (French seaman’s wife)
Jerome, Saint
Jervis, John, earl of St. Vincent
Johnson, Samuel
Keats, Richard G.
Keith, Basil
Kempenfelt, Richard
Kirby, Robert S.
Lacy, Mary; birth; as carpenter’s servant; childhood; resides in Deptford; becomes increasingly disabled; as dockyard apprentice; as domestic servant; head injury of; hospitalization of; moves to Kensington; denial of lesbianism by; male identity of suspected; fictitious marriage of; joins navy; resigns from navy; parents of; pension of; petition of, to Admiralty; physical characteristics of; resides in Portsmouth; and shore leave at Quiberon Bay; rheumatic attacks of; lives on board Royal Sovereign; lives on board Royal William; runs away from home; lives on board Sandwich; contracts scurvy; as shipwright; flirtations with women
laundresses in hospital ships
Leech, Samuel
lesbian relationships: denial of; marriages between women; society’s attitude toward. See also Lacy, Mary: flirtations with women
Lewis, M. (publisher)
liquor ration. See also drunkenness
living conditions on the lower deck: improvement of; meals; lack of privacy; recreation and entertainment
lost-lover theme; ballads on
Low, Mrs. (friend of Lacy family)
Low, Mrs. James (wife of U.S. Navy seaman)
lower deck. See living conditions on the lower deck
Luttrell, Narcissus
Lyons, John
marriages: fictitious; and marriage brokers; of prostitutes to seamen; between women. See also wife-selling
Martin, Mrs. William
Martin, Thomas Byam
McKenzie, Daniel Tremendous
M’Clean, Alexander, and mistress
Meace, Jane
Mennes, John
Middleton, Charles, Lord Barham
Monk of Evesham
Moor, Eleanor
Moore, Elizabeth
Moravian Brethren
M’Pherson, Charles
M———t——n, Philip and wife
muster books: format of
mutiny: in Hermione; at the Nore; at Spithead
Naval General Service Medal
Nelson, Horatia
Nelson, Lord Horatio; attitude toward women of lower deck; daughter conceived at sea; seaman’s widow’s letter to
Nicol, John
Noah, Mordecai
nurses, female: in hospital ships
Paine, Jeremiah
Pasley, Thomas
Pedder, Andrew
Pellew, Edward, Viscount Exmouth
Penrose, Charles Vinicombe
Pepys, Samuel
Percival, John
Pett, Phineas
Phelan, Joseph, and wife
Phelan, Tommy
Pigot, Hugh
Pinckard, George
poor relief. See also reform movement: institutions; workhouses
Powell, Lt. (commander of hospital ship Princess Caroline)
press gangs. See impressment
Prince Frederick
Princess Anne
Princess Caroline
prostitutes; ignored by Admiralty; ages of; allowed on board; commissioned officers attitudes toward; and Contagious Diseases Acts; and contraception; formerly in domestic service; economic status of; housing of, on shore; laws regarding; marriages of, to seamen; no longer in naval ships; numbers of; at sea; seamen’s attitudes toward; status of, in society; stereotype of. See also reform movement; sexually transmitted diseases; vagrancy laws; women on board in port
Prothero, William
Queen Charlotte
recruitment; and Quota Acts. See also impressment
recruits: quality of
Redman, Richard
reform movement; effectiveness of; institutions; moral bias of; within the navy
Resolution (British privateer)
Richardson, Mr. (Lacy family’s friend)
Richardson, Mrs. William
Richardson, William
Riley, Mary Ann
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. (seaman and wife)
Robinson, William (seaman and author)
Rowlandson, Thomas
Rowsier, John
Royal George
Royal Sovereign (first rate)
Royal Sovereign (royal yacht)
Royal William
Russel, William
St. Andrew
Salvador del Mundo
Saumarez, James, Baron de
seamen; lack of cleanliness of; commissioned officers’ attitude toward; desertion of; diet of; foreign; pay of; and prize money; punishment of; and lack of shore leave; slaves as. See also disease; homosexuality, male; impressment; living conditions on the lower deck; recruitment; sexually transmitted diseases; women seamen and marines
Severy, William
sexual harassment
sexually transmitted diseases
Slade, Mary. See Lacy, Mary
Slade, Thomas (master shipwright)
Snell, Hannah
sodomy. See homosexuality, male
Staines, Thomas
Stokes, Samuel
Strachan, Richard
superstition: that witches’ control sea winds; that women at sea bring bad luck
Talbot, James Beard
Talbot, Mary Anne
Taylor, Ann
Taylor, John. See Talbot, Mary Anne
Taylor, Wittewronge
Teonge, Henry
Thompson, Edward
Thompson, Margaret
Townshend, Jane
transvestism, female: and breeches parts; Christian doctrine on; of Christian saints; society’s attitude toward
transvestism, male
Turner, Edward
vagrancy laws
venereal diseases. See sexually transmitted diseases
Victoria, Queen
Ville de France
Waddall, Charles
Walker, Robert
Wallis, James
Walsingham, Thomas
warrant officers, wives of. See wives of seamen and warrant officers at sea
Wauchope, Robert
White, Christina
widows’ men
widows of seamen at sea
William Henry, Prince
Wilson, Robert Mercer
Witney, Hannah
wives and female guests of commissioned officers; attitude of officers toward
wives of seamen and warrant officers at sea: ignored by Admiralty; in battle; and childbirth; commissioned officers attitude toward; daily routine of; in French naval ships; laundering seamen’s clothes; joining husband’s mess; not mustered; pregnancy of; rape of; regulations against; reasons of, for going to sea; sexual harassment of; in shipwreck; in seamen’s theatrical performances; in U.S. naval ships. See also living conditions on the lower deck; widows of seamen at sea
wives of seamen on board in port. See women on board in port
wives of seamen on shore: allotments to; ballads about; and begging; commissioned officers’ attitude toward; economic plight of; employment; as becoming prostitutes; stereotype of
women on board in port: ballad about; commissioned officers attitudes toward; in foreign ports; numbers of; and lack of privacy; in U.S. naval ships; sent by West Indian plantation workers. See also prostitutes
women seamen and marines: ages of; ballads about; physical characteristics of; commissioned officers’ attitudes toward; denial of lesbian relationships by; economic status of; reasons of, for enlisting; lesbian relationships of; how they passed as men; as preferring male identity; sexual harassment of; society’s attitudes toward. See also Lacy, Mary; lost-lover theme; transvestism, female
Women’s Royal Naval Service
women’s status in society
Woolsey, Melancthon
Wynne, Betsey, and family