Often, I go back to my house along

a dark Old City street.

In a few puddles a few street-lamps’ light

is mirrored yellow, and the road is thronged.

Here among the folk who go and come

from the tavern home or to the whorehouse,

where goods and men constitute a great

seaport’s detritus,

I find, as I pass by, the infinite

in the humdrum.

Here prostitute and sailor, the old man

who’s cursing, the quarrelling harridan,

the cavalryman who’s seated

at the fried-food stall,

the turbulent young girl that unrequited

love has driven crazy,

have been created, all,

by life and misery;

the Lord stirs in them, as in me.

Here in this humble company I feel

my thought become

more purified the more the street is foul.