Snow spiralling on high and wrapping

all things in a silent mantle,

I see a creature of sorrow

smile because of you; a flash

of merriment lighting the saddened face,

you uncover a treasure to my eyes.

Snow falling from on high and covering us,

keep covering us forever. Whiten

the city with its houses and its churches,

the harbour with its ships; freeze

the expanses of the fields, the seas; so chaste

and solemn, make the earth an extinct star,

a great stillness of death. And let it stay

like that an infinite time,

a long cycle of epochs.

The awakening,

think of the awakening, just we two,

in so much desolation.

In heaven

angels with trumpets, in the heart acute

tearing nostalgias, you arouse again

beautiful memories and weeping from love.