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Note: Italicized page numbers indicate figures.
Adam: as androgynous; archonic powers and; as God's image; Jesus Christ as; lustful sexual intercourse of; maternal spiritual power and
administrators (of temples)
afterlife: celestial location of; conjugal relations in; Plato on; rejection of. See also immortality
agriculture and agricultural revolution: assumptions about; beginnings of; corvée and slave labor for; destructiveness of; domestication of plants/animals and; kingship linked to abundance in; original matriarchy linked to; role of plow and cattle in. See also grain and grain storage
Aion of Time
Akiva (rabbi)
Alexander VII (pope)
Alexander the Great
Alexandrian Monophysites
Alpha and Omega
alternative world: equal responsibility for; opportunities for fostering
American Academy of Religion
American Civil Liberties Union
American Indians
American Revolution
Amphiarchate concept
Anat (goddess): Baal's relationship with; depictions of; Inanna compared with; Isis compared with; men protected by; role and personality of; sacred marriage of; sexuality of; as war goddess; Wisdom figure and; Yahweh's appropriation of
Anatolia. See Çatal Hüyük
ancient Greece: Demeter-Persephone myth and cult in; evolution of religion in
ancient matriarchy. See original matriarchy
ancient societies: classicists on; definition of; hellenized culture of; kings and deities linked in; Neolithic revolution in; patterns of mythic thought in; political alliances in; religious world-view of; stages of evolution of; war and victory in; women professionals in. See also ancient Greece; original matriarchy; pre-historic societies; specific locations
Andrew (disciple)
Andrew of Crete
androgyny: of Adam; of deities; of God; in Protestantism; in Shaker theology; Swedenborg's form of
anima. See soul (anima)
ankh life-sign
Annuna (judges of underworld)
Anthony, Susan B.
anthropology: classicist; feminist; on man the hunter
Antiochene Nestorians
apocalypse: present warnings of; traditional writings on. See also Revelation
Apocryphon of John
Apollo (god)
Apsu (god)
Aqhat (hero)
Arceo, Sergio Mendez
archaeology: contrasting interpretations of gender roles in; feminist research in; original matriarchy concept critiqued in
archonic powers: in Apocryphon of John; female voice as site of resistance to; in Hypostasis of the Archons; in Trimorphic Protennoia
Arsinoe (disciple)
art: in Çatal Hüyük; prehistoric goddess in; prominent images of women in. See also figurines, female; figurines, male
asceticism. See also celibacy
Asell, Ann W.
Asherah. See Athirat-of-the-sea (Asherah, goddess)
asherah: meanings of
Assumption of Mary: debates on; depictions of; goodness ratified in; rejection of
Assyria: kingdom conquered by
Astarte (goddess)
Athena (goddess)
Athirat-of-the-sea (Asherah, goddess): Baal's fortunes and; depictions of; Wisdom figure and; women's views of; as Yahweh's consort
Attis (god)
Atum (god)
Augustine: gender symbolism of; on original sin; on sanctification of Mary; on virginity
Aztec religion: assumptions about; dynamic plurality in; origin stories of; paired male and female deities in; priesthood of; sacrifices in
Aztec state: dual authority in; rebellion against
Baal (god): Anat's relationship with; worship of; Yahweh's appropriation of
Babylonia: astrology of; creation myth of; exile in; hymns of
Bachofen, Johann Jakob: background of; hierarchies of; as influence; on original matriarchy; on “original” promiscuity
Baha'i faith
Balkans, Neolithic: cultural achievements of
baptism: Cyprian on; function of; milk and honey in; in rites of Cybele
Barstow, Anne
Bartholomew (disciple)
Bebel, August
Beguine love mysticism
beloved: nature renewal linked to; in Song of Songs. See also love; love mysticism
Berlin Codex
Bernard of Clairvaux
Berry, Thomas
Bible: divine council of gods in; eschatological writings in; on Mary; on monotheism; Sánchez's narrative in context of; Wisdom literature of; women's oppression and; Yahweh as mother goddess in; Yahweh as war god in. See also New Testament; Song of Songs (Song of Solomon)
Biel, Gabriel
bilineal descent
Bingemer, Maria Clara
Boas, Franz
body: corn as consubstantial with; duality of; gender differences of; as mortal and bestial; patriarchal embodiment of mind over; soul joined to; Swedenborg's study of. See also figurines, female; figurines, male
Boehme, Jacob: background of; followers of; Leade's translation of; on Wisdom
Boff, Leonard
bows: gender assigned to
“bridal chamber” sacrament
bridal mysticism. See love mysticism
Briffault, Robert
Buber, Martin
Budapest, Z. (Zsuzsanna): role of; theaology of
Bulgakov, Sergius
bull symbolism and cult: Baal and; in Çatal Hüyük; in taurobolium; Yahweh and
Burghardt, Walter J.
burial rites
Bush, George W.
Bushnell, Horace
Bustamante, Francisco de
Byblos: Osiris cult in
Calcolithic era
Calvin, John
Campbell, Joseph
Canaan: confederation of tribes in; gods and goddesses of. See also Hebrew people; Judaism
carnival aspect
Carroll, Michael
Çatal Hüyük: architecture of; bull symbolism in; domestic shrines in; leaping figures in; rites of the dead in
Catholicism and Catholic Church: assumptions about; colonialism of; Mexican state reconciled with; papal infallibility in; Protestant depiction of; rosary in; Virgin of Guadalupe defended by; on women's sexuality and reproductive role. See also Dominicans; Franciscans; Jesuits; Mariology; Mary (Jesus's mother)
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Celeus (lord of Eleusis)
celibacy: of Harmony Society; of Shakers
Celtic cultures
Chalchiuhlicue (goddess)
Chávez, César
Christ. See Jesus
Christ, Carol: background of; on ecofeminist Christians; personal struggles of; query of; thealogy of
Christian church (Ecclesia): on damnation; feminine symbols for; gender absent in; Hildegard on; inferiority of (institutional); journey of soul as parallel to; Mary as exemplar of; Shakers' reinterpretation of; as true Eve; as virginal mother; Wisdom as knowledge of; women's marginality in. See also Catholicism and Catholic Church; gnosticism; love mysticism; Protestantism
Christianity: alternative circles of; anti-Judaism of; capitalization usage in; denigration of; eschatological salvation in; female disciples in; gnostic vs. dominant forms of; goddess religion remnants in; Isis as mother image in; Jewish Wisdom appropriated by; as patriarchal embodiment of mind over body; patriarchy spread by; patristic (see also patriarchal fundamentalism); reclaiming prophetic, liberative themes in; as reinterpreted synthesis; remnants of immanent spirituality in; role in women's oppression; thealogy's exclusion of; two natures of Christ in. See also Christian church (Ecclesia); feminists, Christian; patriarchal fundamentalism
Christology, cosmological: hymnic fragments of; messianic futurism and Wisdom fused in
Church of Scientology
Cihuacóatl (goddess)
Cistercian love mysticism
civil society: active vs. passive citizens in
Clarke, Edward
class hierarchy: cosmological hierarchy as reflection of; Hildegard's acceptance/subversion of; property accumulation and; in Sumero-Akkadian society
Coatlicue (goddess)
Code of Hammurabi
Colón, Cristobal
complementary spiritualities concept
Comte, Auguste
Conkey, Margaret
contemplative spirituality
Cortés, Hernán
corvée labor
cosmos and cosmology: Aztec conception of; as circle/wheel; eschatology rooted in; as estates of deities; female-identified power in; hierarchy of; Hildegard's visions of; levels of alienation in; Mary as containing; as series of concentric circles; soul's origin as beyond
Council of Basel
Council of Chalcedon
Council of Ephesus
Covenant of the Goddess
Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPs)
Coyolxauhqui (goddess)
creation: beginning of new; God in relation to; harmony of duality in; as preordained; of Wisdom; Wisdom as God's partner in
creation myths: in Apocryphon of John; Aztec; Babylonian; biblical; in Heliopolis; Philo on; Sumerian
Crete: goddess pilgrimage to; patriar chal society in; sacred trees in
Cristero revolution
cult of fertility
Cyprian of Carthage
Dagan (god)
Daniel (king)
Davies, Stevannn
Davis, Elizabeth Gould
Day, John
Day of Blood
Day of Rejoicing (Hilaria)
death: Folly linked to; of mystery deities; Osiris as symbol of; Yahweh as separate from. See also afterlife; burial rites; underworld
deities: as androgynous; as distant, immortal, powerful; paired male and female; process of generating; relations among; as “role models,”; universalism of. See also goddesses; gods
de la Cruz, Mateo
de la Vega, Luis Laso
Demeter (goddess): agriculture linked to; depiction of; as exception to royal ideology; interpreting representations of; Isis conflated with; Persephone's rape and; rites for
Dialogue of the Savior
Diego, Juan
Dionysus (god): cult of; Osiris conflated with; as return of maternal; as symbol of phallic sensuality
divine: androgyny of; as life-giving energy; masculine identified with; plurality of. See also female divine
domestication of plants and animals
domestic sphere: women relegated to
dove metaphor
Dumuzi (god)
Dunlavy, John
Earth (Ki, goddess)
Ecclesia. See Christian church (Ecclesia)
ecofeminist spirituality
ecological movements
ecumenism concept
egalitarian complementarity concept
egalitarian mutualism
Egypt: exodus from; hellenized culture of; Isis in cosmology of; love poetry of; matriarchal elements in; as matriarchy
Eilberg-Schwartz, Howard
Eisler, Riane
El (god). See also Yahweh (god)
Eleleth (Great Angel)
Eleusinian mysteries: Demeter-Persephone myth in; historical location of; hopes for afterlife in; secret information imparted in
Elizabeth of Schönau
Eller, Cynthia
embodied embedded thinking (model)
Enbilulu (god)
Engels, Frederick: on mother right; racial hierarchy of
Enheduanna (goddess)
Enhil (god)
Enki (god): complaints to; in relations among deities; rivalries of; in Sumerian creation myth; underworld realm and
ensoulment concept
Ereshkigal (goddess)
eschatology: baptismal-realized; celestial view of; in hellenistic Judaism; in Isis cult; protology fused with; turn toward
essentialist views
Estés, Clarissa Pinkola
eternal age concept
Eugnostos of the Blessed (text)
Evans, Arthur
Eve: Ann Lee as new; Christian church as; as female spiritual power; Hildegard on; lustful sexual intercourse of; Mary as new; maternal spiritual power and; origin of; role reversal of; as Wisdom figure
evil: denial of love as root of; depictions of; female symbols of; as human and animal; presence of; ritual for expulsion of
fall: effects of; gender acquired in; right order subverted in
family: as always patriarchal; evolution of; language for; as metaphor for relations among gods; productive work in; socialists on; women relegated to domestic sphere of
female and femaleness: as carnal sensuality; essentialist view of; male constructions of; male elites as; Starhawk on; stereotypes of
female divine: in Apocryphon of John; as cultural influence; disappearance of; expressions of; masculinization of; reinventions of. See also goddesses; Wisdom; specific goddesses
female power: in gnosticism; marginalization of
feminine and femininity: ambivalence toward; human identified with; meaning of; qualities assigned to; spirituality linked to; use of term
feminine symbols: in Beguine love mysticism; in Cistercian love mysticism; for evil; Hildegard's synthesis of; for humanity; Reformation's elimination of; Shakerism's gathering of
feminism: civil rights movement and; early matriarchy rediscovered in; goddesses as resources for; “personal is political” in; questions raised in; social justice ethic of
feminists: alliances among; Christian (see also Christianity); Goddess (see also Goddess worship); Inanna as “role model” for; Mary reinterpreted by; patriarchal fundamentalist definition of; on prehistoric female figures; silencing critique by; Swedenborgians as
fertility: cult of; goddesses' destruction and restoration of; kingship linked to; Wisdom linked to; of women and earth, linked
figurines, female: Aztec; female body and fecundity linked in; food linked to; Gimbutas's interpretations of; leaping; Mellaart's interpretation of; Venus of Willendorf as
figurines, male
Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schuessler
First Apocalypse of James
Florencia, Francisco de
food supply and processing. See also agriculture and agricultural revolution; foraging societies; gardening; gathering (of food)
foraging societies
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Michael
Fox, Selene
Fox, Vicente
France: apparitions of Mary at Lourdes
Franciscans: Nahua dialogues with; Nahua studies of; “purist” hopes of; on sanctification of Mary
Franckenberg, Abraham von
Frazer, James
“free souls,”
French Revolution
Frymer-Kensky, Tikva
fundamentalism. See patriarchal fundamentalism
Gage, Matilda Joslyn: background of; hierarchies of; as influence; on original matriarchy
Gaia (goddess)
Galli (castrated priests of Attis)
gardener: use of term
Gardener, Gerald
gathering (of food). See also foraging societies
gay movement
Geb (god)
Gebara, Ivone
gender: absence of; assigned to bows; complementarity of; contrasting interpretations of; of God; nineteenth-century construction of; reversal of; segregation by (classical Greece); separation by, after fall; in socialist thought; symbolism of; of Trinity
gender hierarchy: acceptance/subversion of; assumptions of; racial hierarchy linked to
gender relations: in Çatal Hüyük; conflict and collaboration in; in Mesoamerican worldviews; nineteenth-century construction of prehistoric
German poetry and philosophy
Gero, Joan
Gimbutas, Marija: basic argument of; collection of; debate on scholarship of; as influence
gnosticism: celestial system as male in; complementarity of male and female in; complexity of; diversity of; female disciples in; female spiritual powers in; opposition to; plurality of male and female divine in
God: Adam as imaging; as androgynous; deconstructing concept of; divine wrath of; duality of; familial language for; “Farnearness” of; as father/son/spirit and as lady love; feminine aspects of; gender of; humans' unification with; Jesus as mediator with; levels of alienation from; Mary as mother of; in relation to creation; “Thought” of. See also Jesus; Spirit; Trinity; Word of God; Yahweh (god)
Goddess: definitions of; devotion to; as embodied personal power; as immanent life process of universe; men's need for; as monotheistic focus of religion; quest for. See also Goddess worship; Mother Goddess
goddesses: androcentric; capitalization and; defeat and slaying of; as deities or females; fertility linked to; as inventions vs. survivals; Love as; marginalization of; as men's inventions and protection; reclaiming ideas of; of war. See also specific goddesses
Goddess worship: Christianity's assimilation of; Carol Christ's experience with; egalitarian harmony as hope in; emergence of; foundations for; Gimbutas's interpretations of; leadership in; mother-son lovers as theme in; normalization of; as original religion; remnants of, in Judaism and Christianity; in U.S. vs. Greece
gods: capitalization and; as cosmic center and polity; statues as embodiment of. See also specific gods
Goldenberg, Naomi
Good, Deirdre J.
Gospel of Bartholomew
gospel of divine love
Gospel of John: bridegroom language of; cosmologic Christology of; father-son language of; “friends” as used in; on Mary
Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Mark
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Matthew: bridegroom language of; infancy narrative of; on Jesus as prophet-teacher of Wisdom; on Mary
Gospel of Philip
Gospel of Thomas
Gottwald, Norman
grain and grain storage: Demeter's gift of; knowledge of cultivating; Osiris linked to; women's role in; written records of
Great Angel (Eleleth)
Great Mother and Daughter (paired goddesses). See also Magna Mater (Great Mother)
Greco-Roman society: mystery religions in. See also ancient Greece; Roman Empire
Greece: autonomous cultural achievements of (Neolithic); Carol Christ's move to; matriarchal elements in; myths of. See also ancient Greece
Greek society: gender-segregation in classical; “oriental” stereotypes in; religious worldview of
Green, Calvin
“greening power”: use of term
Gregory Nazianzus
Gregory Nyssa
Grien, Hans Baldung
Grim, John
Gross, Rita
Hades. See also underworld
Hadewijch: bridal/love mysticism of; community of; identity of; on Mary
Hadley, Judith
Harmony Society
Harris, Rivkah
Harrison, Jane Ellen: on asceticism; ethnic stereotypes of; on evolution of religion; influences on; on matriarchal society; role of; on veneration of women
Hart, Mother Columba
Hebrew people: Christian blaming of; denigration of; poetry of; as source of patriarchy. See also Canaan; Israel; Judaism
Hecate (goddess)
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heliopolis: creation myth in
Helios (god)
Helms, Jesse
Heqet (goddess)
Hidalgo, Miguel
hierarchy: class; cosmological; gender; racial; rejection of tendency toward
Hildegard of Bingen: on Adam and Eve; drawings by; on Ecclesia (the church); visions of; white garb and; on Wisdom
Hippolytus of Rome
Hodder, Ian
Holy Spirit. See Spirit
Holy Trinity. See Trinity
Horned God
Horus (god): conception and birth of; death of Osiris and; depictions of; kingship of; Seth's challenge of
Hosea: on Israel as sexually promiscuous wife; on Israel's apostasy; reform movement linked to
houses: of Çatal Hüyük; different sizes of; miniature; sculptures in niches of
Huehuetéotl (god)
Huitzilopochtli (god)
humanity: deities as “role models” for; fallen condition of; feminine symbols for; gender as ephemeral in; God's control of conception of; God's final unification with; gods'/goddesses' relations with; Jesus Christ as expression of God's love for; Mary as representative of; repentance and remorse of; separated into male and female after fall; will of. See also family; social organization
hunting: in Çatal Hüyük; gender roles in; scavenging as preceding
Hurrian people
hymns: cosmologic Christology in; to Inanna/Ishtar; to Osiris; to Wisdom/Sophia
Hypostasis of the Archons: Apocryphon of John compared with; description of; origin of
Icazbalceta, Joaquín García
identity: countercultural; national
idolatry: concerns about; reinterpretations and
Ilimilku (scribe)
Immaculate Conception: debates on; depiction of; doctrine of; rejection of
immortality: of deities; of soul. See also afterlife
Inanna/Ishtar (goddess): ambition of; Anat compared with; complaints of; depictions of; as goddess of royals; as invention vs. survival; Isis compared with; liminality of; men protected by; in relations among deities; as “role model,”; sacred marriage of; victory attributed to; Wisdom figure and
individualism. See also eschatology
infanticide, female
Institute of Culture and Creation Spirituality
Iraq: attack on
Iroquois society
Ishtar. See Inanna/Ishtar (goddess)
Isis (goddess): death of Osiris and; depictions of; magic powers of; men protected by; as mother of Horus; Osiris's relationship with; Wisdom figure and
Isis cult: cosmologic Christology compared with; depictions of; eschatology in; rites of
Israel: God as warrior and mother goddess in; God's calling of; as God's wife; Mary as part of; Mexico compared with; name of; origin of. See also Hebrew people; Judaism
Jacobsen, Thorkild
James, E.{ths}O.
James (disciple): Proevangelium of; role of
Jeroboam (king)
Jerusalem: as God's bride; Islamic conquest of; as sexually promiscuous wife
Jesuits: apostolic Christianity of; on Immaculate Conception; on Virgin of Guadalupe as unique revelation
Jesus: as bridegroom; crucifixion of; dual female-male redemptive work of; Eve as humanity of; female disciples of; form of Protennoia in; God-manhood of; as God's counter-stroke; Mary as mediatrix with; Mary as mother of; Mary's conception of; Mary's death and; as messianic expression; as new Adam; resurrection of; theological meaning of; Wisdom and
John (disciple): Gospel of; vision of. See also Apocryphon of John
John Damascene
John Paul II (pope)
Joyce, Rosemary
Júarez, Benito
Judaism: assumptions about; as backlash against goddess spirituality; developing patriarchal monotheism in; eschatology of (hellenistic); Messiah as male in; patriarchal fundamentalism surge in; reclaiming prophetic, liberative themes in; as reinterpreted synthesis; role in women's oppression; thealogy's exclusion of. See also Hebrew people; Israel
Judas (disciple)
Julian of Norwich
Juno (goddess)
justice and mercy
Justin Martyr
Kant, Immanuel
Khirbet el-Qom inscriptions
kingship: Baal's struggle for; fertilizing power linked to; goddess as power behind; Inanna's power and femaleness linked to; Isis as representative of; military defense linked to; mythic cycles central to
knowledge. See also Wisdom
Kore (goddess)
Kramer, Samuel Noah
Kuntillet Ajrud inscriptions
Lady Liberty League
land ownership
late Paleolithic era
law: as male; neopagan movement and; patriarchal society linked to
Leade, Jane
Leade, William
leadership: in Goddess worship movement; Reformation's rejection of female; of Shakers; Swedenborgians on
Lee, Mother Ann
Lee, William
Leo (pope)
León-Portilla, Miguel
Levi (disciple)
Leyden, Lucas van
liberation theology
life principle concept
Lockhart, James
Logos (Word). See Word of God
“lost souls” concept
Lourdes, apparitions of Mary at
love: denial of, as root of evil; Engels on; as female; gospel of; knowledge linked to; Swedenborg on; two kinds of, joined; Wisdom as
love mysticism: Beguines on; bridal soul as merging with church in; Cistercians on; Jesus Christ as bride in; men's need for
love poetry
Lowie, Robert
Luke (disciple): Gospel of; statue carved by
Luther, Martin
Ma'at (goddess)
Madonna of Misericordia
magic: as intentional consciousness change; of Isis; protest rituals as; as quest for control
Magna Mater (Great Mother): as all deities in one; depictions of; in gnosticism; Mary as; rites of
Malabar (India): as matriarchal society
male and maleness: bull symbols of; essentialist view of; as rational part; Starhawk on
male elites: as female in relation to God; as preparing for soul's ascent; Wisdom figure created by. See also Therapeutae
male power
Malinalxoch (goddess)
Malinowski, Bronislaw
man: as hunter; original “idea” of. See also men
Marduk (god)
Marguerite Porete: bridal/love mysticism of; as heretic; resignation to will of God and
Maria, Mariam, Mariamme. See Mary Magdalene (disciple)
Mariology: as closed book for Protestantism; debates concerning; flowering of; of Hildegard; Mary's title as issue in. See also Assumption of Mary; Immaculate Conception; Mary (Jesus's mother)
Mark (disciple)
Markman, Peter T.
Markman, Roberta H.
marriage: in afterlife; as lower expression of eternal world; virginity as equal to
marriage, sacred: concept of; of Inanna; parallel dimensions of; political alliances linked to; ritual enactment of
Martha (disciple)
Martin, M. Kay
Marx, Karl
Marxist discourse
Mary (Jesus's mother): as co-redemptrix; depictions of; devotion to; Dormition of; evangelical view of; feast for nativity of; as goddess; as God's bride; Jesus's conception and; Luther on; milk for; as Mother of God (Theotokos); Nahuatl word for; as new Eve; as part of old Israel; as representative of humanity; sanctification of; Shakers' reinterpretation of; theological functions of; as “type” of the church; as virgin and as mother. See also Assumption of Mary; Immaculate Conception; Mariology; Virgin of Guadalupe
Mary Magdalene (disciple): as contemplation of God; Juan Diego compared with; as prostitute; role of; as witness to resurrection
Mary Panagia
masculine and masculinity: divine identified with; qualities assigned to; use of term; violence linked to
matriarchal societies: Carol Christ on; cultural superiority of; Minoan Crete as; use of term. See also original matriarchy
matricentric societies: rabbis' appropriation of; Song of Songs set in; Starhawk on; use of term
matrilineal societies: foraging and; gender relations in; Indo-Europeans as overthrowing; male power in; primitive linked to; as successful and persistent; women's power in
matrilocal societies
Matthew (disciple): Gospel of; role of
Maurice (emperor)
McLennan, John Ferguson
me (governing power)
Meacham, Joseph
Mechthild of Magdeburg
Mellaart, James: on Çatal Hüyük; on female figurines; feminist archaeologists as critical of
men: as active citizens; bonding among; as effeminate; God's relations with; as less loving and more intelligent; man-liness of; as mothers; as mutation. See also man
Menangkabau peoples
Merchant, Carolyn
Meskell, Lynn
Mesoamerican cultures: child dedicated to priesthood in; paired male and female deities in; patriarchal, militarist, class society in; rival cities in; self-governing territories in. See also Aztec religion; Mexico; Nahua peoples
Mesopotamia: as cradle of civilization
Messiah: Jesus as; as male; use of term
messianism: concept of; Jesus as expression of; as source for theological meaning of Jesus; Wisdom fused with
Mexico: Catholic Church reconciled with; as chosen nation; flag of; independence of; liberal/conservative divisions in
Mexico City: flooding of; Guadalupe as patron of
Miclantecuhtli-Mictecihuatl (paired deities)
mid-Danube region, Neolithic
Middle Ages: Beguine love mysticism in; Cistercian love mysticism in; Mariology in; views of Trinity in; women's religious communities in. See also Hildegard of Bingen
Mier, José Servando Teresa de
military defense
milk metaphors
millennialism: Boehme's mysticism and; Harmony Society and; Leade's mysticism and; Shakers and; of socialists and feminists; Swedenborg and
Minoan culture. See also Crete
Miriam (disciple)
Mithraism: lord of time and fate in; as male-identified; rites of; shrine of
modernity: patriarchy in
Moller, Martin
monastic love
monogamy: in ancient society; in matriarchal society; Schopenhauer on; socialists on
monotheism. See also Christianity; Judaism
Montúfar, Alonzo de
Morelos, José Maria
Morgan, Lewis: on American Indians; hierarchies of; on original matriarchy
Mot (god)
mother-child dyad
mother-daughter bond
Mother Goddess: Çatal Hüyük linked to; scholarship on; Yahweh as. See also Goddess
mother right concept
mother-son lovers
Motz, Lotte
“mouth and stone church” concept
Mummu-Tiamat (goddess)
Murray, Gilbert
Murray, Margaret
mystery religions: assumptions about; cult of Isis and Osiris as; rites of; secret information imparted in; sources on. See also Eleusinian mysteries
mysticism: of Boehme; dangers of; of Leade; resignation to will of God in (gelassenheit). See also love mysticism
mystique courteoise (concept)
myths: of defeated goddess; of exodus; Gimbutas's narrative as; patterns of thought in; socialists on; of U.S. vs. Greece. See also creation myths
naditu (cloistered priestesses)
Nag Hammadi Codex
Nahar (god)
Nahua peoples: Christianity adapted by; decimation of; female figurines of; gender beliefs among; reinterpreting religion of; sources on; worldview of. See also Aztec religion
Nahuatl language: documents in; word for Mary in
Nammu (goddess)
Nanahuatzin (god)
Nanna (god)
National American Woman Suffrage Association
National Woman Suffrage Association
Native American Church
Native Americans
nature: cyclical rhythm of; death to; desacralization of; gods as power in; imaging spheres of; Isis as goddess of; renewal of; in Song of Songs; woman as
Nazareth: as hostile to Jesus
Neolithic era. See also original matriarchy
neopagan movement: attacks on; defense of; development of; normalization of
Neoplatonic thought
Nephthys (goddess): death of Osiris and; depictions of; as twin sister of Isis
Nergal (god)
New Age spirituality
Newman, Barbara
New Testament: bridegroom language for Jesus Christ in; cosmologic Christology in; father-son language in; “friends” as used in; Holy Spirit images in; infancy narratives of; on Mary; on Nazareth as hostile to Jesus; Wisdom in
Nicolas I (pope)
Ningal (goddess)
Ninhursag (goddess)
Ninlil (goddess)
Ninmah. See Ninhursag (goddess)
Niqmad II (king)
Nisaba (goddess)
Norea (disciple): as Eve's daughter; role of; as spiritual power; as Wisdom figure
Nut (goddess)
Ochpaniztli, festival of
Odes of Solomon
Olmos, Andres de
Ometecuhtli-Omecíhuatl (paired deities)
Oriental cults
Origen: Bernard compared with; as influence; on Jesus's brothers and sisters; on journey of soul; on Song of Songs; on spiritual love
original matriarchy: Bachofen on; Briffault on; classicists on; critique of; emergence of idea; Gimbutas on; as golden age; ideas about; men's vs. women's views on; as mythical vs. literal; nineteenth-century construction of; as preceding and overrun by patriarchal society; reclaiming ideas of; reservations about; socialists on; suffragists on
Orphic culture
Osiris (god): cult of; death of; depictions of; grain linked to; Isis's relationship with
Our Lady of Guadalupe, feast of
Owen, Robert
pagan spirituality: approach to; focus of; Harrison on; reinterpretation of. See also neopagan movement
Paleolithic figures
Palmer, Robert
Paracelsus (Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohemheim)
Parliament of the World's Religions
patriarchal fundamentalism: alliances against; attacks led by; negatives associated with
patriarchal societies: as based on logic; dualisms in; estrangement as core of; female behavior expected in; Gimbutas on; gradual triumph of; intensification of; as natural; original matriarchy as preceding and overrun by; power in; quest for control in; religious aspects of overcoming; resistance to; Roman law linked to; sources of
patrilineal societies
patrilocal societies
Paul (biblical)
Paz, Octavio
peace movement
Peloponnesian Wars
Perdue, Leo
Persephone (goddess)
Persia: Wisdom in context of conquest by
Peter (disciple)
phalluses and phallic symbols: Gimbutas's interpretations of; of Osiris; of patriarchal revolution
Philadelphian Society
Philip (disciple)
Piero della Francesca
Pistis Sophia (text)
Pius IX (pope)
Pius XII (pope)
planets: qualities endowed by. See also cosmos and cosmology
Plaskow, Judith
Plato: on afterlife; on cosmic hierarchy; as influence
Pluto (god)
Poimandres of Hermes Tresmegistus (text)
political alliances: sacred marriage and prostitution in context of
political assemblies: as metaphor for relations among deities
Poole, Stafford
poor: preferential option for
Portage, John
Portugal: colonialism of
Potok, Mark
power: female-identified, in cosmos; “greening,”; kinds of; male; me (governing power); psychosocial control in. See also archonic powers; deities; female power; kingship
prehistoric societies: definition of; imagining of; interpretations of; as tabula rasa. See also ancient societies
preindustrial societies
PRI (Party of the Institutionalized Revolution)
priestesses: cloistered; in Dianic witchcraft; rejection of dominant
prison chaplains
productive work
Proevangelium of James
promiscuity: concept of (male); “original,”
property, private
prophetic spirituality
prostitutes and prostitution: Inanna as patron of; Israel as wife turned; Mary Magdalene as; origins of; sacred
Protestantism: Boehme's mysticism and; divine and human androgyny in; Harmony Society and; Leade's mysticism and; Mariology as closed book for; Shakers and; Swedenborg and; Wisdom symbol in
protest rituals
proto-Neolithic era
Pythagorean culture
Q tradition
Quecholli, maize festival of
queen: use of term
Quetzalcóatl (god): co-optation of; Cortés as; earth created by; goddesses paired with; as remembrance of St. Thomas; in second age, or sun; as son of Tezcatlipoca; vulnerability of
Qumran community
racial hierarchy
rape: of Jerusalem; of Persephone
Rapp, Johann Georg
Re (god)
redemption: in celibacy; devil's distortion of; female-identified power in; Jesus's work of; Mary's work of; Sophia's work of. See also salvation
reincarnation doctrine
religion: approach to diversity of; defending liberties of; matriarchy linked to; prehistoric; pre-Olympian
reproductive rights
resurrection: gender discarded in; of Jesus; limits of; of Mary; of mystery deities; Osiris as symbol of
Revelation: bridegroom language in; depictions of Mary in; on eternal age; female-identified power in; Wisdom in
Richard, Pablo
Richard of St. Victor
Richter, Gregory
rituals: of burial; for expulsion of evil and encouragement of good; of political protest; for prosperity
Robertson, Pat
Rogers, Katherine
Roller, Lynn E.
Roman Empire: matriarchal elements in; myths of; Oriental cults as undermining; taurobolium and. See also Greco-Roman society
Ruíz, Samuel
Russian steppes: invasions from
Sabaoth (Yaltabaoth's son)
sacralization: of Song of Songs
“sad souls” concept
Sahagún, Bernadino de
saints: adaptation of concept; rejection of. See also specific saints
Salome (disciple)
salvation: as anticosmic; as divinization; eschatological; Hildegard's visions of; as liberation of soul; Mary's role in. See also redemption
Samaria: conquest of
Sánchez, Miguel
Sanday, Peggy Reeves
Sapiential literature. See Wisdom of Solomon
Sappho (poet)
Saul (king)
scavenging. See also foraging societies
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schottroff, Luise
Schroer, Silva
Schwenckfeld, Caspar
Scotus, Duns
sea: as enemy
Serapis rites
Service, Elman
Seth: as adversarial brother; death of Osiris and; Horus challenged by; origin of
sexual division of labor
sexual love/desire: origin of; redeemed in Song of Songs; spiritual love joined to
sexual relations: lustful, of Adam and Eve; set aside in contemplative philosophy
Shaddai (god)
Shaker theology
shamanistic traditions: attempts to destroy; neopaganism's affinity with; remnants of goddess religion in; revival of
Shiva, Vandana
shrines: domestic; Mithraic; Osiris cult. See also temples
Shu (god)
Simon Magnus
sin: Adam and Eve's; alienation of soul in; death to; gender acquired in; healing of; original; pains of; reinterpretation of; sanctification of Mary and
Sixtus IV (pope)
Sky (An, god)
slaves and slavery
socialism: gender natures ignored in; matriarchal society as liberative hope in
Socialist Party of America, Women's National Committee
social justice tradition
social movements
social organization
society: active vs. passive citizens in; Greco-Roman; Greek; as increasingly hierarchical and centralized; industrialization's impact on; Iroquois; positivism's effects on. See also Sumero-Akkadian society; specific types (e.g., matriarchal societies; patrilineal societies)
Solomon (king)
Song of Songs (Song of Solomon): as allegory; bridal mysticism and; Christian commentaries on; gender in; sacralization of
Sophia and Sophiology: Bulgakov on; female power of; as female “Thought” from the Father; Harmonist hymns to; Leade's visions of; liminal role of; “mistake” of; redemptive work of; soul's dialogue with. See also Wisdom
Sophia of Jesus Christ (text)
soul (anima): ascent of; body joined to; as bride; as bridegroom; celestial immortality of; as coredeemer; death to; emotions of; gender of; God's love as creating; as God's perfect icon; God's unification with; healing of; journey of; liberation of; as originating beyond cosmos; Sophia's dialogue with; transformation of; tug of war in; as warrior-knight; world
Sousa, Lisa
Southern Poverty Law Center
Spain: administrative structure under; colonialism of; Mesoamerican symbols repressed by; rebellion against; Virgin of Guadalupe of Extremadura in
Sparrow, John
Spirit: depiction of; elements of goddess worship in; female images of
spirituality: complementary; contemplative; creation-based; ecofeminist; Goddess (see also Goddess worship); New Age; pagan; prophetic; search for earth-based, feminist
Spretnak, Charlene
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Starhawk (Miriam Simos): as Goddess feminist; as pacifist; on power; role of; teaching of; views of
Stone, Merlin
Sumerian world: slave-owning cities of
Sumero-Akkadian society: class hierarchy in; concept of deities in; goddesses marginalized in; Inanna/Ishtar in; land ownership in; origins of; Song of Songs in context of; women's status in
Swedberg, Jesper
Swedenborg, Emanuel: background of; followers of; on wisdom and love
Synagoga (Jewish people)
synoptic gospels
Syria. See Ugarit (Syria)
Syriac language
Szilagyi, Masika
Tamez, Elza
Tanco, Luis Becerra
Tauler, Johannes
Tecuciztecatli (god)
Tefnut (goddess)
“tellurism” concept
temples: administrators of; for Baal; for Demeter; as focus of urban centers. See also shrines
Teteo Innan/Toci (goddess)
textiles and textile production
Tezcatlanextía-Tezcatlipoca (paired deities)
Tezcatlipoca (god)
Tezozomoc, Hernando Alvarado
Thaumaurgus, Gregory
theo/alogy: as beginning with experience; Carol Christ's; ecofeminist spirituality in; integration of process and goddess; proponents of; search for sources of
theodicy: problem of
Theodore of Mopsuestia
Thesmophoria (festival)
Thomas (disciple): Gospel of; Quetzalcóatl as remembrance of
Thomas Aquinas
Thoth (god)
Tiamat (goddess)
Tiger, Lionel
Tillich, Paul
Titian Titlacauan (sorcerer)
Tiwi culture (Australia)
Tlaloc (god)
Tlaltecuhtli (goddess)
Tlaxcalan people
Tlazolteotl (goddess)
Toksvig, Signe
Tollan (priest-king)
Tonantzin (maternal aspect). See also Virgin of Guadalupe
Torquemada, Juan de
Torriti, Jacopo
Totlaconantzin-Totlacotatzin (paired deities)
Trible, Phyllis
Trimorphic Protennoia: description of; origin of
Tringham, Ruth
Trinity: creation of soul and; definition of; familial language for; gender of; Mary as containing; Sophiology on; Wisdom in
truth: goodness split from
Tryphon. See Seth
Tschech, Johann Theodor von
Tucker, Mary Evelyn
“two Kingdoms” doctrine
Tylor, Edward
Ucko, Peter
Ugarit (Syria): Anat in myth of
underworld: Aztec male-female pair of; Baal and Anat's descent to; Folly linked to; Homeric view of; hopes concerning; Inanna's descent to; Persephone's descent to
Unitarian Universalism
United Society of Christ's Second Appearing (Shakers)
United States: Guadalupe reinterpreted in; Harmonists' migration to; militaristic aggression of; myths of; Shakers' migration to; socialist women's texts in
United States Army chaplains
urban centers: competition among; development of; gods' relationships in; as multicultural and multiethnic; temples as focus of
Utu (god)
Valeriano, Antonio
Vatican. See also specific popes
Venus of Willendorf
Vidal de Figueroa, José
Vierge Ouvrante
Villaseca, Alonso de
violence: masculinity linked to; presence of; Starhawk on
Virgin de los Remedios
virginity: ideal of; marriage as equal to
Virgin Mary. See Mary (Jesus's mother); Virgin of Guadalupe
Virgin of Guadalupe: contested history of; depiction of; ideological ownership of; miracles linked to; multivalent symbolism of; reinterpretation of; as syncretism of Mary and Tonantzin; as unique revelation of Mary in Mexico
Virgin of Guadalupe of Extremadura
virilocal residence
Voorhies, Barbara
Walker, Robert
wall paintings
Walls, Neal H.
Wardley, Jane
Wardley Society
warrior ethic
wealth, surplus
Weigel, Valentine
Weisel, Elie
Westermarck, Edward Alexander
White, Anna
white supremacy
Wicca: attacks on; Carol Christ's views of; credo of; defense of; definition of; Dianic form of; goal of; leadership in; political activism and
will: of humanity; renunciation of; resignation to God's
Willard, Frances
Wisdom: background of; in Boehme's mysticism; as bride and as bridegroom; as celestial sister; as center of Trinity; Christian church and; cosmological role of; as creation of male elites; as defined by men-God relations; eternal life linked to; female-personified; gender of; Harmonist hymns to; “I am” language of; Jesus Christ as; masculinization of; messianism fused with; as ousia (ground of being); in Q tradition; reclaiming of female; in Shaker theology; Swedenborg on; Torah as manifestation of. See also Sophia and Sophiology
Wisdom of Solomon: “friends” as used in; relegated to apocrypha; as source for theological meaning of Jesus
Witch, Jamyi
witches: depiction of; Gage's study of; instructions for; labeled as devil worshipers; persecution of. See also neopagan movement; Wicca
Witherington, Ben
Wollstonecraft, Mary
women: as administrators of temples; in Aztec priesthood; choices of; as disciples; “fall” of; festival for; fixed “nature” of; idealization of; legal rights of; marginalization of; misogyny toward; as more loving and less intelligent; oppression/subjugation of; as original human beings; as passive citizens; relegated to domestic sphere; as workers
women's suffrage movement: ambivalence about; opposition to; original matriarchy and
Word of God: as creator, revealer, redeemer; father-son metaphor for; gender absent in; journey of soul and; milk metaphor for; Philo's use of concept; soul as alienated from
work role complementarity
World Social Forum
world soul
World Trade Organization
Wright, Lucy
Wright, Rita
Xiuhtlacuiloxochitzin (priestess-ruler)
Xochipilli (goddess)
Xochitecatl (city): figurines from
Yahweh (god): assumptions about; Baal's roles appropriated by; Canaanite symbolism and; Israel's reconciliation with; as mother goddess; as war god; Wisdom as first creation of
Yahwism: female deity eliminated in; female figure in; reform movements in; Wisdom's role in
Yam (god)
Yaocihuatl (goddess)
Young, Benjamin Seth
Zapata, Emiliano
Zeus (god)
Zumárraga, Juan de