Angus was popular with his men, even though he had the reputation of being very demanding. This was because he never demanded anything of his sailors that he would not do himself. He was regarded as a “first-class fish killer” and a good manager of people.
Angus was not known as a jolly man, rarely smiling, cursing frequently and often showing a stubborn streak. He could be short-tempered when he felt things were not going his way.
But there was no doubt that he was one of the best captains on the banks, and he never had trouble getting crews. Other schooners would follow him because of his reputation for finding the whereabouts of the best catches.
Angus had the reputation of being a “sail dragger”, meaning that he pushed the speed of a vessel to the limit and would race with other ships. He had inherited his father’s skills as a fisherman and more. William Roué, the designer of Bluenose, said of Angus that he was “always a fighter. Nobody put anything over on him in a race.”
Angus’s grandson Wayne later said: “He never wanted to be better than any other man. Just as good.”
Angus may have been tough, but he was very sensitive about some things. He once sued an American newspaper that said that he had “cursed the Lord”. He got $3500 in damages.
Angus Walters at the wheel