
A well-known short story by Robert Coates describes the incredibly chaotic events transpiring from suspension of the law of averages.1 We have demonstrated—convincingly, we hope—that the law of averages, aka the central limit theorem, aka the law of large numbers can be relied upon in dealing with the phenomena of gambling. We can, in fact, and with a modicum of smugness do, advise: You can bet on it.

In order to synthesize even an elementary framework of gambling theory, we have resorted to the disciplines of probability theory, statistics, and game theory as well as sampling occasional fruits from other branches of mathematics. With these analytic tools, it is possible to evolve the basic principles of gambling theory and thence to derive optimal game strategies and optimal courses of action for individual participation in gambling situations as functions of initial bankroll, objective, etc. As a caveat, it should be stated that the theorems proved herein refer to numbers—that is, abstract quantities; applications to dice, coins, cards, and other paraphernalia are entirely adventitious.

The games considered in this book range from the simplest strategic contests, such as coin matching, to intricate nonstrategic games of skill, such as Chess, or the extreme complexity of social phenomena, as represented by economic conflict. Elementary coin, wheel, and dice games, inter alia, have been analyzed completely and their strategies specified. In general, however, games whose outcomes depend not merely on natural statistical fluctuations, but on the actions of other players and wherein a player must select from among relatively complex strategies, pose mathematical problems yet unsolved. Poker (a strategic game based on imperfect information and inverted signaling) and Bridge (a strategic game involving information exchange) provide two examples where detailed optimal strategies cannot be enumerated because of the astronomical amount of attendant computation.

We have also considered games of pure chance, where the opponent is an impartial, godlike statistician; games of mixed chance and skill, such as Blackjack, where the dependence between plays implies the value of a memory; games of pure skill, such as Nim and Pentominoes, where the opponent is another player, and games involving nonstationary statistics, such as horse racing or stock-market speculation. Gambling on contests of pure skill is comparatively rare at present (although it was common in past eras), possibly because a hierarchy of the participants is soon established in a closed community. It would appear that gambling on outcomes determined solely by chance, or on judgments of which horse or dog is the speediest, offers greater appeal. While these categories are not presumed to exhaust the subject, they do comprise a substantive encapsulation of most gambling phenomena.

The subjective element often inherent in games, particularly in those of an economic nature, is considered by means of the fundamental concept of utility functions. Yet the extent to which utility theory describes actual human behavior is debatable. The assumption that individuals act objectively in accordance with purely mathematical dictates to maximize their gain or utility cannot be sustained by empirical observation. Indeed, people more often appear to be influenced by the skewness of the probability distribution; hence the popularity of lotteries and football pools with highly negative mathematical expectations. Perhaps the nature of human preference precludes a normative theory of utility.

An alternate lens through which we can scrutinize the subject of gambling is that constructed by the parapsychologists. We have reviewed the evidence for extrasensory perception and have classified the phenomenon as a trompe l’oeil. Similarly, we have dismissed as fantasy the value of propitiating the gods of fortune through esoteric rituals.

“Gambling,” said Dr. Theodore Reik, “is a sort of question addressed to destiny.” To answer the question requires a hazardous ascent up the slippery ladder of probability, gambling theory, and statistical logic. What treasures await the successful climber, we will not speculate. Information, as we have shown, can only enhance our expectation.

Rien ne va plus.

1Robert M. Coates, “The Law,” New Yorker, 23, Part 4 (November 29, 1947), pp. 41–43. All car owners in the Greater New York area decide simultaneously on an evening’s excursion over the Triborough Bridge; restaurants find only a single item on the menu being ordered; a small notions store is inundated by hundreds of customers, each in single-minded pursuit of a spool of pink thread. Eventually, by legislating human behavior, Congress amends the oversight of never having had incorporated the law of averages into the body of federal jurisprudence.