Shortly after pithecanthropus erectus gained the ascendency, he turned his attention to the higher-order abstractions. He invented a concept that has since been variously viewed as a vice, a crime, a business, a pleasure, a type of magic, a disease, a folly, a weakness, a form of sexual substitution, an expression of the human instinct. He invented gambling.
Archaeologists rooting in prehistoric sites have uncovered large numbers of cube-shaped bones, called astragalia, that were apparently used in games some thousands of years ago. Whether our Stone Age ancestors cast these objects for prophecy or amusement or simply to win their neighbor’s stone axe, they began a custom that has survived evolution and revolution.
Although virtually every culture has engaged in some form of dice play, centuries elapsed before thought was directed to the “fairness” of throwing dice or to the equal probability with which each face falls or should fall. The link between mathematics and gambling long remained unsuspected.
Most early civilizations were entrapped by the deep-rooted emotional appeal of absolute truth; they demanded Olympian certitude and could neither envision nor accept the inductive reliability sought by modern physics. “Arguments from probabilities are impostors,” was the doctrine expressed in Plato’s Phaedo. Carneades, in the second century B.C., was the first to shift from the traditional Greek rationalist position by developing an embryonic probability theory that distinguished three types of probability, or degrees of certainty. However, this considerable accomplishment (against the native grain) advanced the position of empiricist philosophy more than the understanding of events of chance.
Throughout the entire history of man preceding the Renaissance, all efforts aimed at explaining the phenomena of chance were characterized by comprehensive ignorance of the nature of probability. Yet gambling has flourished in various forms almost continuously from the time Paleolithic hominids cast polished knucklebones and painted pebbles. Lack of knowledge has rarely inhibited anyone from taking a chance.
Reasoned considerations relating games of chance to a rudimentary theory of probability first emerged in the 16th century. Gerolamo Cardano (1501–1576), physician, philosopher, scientist, astrologer, religionist, gambler, murderer, was responsible for the initial attempt to organize the concept of chance events into a cohesive discipline. In Liber de Ludo Alea (The Book on Games of Chance), published posthumously in 1663, he expressed a rough concept of mathematical expectation, derived power laws for the repetition of events, and conceived the definition of probability as a frequency ratio. Cardano designated the “circuit” as the totality of permissible outcomes of an event. The circuit was 6 for one die, 36 for two dice, and 216 for three dice. He then defined the probability of a particular outcome as the sum of possible ways of achieving that outcome divided by the circuit.
Cardano investigated the probabilities of casting astragalia and undertook to explain the relative occurrence of card combinations, notably for the game of primero (loosely similar to poker). A century before Antoine de Méré, he posed the problem of the number of throws of two dice necessary to obtain at least one roll of two aces with an even chance (he answered 18 rather than the correct value of 24.6). Of this brilliant but erratic Milanese, the English historian Henry Morley wrote, “He was a genius, a fool, and a charlatan who embraced and amplified all the superstition of his age, and all its learning.” Cardano was imbued with a sense of mysticism; his undoing came through a pathological belief in astrology. In a much-publicized event, he cast the horoscope of the frail 15-year-old Edward VI of England, including specific predictions for the 55th year, third month, and 17th day of the monarch’s life. Edward inconsiderately expired the following year at the age of sixteen. Undismayed, Cardano then had the temerity to cast the horoscope of Jesus Christ, an act not viewed with levity by 16th-century theologians. Finally, when the self-predicted day of his own death arrived, with his health showing no signs of declining, he redeemed his reputation by committing suicide.
Following Cardano, several desultory assaults were launched on the incertitudes of gambling. Kepler issued a few words on the subject, and shortly after the turn of the 17th century, Galileo wrote a short treatise titled, Considerazione sopra il Giuoco dei Dadi.1 A group of noblemen of the Florentine court had consulted Galileo in a bid to understand why the total 10 appears more often than 9 in throws of 3 dice. The famous physicist showed that 27 cases out of 216 possible total the number 10, while the number 9 occurs 25 times out of 216.
Then, in 1654, came the most significant event in the theory of gambling as the discipline of mathematical probability emerged from its chrysalis. A noted gambler and roué, Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré, posed to his friend, the Parisian mathematician Blaise Pascal, the following problem: “Why do the odds differ in throwing a 6 in four rolls of one die as opposed to throwing two 6s in 24 rolls of two dice?” In subsequent correspondence with Pierre de Fermat (then a jurist in Toulouse) to answer this question, Pascal constructed the foundations on which the theory of probability rests today. In the discussion of various gambling problems, Pascal’s conclusions and calculations were occasionally incorrect, while Fermat achieved greater accuracy by considering both dependent and independent probabilities.
Deriving a solution to the “problem of points” (two players are lacking x and y points, respectively, to win a game; if the game is interrupted, how should the stakes be divided between them?), Pascal developed an approach similar to the calculus of finite differences. Pascal was an inexhaustible genius from childhood; much of his mathematical work was begun at age 16. At 19 he invented and constructed the first calculating machine in history.2 He is also occasionally credited with the invention of the roulette wheel. Whoever of the two great mathematicians contributed more, Fermat and Pascal were first, based on considerations of games of chance, to place the theory of probability in a mathematical framework.
Curiously, the remaining half of the 17th century witnessed little interest in or extension of the work of Pascal and Fermat. In 1657, Christiaan Huygens published a treatise titled, De Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae (Reasonings in Games of Chance), wherein he deals with the probability of certain dice combinations and originates the concept of “mathematical expectation.” Leibnitz also produced work on probabilities, neither notable nor rigorous: he stated that the sums of 11 and 12, cast with two dice, have equal probabilities (Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria, 1666). John Wallis contributed a brief work on combinations and permutations, as did the Jesuit John Caramuel. A shallow debut of the discipline of statistics was launched by John Graunt in his book on population growth, Natural and Political Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality. John de Witt analyzed the problem of annuities, and Edmund Halley published the first complete mortality tables.3 By mathematical standards, however, none of these works can qualify as first-class achievements.
More important for the comprehension of probabilistic concepts was the pervasive skepticism that arose during the Renaissance and Reformation. The doctrine of certainty in science, philosophy, and theology was severely attacked. In England, William Chillingworth promoted the view that man is unable to find absolutely certain religious knowledge. Rather, he asserted, a limited certitude based on common sense should be accepted by all reasonable men. Chillingworth’s theme was later applied to scientific theory and practice by Glanville, Boyle, and Newton, and given a philosophical exposition by Locke.
Turning into the 18th century, the “Age of Reason” set in, and the appeal of probability theory once again attracted competent mathematicians. In the Ars Conjectandi (Art of Conjecturing), Jacob Bernoulli developed the theory of permutations and combinations. One-fourth of the work (published posthumously in 1713) consists of solutions of problems relating to games of chance. Bernoulli wrote other treatises on dice combinations and the problem of duration of play. He analyzed various card games (e.g., Trijaques) popular in his time and contributed to probability theory the famous theorem that by sufficiently increasing the number of observations, any preassigned degree of accuracy is attainable. Bernoulli’s theorem was the first to express frequency statements within the formal framework of the probability calculus. Bernoulli envisioned the subject of probability from the most general point of view to that date. He predicted applications for the theory of probability outside the narrow range of problems relating to games of chance; the classical definition of probability is essentially derived from Bernoulli’s work.
In 1708, Pierre Remond de Montmort published his work on chance titled, Essai d’Analyse sur les Jeux d’Hazards. This treatise was largely concerned with combinatorial analysis and dice and card probabilities. In connection with the game of Treize, or Rencontres, de Montmort was first to solve the matching problem (the probability that the value of a card coincides with the number expressing the order in which it is drawn). He also calculated the mathematical expectation of several intricate dice games: Quinquenove, Hazard, Esperance, Trois Dez, Passedix, and Rafle, inter alia. Of particular interest is his analysis of the card games le Her and le Jeu des tas. Following de Montmort, Abraham de Moivre issued a work titled, Doctrine of Chances, that extended the knowledge of dice combinations, permutation theory, and card game analysis (specifically, the distribution of honors in the game of whist) and, most important, that proposed the first limit theorem. In this and subsequent treatises, he developed further the concepts of matching problems, duration of play, probability of ruin, mathematical expectation, and the theory of recurring series. On the basis of his approximation for the sum of terms of a binomial expansion (1733), he is commonly credited with the invention of the normal distribution. De Moivre lived much of his life among the London coffeehouse gamblers.4 It was likely this environment that led him to write what is virtually a gambler’s manual.
Miscellaneous contributors to gambling and probability theory in the first half of the 18th century include Nicolas Bernoulli and Thomas Simpson, the latter responsible for introducing the idea of continuity into probability (1756). These mathematicians and their contemporaries analyzed card games and solved intricate dice problems. Little additional understanding of probability was furnished to the orbis scientiarum.
Daniel Bernoulli advanced the concepts of risk and mathematical expectation by the use of differential calculus. He also deserves credit, with de Moivre, for recognizing the significance of the limit theorem to probability theory. Leonhard Euler, far more renowned for contributions to other branches of mathematics, worked for some time on questions of probabilities and developed the theory of partitions, a subject first broached in a letter from Leibnitz to Johann Bernoulli (1669). He published a memoir, Calcul de la Probabilité dans le Jeu de Rencontre, in 1751 and calculated various lottery sequences and ticket-drawing combinations. Jean le Rond d’Alembert was best known for his opinions contrary to the scientific theories of his time. His errors and paradoxes abound in 18th-century mathematical literature. According to d’Alembert, the result of tossing three coins differs from three tosses of one coin. He also believed that tails are more probable after a long run of heads, and promulgated the doctrine that a very small probability is practically equivalent to zero. This idea leads to the progression betting system that bears his name. His analyses of card and dice games were equally penetrating.
The Rev. Thomas Bayes (his revolutionary paper, “An Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances,” was published in 1763, two years after his death) contributed the theorem stating exactly how the probability of a certain “cause” changes as different events actually occur. Although the proof of his formula rests on an unsatisfactory postulate, he was the first to use mathematical probability inductively—that is, arguing from a sample of the population or from the particular to the general. Bayes’ theorem has (with some hazard) been made the foundation for the theory of testing statistical hypotheses. Whereas Laplace later defined probability by means of the enumeration of discrete units, Bayes defined a continuous probability distribution by a formula for the probability between any pair of assigned limits. He did not, however, consider the metric of his continuum.
Joseph Louis Lagrange contributed to probability theory and solved many of the problems previously posed by de Moivre. Beguelin, George Louis Buffon,5 and the later John Bernoulli published sundry articles on games of chance and the calculus of probability during the second half of the 18th century. Jean Antoine de Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, supplied the doctrine of credibility: The mathematical measure of probability should be considered as an accurate measure of our degree of belief.
Quantitatively, the theory of probability is more indebted to Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace, than to any other mathematician. His great work, Théorie Analytique des Probabilités, was published in 1812 and was accompanied by a popular exposition, Essai Philosophique sur les Probabilités. These tomes represent an outstanding contribution to the subject, containing a multitude of new ideas, results, and analytic methods. A theory of equations in finite differences with one and two independent variables is proposed, the concomitant analysis being applied to problems of duration of play and random sampling. Laplace elaborated on the idea of inverse probabilities first considered by Bayes. In subsequent memoirs, he investigated applications of generating functions, solutions and problems in birth statistics and the French lottery (a set of 90 numbers, five of which are drawn at a time), and generalized Montmort’s matching problem. Although he employed overly intricate analyses and not always lucid reasoning, he provided the greatest advance in probabilistic methodology in history. Laplace can claim credit for the first scientifically reasoned deterministic interpretation of the universe.
In the mid-18th century, the empiricist philosopher and economist David Hume studied the nature of probability and concluded that chance events are possessed of a subjective nature. Although he initiated development of the logical structure of the causality concept, Hume was unable to grasp fully the significance of inductive inference, being insufficiently endowed mathematically to exploit the theory of probability in a philosophic framework.
By the early 19th century, the understanding of chance events had progressed beyond its previous, naïve level; it was now accepted that probability statements could be offered with a high degree of certainty if they were transformed into statistical statements. The analysis of games of chance had led to clarification of the meaning of probability and had solidified its epistemological foundations.
Following Laplace, Simeon Denis Poisson was the first to define probability as “the limit of a frequency” (Rechercher sur le Probabilité des Jugements en Matière Criminelle et en Matière Civile, 1837), the work that included the substantive “law of large numbers.” Contemporaneously, the philosopher/priest Bernhard Bolzano promoted the view that probability represents a statistical concept of relative frequency. Augustus de Morgan, like Laplace, held that probability refers to a state of mind. Knowledge, he wrote, is never certain, and the measure of the strength of our belief in any given proposition is referred to as its probability. (Laplace had stated, “Chance is but the expression of man’s ignorance.”) The brilliant mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss applied probability theory to astronomical research. After Gauss, most mathematicians chose to disregard a subject that had become a virtual stepchild in Victorian Europe. The English logician John Venn, the French economist Augustin Cournot, and the American logician Charles Sanders Peirce all expanded on Bolzano’s relative frequency concept. Henri Poincaré wrote an essay on chance, as did Peirce. In The Doctrine of Chances (a title purloined from de Moivre and Bayes), Peirce in effect states that anything that can happen will happen; thus insurance companies must eventually fall bankrupt. This notion, if taken literally, raises a misleading signpost on a convoluted footpath.
For a time, the neglected orphan, probability theory, was fostered more by nonmathematicians—men who expanded the subject to include the modern statistical methods that may ultimately return far greater dividends. Among the major contributors are the Belgian demographer and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet6; Francis Galton, who investigated correlations and placed the laws of heredity on a statistical basis (the initial concept of correlations is credited to the Frenchman Auguste Bravais); W.F.R. Weldon, English zoologist and biometrician; the American actuary Emory McClintock; and Josiah Williard Gibbs, who contributed to the foundations of statistical mechanics. One of the few pure statisticians of the era was Karl Pearson, responsible for introducing the method of moments and defining the normal curve and standard deviation (1893). In 1900, he independently devised the “chi-square” test7 for goodness of fit. Pearson is the author of a fascinating treatise titled The Scientific Aspect of Monte Carlo Roulette. Few other qualified mathematicians were motivated to apply the fruits of mathematical study to the naughty practice of gambling.
During the latter half of the 19th century, advances in probability theory were associated in great measure with Russian mathematicians. Victor Bunyakovsky promoted the application of probability theory to statistics, actuarial science, and demography. Pafnutii Tchebychev (1821–1894) generalized Bernoulli’s theorem for the law of large numbers and founded the influential Russian school of mathematical probability. Two of his students were A. Liapounov (central limit theorem) and A.A. Markov, credited with the formulation of enchained probabilities. Tchebychev, Liapounov, and Markov together promulgated use of the vastly significant concept of a random variable.
Probability theory was carried into the 20th century by two philosophers, Bertrand Russell and John Maynard Keynes, both of whom worked to establish the discipline as an “independent and deep science of great practical importance with its own distinctive methods of investigation.” In his Principia Mathematica (1903), Lord Russell combined formal logic with probability theory. Keynes was a successful gambler who sharply attacked the frequency concept of probability and extended the procedures of inductive inference initiated by Bernoulli and Laplace. In related areas, the work of Vilfredo Pareto contributed to both mathematical economics (following Leon Walras) and sociology.
The first decade of the century witnessed the connection, first adumbrated by Émile Borel, between the theory of probability and the measure-theoretic aspects of the functions of a real variable. Borel’s classic memoir, Sur les Probabilités Dénombrables et leurs Applications Arithmétiques (1909), marks the beginning of modern probability theory. In the 1920s, Borel’s ideas were expanded by Khintchine, Kolmogorov, Eugene Slutsky, and Paul Lévy, among others. Rigorous mathematical developments were supplied by Kichard von Mises who, in a 1921 paper, introduced the notion of a sample space representing all conceivable outcomes of an experiment (the glass to contain the fluid of probability theory). With R.A. Fisher, von Mises advanced the idea of statistical probability with a definite operational meaning. It was his intent to replace all the doubtful metaphysics of probability “reasoning” by sound mathematics.
Also in 1921, a mathematical theory of game strategy was first attempted by Borel, who was interested in gambling phenomena and subsequently applied some elementary probability calculations to the game of contract bridge. Beyond his real achievements, Borel struggled to apply probability theory to social, moral, and ethical concerns, and convinced himself (if few others) that the human mind cannot imitate chance.
The axiomatic foundations of probability theory, initiated by Serge Bernstein,8 were finalized with the publication (1933) of A.N. Kolmogorov’s postulates in Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Foundations of the Theory of Probabilities). This work established analogies between the measure of a set and the probability of an event, between a certain integral and the mathematical expectation, and between the orthogonality of functions and the independence of random variables.
Recent contributions to probability theory have become highly complex. The frontiers of the subject have advanced well beyond the earlier intimacy with games of chance. Fréchet, in the 1930s, generalized classical probability theory as an application of his abstract spaces. Kolmogorov and Khintchine, also in the 1930s, were largely responsible for the creation of the theory of stochastic processes. Other outstanding probability theorists—Y.W. Lindeberg and William Feller, for example—and contemporary students of the subject now wield such weapons as infinite probability fields, abstract Lebesgue integrals, and Borel sets, in addition to many specialized, esoteric, and formidable concepts applicable in formal analysis of the physical sciences. Probability theory and general mathematical developments have resumed the close coupling that existed from the mid-17th century to Laplace’s day, but which was disrupted for more than a hundred years.
Game strategy as a mathematical discipline was firmly anchored by John von Neumann in 1928 when, in a creative mathematical paper on the strategy of poker, he proved the minimax principle, the fundamental theorem of game theory. Later, in 1944, the concepts of game theory were expanded when von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern published The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. More recently, quantum strategies have been added to the arsenal of game theorists. The player implementing such strategies can increase his expectation over those of a player restricted to classical strategies. And Parrondo’s paradox, acclaimed as one of the most significant advances in game theoretic principles since the minimax process, has demonstrated how two losing games can be combined to produce a winning one.
With modern technology we can provide complete solutions to most of the conventional games of chance (card games such as Poker and Bridge are excluded because of the Herculean burden of calculations inherent in a realistic model). Probability theory, statistics, and game-theoretic principles have seeped into population genetics, psychology, biology, cat surgery, weather forecasting, and a host of other disciplines. Mathematicians are closing in on the higher-order abstractions. As Aldous Huxley invented Riemann-Surface Tennis to fill the leisure hours of the denizens of his brave new world, so we might turn to such games as Minkowski Roulette, transfinite-cardinal Bingo, Kaluza Craps, or Quaternion Lotteries to challenge our mathematically inclined gamblers.
The concept of mathematical probability, cultivated in a petri dish of dice, cards, and Chinese puzzles, is now acknowledged as one of the main conceptual structures that distinguish the intellectual culture of modern civilization from that of its precursors. Gamblers can justifiably stand as the godfathers of this realm, having provoked the stimulating interplay of gambling and mathematics. Yet few gamblers today are sufficiently knowledgeable of probability theory to accept their patrimony.
Psychology and the graduated income tax have largely outmoded the grandiose gesture in gambling. Freud (not surprisingly) suggested a sexual element in gambling, and to emphasize the neurotic appeal, Gamblers Anonymous was organized in California in 1947, proffering sympathy to repentant, obsessive gamblers. The tax collector, hovering nearby, has discouraged the big winner from proudly publicizing his feat. “Bet-a-million” Gates and Arnold Rothstein no longer inspire adulation. Most tales of recent great coups likely have been apocryphal. “Breaking the bank at Monte Carlo” is a euphemism for closing a single gaming table. It was last accomplished at the Casino Société des Bains de Mer during the final days of 1957, with a harvest of 180 million francs. As in so many other human pursuits, quantity has supplanted quality, and while today’s wagers are smaller, it is the masses who are now gambling. Authorities estimate that in the United States alone, tens of millions of gamblers wager more than $75 billion every year.
The ancient and universal practice of mankind has become a modern and universal practice. Gambling—the desire to engage with destiny and chance—steadfastly reflects the human spirit. Casinos are spread across the globe: Las Vegas (first and foremost), Monte Carlo, Reno, Campione, Macao, the Casino d’Enghien, Geneva, Constanta (for gambling commissars), the Urca casino in Rio de Janeiro, Viña del Mar Kursaal, Quintandinha, Mar del Plata, Rhodes, Corfu, Marrakech, San Juan, the Casino du Liban in Lebanon, Cannes, Nice, Deauville, Accra, Brighton, Estoril, Baden-Baden, Manila, and scores of others, glamorous and shoddy, legal and illegal.
To phrase it in the vulgate: You can lose your shirt anywhere in the world.
David Florence Nightingale, (1955). Studies in the History of Probability and Statistics 1. Dicing and Gaming (A Note on the History of Probability). Biometrika.42(Part I):1–15 [June].
de Moivre, Abraham, The Doctrine of Chances, W. Pearson, 1718.
de Montmort, Pierre Remond, Essai d’Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard, Jacque Quillau, Paris, 1708.
Hacking Ian, (1974). The Emergence of Probability. Cambridge University Press.
Huygens, Christiaan, Tractatus de Ratiociniis in Ludo Aleae, Amsterdam, 1657. (French translation available in Martinus Nijhoff, Oeuvres Complètes, p. 14, The Hague, 1920.).
King Amy C, Cecil B Read, (1963). Pathways to Probability. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc;.
Kolmogorov, A. N. Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Springer, 1933.
Laplace Pierre Simon, Marquis de , (1951). A Philosophic Essay on Probabilities. New York: Dover Publications; [translated by F. W. Truscott and F. L. Emory).]
Lucas, Theophilus, Memoirs of the Lives, Intrigues, and Comical Adventures of the Most Famous Gamesters and Celebrated Sharpers in the Reigns of Charles II, James II, William III, and Queen Anne, Jonas Brown and Ferdinando Burleigh, 1714.
Maistrov Leonid E, (1974). Probability Theory: A Historical Sketch. Academic Press.
Ore, Øystein, Cardano, the Gambling Scholar, Princeton University Press, 1953. (Contains English translation of Gerolomo Cardano, The Book on Games of Chance.).
Pearson, Karl, “The Scientific Aspect of Monte Carlo Roulette,” The Chances of Death and Other Studies in Evolution, E. Arnold, 1897.
Peirce Charles, S, (1878). The Doctrine of Chances. Popular Science Monthly.12:604–615 [March].
Russell Bertrand, Whitehead Alfred North, (1910–1913). Principia Mathematica. Cambridge University Press.
Todhunter Isaac, (1949). A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability. New York: Chelsea Publishing Co.; [reprint).]
Asbury Herbert, (1938). Sucker’s Progress: An Informal History of Gambling in America from the Colonies to Canfield. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Co;.
Ashton John, (1899). The History of Gambling in England. London: Duckworth and Co.;.
Barbeyrac, J., Traité du Jeu, 3 vols., Pierre Humbert, 1737.
Calcagnini, Celio, “De Talorum Tesserarum ac et Calculorum Ludis ex More Veterum,” in J. Gronovius, Thesaurus Graccarum Antiquitatum, Leyden, 1697–1702.
Cantor, Moritz, Vorlesungen über Geschichte de Mathematik, 4 vols., B. G. Teubner, 1880–1908.
Carruccio Ettore, (1964). Mathematics and Logic in History and in Contemporary Thought. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co;.
Dahlke Richard, Fakler Robert A, Morash Ronald P, (1989). A Sketch of the History of Probability. Math. Ed..5(4):218–232.
David Florence Nightingale, (1962). Games, Gods, and Gambling: The Origins and History of Probability and Statistical Ideas from the Earliest Times to the Newtonian Era. New York: Hafner Publishing Co.;.
1Originally, “Sopra le Scoperte dei Dadi.”
2The first calculating machine based on modern principles must be credited, however, to Charles Babbage (1830).
3Life insurance per se is an ancient practice. The first crude life expectancy table was drawn up by Domitius Ulpianus circa A.D. 200.
4His mathematics classes were held at Slaughter’s Coffee House in St. Martin’s Lane; one enthusiastic student was Thomas Bayes.
5In his Political Arithmetic, Buffon considered the chance of the sun rising tomorrow. He calculated the probability as 1 − (1/2)x where x is the number of days the sun is known to have risen previously. Another equally enlightening contribution from Buffon was the establishment of 1/10,000 as the lowest practical probability. More respectable is Buffon’s needle problem: A needle of length l is randomly thrown onto a plane ruled with parallel lines separated by a distance d. The probability that the needle will intersect one of the lines is 2l/πd if l < d.
6In discussing inductive reasoning, Quetelet avered that if an event (e.g., the tide rising) has occurred m times, the probability that it will occur again is (m + 1)/(m + 2). Note that the probability of unknown events (m = 0) is thereby defined as 1/2. Possibly, Buffon’s logic of the previous century gains by comparison.
7The “chi-square” test was originated by Helmert in 1875.
8Bernstein’s “probability theory” (1927) introduces three axioms: that of comparability of probabilities, that of incompatible (disjoint) events, and that of combination of events.