Do you have a small toy, china doll, frame edging or piece of jewelry you want to cast? Press it into Kinetic Sand, making sure the sand is deep enough to get a good cast. Then pour your plaster into the mold, and let it set up as you have done previously. (Kinetic Sand comes in a variety of colors; we are using pink sand for this demonstration.)
Remember that you can tint the plaster when mixing. Fluid or high-flow acrylics work best, and the warmer the water you mix with your plaster the faster it sets up.
STEP ONE: Line a small box or lid with plastic wrap.
STEP TWO: Press Kinetic Sand in the box and smooth to a flat surface.
STEP THREE: Press objects firmly into the clay. Gently lift objects, being careful to maintain impressions.
STEP FOUR: Pour plaster into the box. When the plaster is cured, remove the casting. Remove any excess sand with a toothbrush.