You can not only fashion armatures with wire, but you can also be on the hunt for objects made from wire that would make great ready-made armatures.
Look for wire baskets, wire racks or shelving, hangers, lampshade frames or old bedsprings. Any of these items can provide a structure for plaster cloth, Critter Clay, paper mache or resin clay.
STEP ONE: Insert Apoxie Sculpt into the top of an old bedspring to form a small platform.
STEP TWO: Attach a doll figure to the bedspring using Apoxie Sculpt as an adhesive.
STEP THREE: Wrap plaster gauze over the bedspring to form a skirt and let it dry.
STEP FOUR: Dip a doily in plaster and adhere it to the skirt.
STEP FIVE: Add paint and embellish as desired.
If your figure has very smooth or slick edges or surfaces, scuff them up; the Apoxie adhesive will adhere better. I used a Dremel tool to rough up the parts of the doll that would connect with the Apoxie. You could also use a metal file or sandpaper.