

1. Force of Habit

Two old pirates were sitting at a bar, talking about their adventures.

2. Leave Me a Loan

A wealthy woman goes into a New York City bank to ask for a loan.

3. Great Expectations

An eighty-year-old man was at the doctor’s office for his annual checkup.

4. Don’t Confuse Me with Facts

A man is convinced he’s dead.

5. The Big Picture

A few minutes into a morning flight from Boston to Chicago, the passengers were startled by a sudden jolt.

6. Feet of Clay

Two half-drunk guys are in a bar at the top of a skyscraper.

7. Good Enough?

A woman in her late forties suffers a massive heart attack . . .

8. Sorry, Frog

An engineer is crossing the road when he hears a frog calling out to him . . .

9. Efficiency Expert

An efficiency expert concluded his lecture to a group of business leaders with a note of caution . . .

10. Brain Freeze

Einstein depended on his chauffeur to take him to his speaking engagements.

11. The Old Sandbag Trick

A man rides up to the Mexico-US border on his bicycle, carrying two large bags on his shoulders.

12. Piece of Cake

Three families have all had bakeries on the same block in Florence, Italy, for generations.

13. Fast Friends

Two campers are walking through the woods when they suddenly see a huge brown bear . . .

14. In Too Deep

An out-of-work actor goes into a doctor’s office.

15. Some Pig

A man was walking down a country road when he came to a farmhouse.

16. Go with the Flow

An old guy is driving home from work when his wife calls him on his cell phone.

17. Countdown

A doctor walks into the examining room and puts his hand on his patient’s shoulder.

18. Buy, Buy, Baby

A corporal with the gift of gab advises new recruits about benefits.

19. Insufficient Information

A nurse was out making her daily rounds when her car suddenly ran out of gas.

20. Too Much Information

A sales rep, a clerk, and a manager find an antique oil lamp.

21. Who, Me?

One afternoon, a man decides to take his new sports car for a drive in the country.

22. The Old Man and the Cookies

An old man was on his deathbed.

23. Back to the Front

It was the morning of Black Friday, and there was a big sale at the electronics superstore.

24. On Second Thought

A Mafia boss discovers that his bookkeeper has stolen 10 million dollars from him.

25. It’s All in Your Head

Two cowboys riding across the prairie come upon an Indian lying on his stomach with one ear to the ground.

26. The Perfect Martini

A wealthy man goes into a New York City bar and asks for the world’s best martini.

27. A Monk’s Tale

A young man decides to join a Buddhist monastery and take a vow of silence.

28. The Easy Way

A guy sees a man in a tuxedo and a woman in an evening gown crawling around on the side of the road.

29. Hello, I Must Be Going

A guy tells his psychiatrist he has difficulty making friends.

30. Anchors Aweigh!

A grizzled old sea captain decided to test one of his recent recruits.

31. Nonverbal Communication

An elderly man and woman are sitting on a bench in a nursing home.

32. The Whole Truth

Out at sea, a young deckhand drank alcohol for the first time in his life . . .

33. Do the Right Thing

A ten-year-old boy was questioning his father about being a good businessman.

34. Bring in the “B” Team

One morning, a man looks out of his bedroom window and sees an enormous grizzly bear . . .

35. Head Case

On her way to work every day, a woman walks past a pet shop.

36. Elementary

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson go on a camping trip.

37. Life Is a Beach

An old lady is watching her grandchild playing on the beach . . .

38. Just Do It

Two boys are walking through the woods one day when they spy some rabbit turds.

39. Hidden Agenda

An old guy goes into a confessional and says to the priest, “I think I’ve done a bad thing.”

40. Who’s in Charge Here?

A man sees his friend on the street and asks, “Hey, what’s wrong? You look kind of down.”

41. That’s News to Me

An elderly woman goes to the doctor and tells him she has a problem with frequent gas.

42. Dead Weight

A young man from the big city bought a donkey from a farmer for two hundred dollars.

43. Value Meal

Walking through an art gallery, a man notices two similar still-life paintings.

44. You’re the Bomb

Hovering above Earth in their flying saucers, two alien life-forms are talking to each other.

45. The Naked Wife

A man steps into the shower right after his wife has finished her shower.

46. In Confidence

Four lawyers were traveling to a conference by train.

47. Who’s Driving?

During a taxi ride, the passenger taps the cab driver on the shoulder to ask him a question.

48. Local Hero

A world-renowned physician was invited back to his hometown to give a public lecture.

49. Don’t Ask

A woman walks up to an old man sitting in a rocking chair on his porch.

50. MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)

A little guy is sitting at a bar, just staring at his drink . . .

51. Getting a Leg Up

A biologist was experimenting with a big bullfrog.

52. Get in Line

A young woman is walking home one day when she spots an odd funeral procession . . .

53. Pushing Buttons

An old man and a young man were playing a friendly round of golf.

54. Lost Keys

When you lose your keys, where is the one place you’ll always find them?

55. Is That Your Final Answer?

A guy dies and goes to Hell.

56. Love, Actually

A bride and groom ride horses on their honeymoon.

57. Bad News

A woman goes on vacation and leaves her cat with her sister.

58. Take the Money and Run?

A barber is talking to one of his customers.

59. You’re Bad Luck

As a man lay on his deathbed, he motioned for his wife to come closer.

60. Don’t Get Bugged

One evening over dinner, a boy asked his father, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?”

61. Water Torture

An astrophysicist is giving a lecture at a local university about the fate of the solar system.

62. Old Faithful

Two young salmon are swimming along one day . . .

63. Expect the Unexpected

After thirty years of marriage, a couple was celebrating their sixtieth birthdays together.

64. Kind of a Drag

A woman is starting to get worried because her husband hasn’t come back from his regular Saturday afternoon golf game.

65. Don’t Just Do It

A group of first-year medical students was in an anatomy class . . .

66. Scared Straight

A man receives a parrot as a gift.

67. Dumb and Dumber

A young ventriloquist was performing at a club in a small town.

68. On Target

Three guys—a politician, an economist, and a statistician—go out hunting.

69. Too Late

“How’d you break your leg?” asked the doctor.

70. Thanks, But No Thanks

A young man is walking through the woods, when he comes upon a bunch of old-timers sitting around a campfire.

71. Don’t Count on It

A man sitting at a bar let out a heavy sigh as he sipped his drink.

72. All About Me

A widow decides to visit the funeral home to view her husband’s body before the funeral.

73. You May Already Be a Winner

An American was visiting a Mexican fishing village one day . . .

74. Model Behavior

Grandpa recently turned one hundred.

75. A Fish Story

A Vermonter gets drunk and decides to go ice fishing.

76. Helping Hands

A man in prison receives a letter from his father.

77. Reach Out

A woman runs into a doctor’s office and tells the doctor, “Everywhere I touch on my body it hurts.”

78. Didn’t Step in It

Two girls are walking down the street.

79. Orange You Sorry?

A man with a big orange head goes to see a doctor.

80. Don’t Take It Personally

Tony was training to be a boxer.

81. I Won’t Grow Up

A Little League coach calls one of his young players over to his side.


After years of sessions, a man finally asks a question about his therapist’s method.

83. First Time Around

The new CEO of a large company wanted to shake things up . . .

84. Personal Pain

A husband and wife go into a dentist’s office.

85. Appreciating Life

After weeks of rain, a small town was flooded and all the residents had to be evacuated . . .

86. Other People’s Money

An old man was on his deathbed . . .

87. Payback

Two guys are sitting in a bar when a couple of robbers walk in.

88. The Wrong Tool

Two guys were out hunting when they got hopelessly lost.

89. Enough, Already

Jesus and St. Peter decide to play a round of golf.

90. Thank You for Not Sharing

Bob noticed that his friend Fred, a shopkeeper, looked upset.

91. It’s Not You, It’s You

A psychiatrist is seeing a patient for the first time.

92. I Knew It!

Three turtles decided to go on a picnic.

93. A Question of Balance

My wife is terrific.

94. Badge of Shame

A local DEA agent stops at a farm . . .

95. Nun the Wiser

The mother superior of a convent was working at her desk one swelteringly hot August day.

96. Mob Rule

A man from the big city walks into a cowboy bar.

97. The Memory Hole

An elderly husband and wife are having difficulty remembering things, so they go to a doctor . . .

98. Dream Job

A job interviewer asks a recent college graduate what kind of salary he’s looking for.

99. First Things First

A man buys a parakeet, but is very disappointed to find that it won’t talk.

100. And in the End

A guy takes his date to a dinner at the local country club.