Abbott, Edward, 17–18

Affirmations, 86–87

Afterlife, messages from, 215–17

Agrippa, 141–42

Aldridge, Adele, 35–37, 158–59

Amphibians and reptiles as messengers and oracles, 186–88

frog, 186–88

lizard, 188

snake, 188

turtle, 188

Anderson, Jane Teresa, 202


amphibians and reptiles as messengers and oracles, 186–88

birds as messengers and oracles, 181–84

finding your power, 179–81

invertebrates as messengers and oracles, 184–86

mammals as messengers and oracles, 188–91

oracles, 173–91

as symbols, 178–81

Anthony, Marcus, 199, 231

Archetypes, 11–13, 115

Armstrong, Darryl, 38–40

Arrowsmith, Richard, 34–35

Astrology, 161–65

Atman, 49

Attention, where to place, 35–37

Attunement, 47–48, 111

Augustine, St., 144–46

Awareness, developing, 20–21


Bach, Richard, 194–95

Bair, Deirdre, 11–12, 15–16

Barker, John, 143–44

Begg, Deike, 51

Bernsohn, Amanda, 136

Birds as messengers and oracles, 181–84

blackbird, 181

buzzard, 181

canary, 181–82

condor, 182

crow, 182

dove, 182

eagle, 182

hawk, 183

hummingbird, 183

owl, 183–84

swan, 184

Bohm, David, 16, 48–49, 224

Bowman, Carol, 109–10, 231–36

Brahman, 49

Breathing, 37–38

Burley, Art, 135

Burroughs, William, 100, 101

Bush, George H.W., 132


Cameron, Julia, 75

Campbell, Joseph, 13, 178

Carlson, Gabriel, 8–10, 201–2

Carradine, David, 125–26

Carter, Chris, 100–1

Central Premonitions Registry, 143–44

Challenger disaster, 133

Chance encounters, 194–99

Chi, 49

Chirni, Mike, 135

Chopra, Deepak, 50, 75, 223, 239

Clairvoyance, 58–60

Clancy, Anthony S., 90

Clelland, Mike, 120

Clifford, Jane, 180, 224–26

Clusters, 89–112

awareness of, 90–91

names, phrases, places, dates, 107–10

numbers, 90–107

other types, 106–7 requesting, 111–12

your own, 97

Cobain, Kurt, 97–98

Coincidences, 4

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 71

Collective unconscious, 11–13

Colors, 169–71

Combs, Allan, 114, 124

Connections to people, 34–35, 46

Corea, Ravi, 175

Creative, 69–88


and dreams, 79–81

engaging with, 77–78

and looking ahead, 83–84

unlocking, 87–88

Cross, Charles R., 98


D’Antonio, Jeff, 94

Death, 210–15

de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard, 49

DeLaurentis, Vicki, 136

Deschamps, Emile, 114

Divination, 156–57

Divine, engaging, 219–37

Dossey, Larry, 220

Dreams, 52–53

and communication, 81–82

and creativity, 79–81


Einstein, Patricia, 231 11, 111, 11:11 clusters, 92–95

Emmel, Thomas, 177

Emotional impact, 29

Emotions, force of, examples, 26–27

Empathy, 63–66

Evans-Campbell, Joyce, 76–77


Feelings, paying attention to, 42–43

Feifer, George, 14–15

Feynman, Richard, 104

14 clusters, 98–100

Fraser, Keith, 50–51

Freud, Sigmund, 32


Galilei, Galileo, 161, 164

Gauquelin, Michel, 162

Geller, Uri, 92–93

Gemondo, Millie, 63

Gerard, Jennifer, 196–97

Getzinger, Ray, 51, 96

Gilstrap, Jenean, 111, 18990, 208–9

Global, 131–51

Consciousness Project, 138–43

mind, 138, 139–40

Gonzalez, Elian, 134

Gooding, Dennie, 65–66

Grasse, Ray, 27–28, 178


Harvick, Kevin, 96

Healing energy exercise, 137

Heart, 23–43

Hemingway, Hilary, 74–75

Hendrix, Jimi, 97–98

Heraclitus, 141

Hertling, Judith, 73–74

Hexagrams, 157–58

Hicks, Esther and Jerry, 29, 220, 239

Hippocrates, 141

Holland, Mark, 114, 124

Hopcke, Robert, 28–30, 31, 166

Hopkins, Anthony, 14–15

Howe, Elias, 80


I Ching, 157–61

Imagination, power of, 71–72

Implicate or enfolded order of the universe, 16

Indian Ocean tsunami, 174–75

Inner oracle, 169–72

Intuition, fine-tuning, 236–37

Invertebrates as messengers and oracles, 184–86

ant, 184–85

bee, 185

butterfly, 185

caterpillar, 185

dragonfly, 185

firefly, 185

ladybug, 185

spider, 186

wasp, 186


Jeetun, Joey, 126

Joseph, Frank, 105

Journeys, 193–217

dreams, 205–7

out of body, 203–7

Jung, Carl, 6–7, 8, 11–13, 15–16, 32, 46, 56–57, 90, 95, 107–8, 158


Kammerer, Paul, 127

Kennedy, John F., 146–48

Knowing, 3–21

Kokopelli, 116


Law of attraction, 108, 223–29

Ledger, Heath, 125–26

Lee, Brandon, 124–25, 126

Lincoln, Abraham, 146–48

Loki, 115

Lost and found objects, 16–17

Luck, 229–31


MacGregor, Callum, 123–24

Mammals as messengers and oracles, 188–91

cat, 188–89

deer, 189–90

dog, 190

dolphin, 190–91

mouse, 191

squirrel, 191

Manifestation, 200–1

Mansfield, Victor, 48

Mazzotti, Frank, 177

McKenzie, Rob, 120–21

McMoneagle, Joe, 60–62

McTaggert, Lynn, 220

Miller, Arthur I., 104

Monroe, Robert, 204–5 Moss, Robert, 222

Muse, 75–77


Natal sun, 164

Near-death experiences, 207–9

Neda, 148


Robert and Nancy, 144

Roger, 138–39, 149 9/11, 134–36, 140–41

movie previews of, 138


Obama, Barack, 146–48

Odds, 13–15

Olbermann, Keith, 92, 133 137 clusters, 103–5

Openness to new experiences, 72–73

Ortiz, Vivian, 110, 190

Out-of-body experience (OBE), 203–7

dreams, 205–7


Page, Debra, 33–34

Parker, Richard, 83–84

Patrick, Terri, 95

Pauli, Wolfgang, 103–5, 105

Peat, F. David, 25, 32, 40–42, 105, 109, 142, 144

Personal within the global, 144–46

Petrarch, 145–46

Pickard, Nancy, 94

Pinchbeck, Daniel, 142–43, 146

Places, connections to, 38–42

Poe, Edgar Allan, 83–84

Pranayama, 49

Pratitya-samutpada, 49

Precognition, 50–53

Premonitions, 50–53

registering, 143–44

Pribram, Karl, 17

Provost, Gail and Gary, 86–87

Psychic ability in children, 55–56

Psychometric abilities, 66–67

Pythagoras, 95


Radin, Dean, 138, 139, 140–41, 149

Randall, Shawn, 49

Random event generators (REGs), 220–21

Random number generators (RNGs), 149

Remote viewing, 60–62

Ritual, 74–75

Roberts, Jane, 223–24

Robertson, Morgan, 84–85

Russert, Tim, 133


Sabbadini, Shantena Augusto, 160–61

Schultz, Dutch, 101–2

Shakespeare, William, 100

Sheldrake, Rupert, 135, 175–77, 176

Signs, 27–30

Simpson, O.J., 148–49

Simultaneous discoveries, 109

Smith, Johnny, 63–64

Snow, Chet, 54

Southey, Leah, 228–29

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 80

Stichomancy, 167–69

Swedenbourg, Emanuel, 59

Symbols, 27–30


deciphering the message of, 10–11

defined, 3

divining, 155–237

experiencing, 6–10

harnessing, 226–27

hi-tech, 220–22

meaning, xv

nationally observed, 133–34

typical kinds, 4–6

as wake-up call, 17–21

Synctxt, 220–22


Talbot, Michael, 133, 204

Tarnas, Richard, 162, 164

Tarot, 165–67

Taylor, Marilyn, 76–77

Telepathy, 56–58

Theory, 45–67

The space between, xii

Thinking globally exercise, 150–51

3, 33 clusters, 95–96

Tolle, Estelle, 239

Transformation Age, 222–23


manifesting travel experiences, 199–203

synchronicity practice, 197–98

tips, 195–96

Trickster, 113–29

as ally, 123–24

defined, 114

guises, 119–23

multiples, 127–28

myths, 115–18

shadow, 124–26

understanding your, 118–19

working with, 129

Twain, Mark, 210–11

27 clusters, 97–98

23 clusters, 100–3


Unus mundus, 108


Vaughan, Alan, 24–25, 108

Vega, Phyllis, 166

Vigorito, Tony, 127–28

Vonnegut, Kurt, 24–25


Wallender, Tim, 16–17

Wambach, Helen, 54–55

West, Sharlie, 30–31

Wiley, Renee, 53–55, 64–66

Wilhelm, Richard, 144, 157

Wilson, Robert Anton, 100, 101, 102

Winter, Julian, 110

Wolf, Fred Alan, 187


Zodiac, 163