
Coming next month


Natalie Anderson

She needed him to turn. Would she see those disturbingly green eyes? Would she see a sensual mouth? If he stepped closer would she hear a voice that whispered wicked invitation and wilful temptation? All those months ago she’d been so seduced by him she’d abandoned all caution, all reticence for a single night of silken ecstasy only to then—

A sharp pain lanced, shocking her back to the present. Winded, she pressed her hand to her stomach. How the mind could wreak havoc on the body. The stabbing sensation was a visceral reminder of the desolate emptiness she’d been trying to ignore for so long.

She’d recovered from that heartbreak. She was living her best life here—free and adventurous, bathing in the warm, brilliant waters of the Pacific. Her confusion was because she was tired. But she couldn’t resist stepping closer—even as another sharp pain stole her breath.

‘That’s interesting.’ He addressed the man beside him. ‘Why are—’

Shock deadened her senses, muting both him and the pain still squeezing her to the point where she couldn’t breathe. That voice? That low tone that invited such confidence and tempted the listener to share their deepest secrets?

Massimo hadn’t just spoken to her. He’d offered the sort of attention that simply stupefied her mind and left her able only to say yes. And she had. Like all the women who’d come before her. And doubtless all those after.

Now his brief laugh was deep and infectious. Despite her distance, it was as if he had his head intimately close to hers, his arm around her waist, his lips brushing her highly sensitised skin—

Pain tore through her muscles forcing her to the present again. She gasped as it seared from her insides and radiated out with increasingly harsh intensity. She stared, helpless to the power of it as that dark head turned in her direction. His green-eyed gaze arrowed on her.


‘Carrie?’ Sereana materialised, blocking him from her view. ‘Are you okay?’ Her boss looked as alarmed as she sounded.

Carrie crumpled as the cramp intensified. It was as if she’d been grabbed by a ginormous shark and he was trying to tear her in two. ‘Maybe I ate something…’

Her vision tunnelled as she tumbled to the ground.


Not Sereana.

She opened her eyes and stared straight into his. ‘Massimo?’

It couldn’t really be him. She was hallucinating, surely? But she felt strong arms close about her. She felt herself lifted and pressed to his broad, hard chest. He was hot and she could hear the thud of his racing heart. Or maybe it was only her own.

If this were just a dream? Fine. She closed her eyes and kept them closed. She would sleep and this awful agony would stop. She really needed it to stop.


Continue reading

Revealing Her Nine-Month Secret

By Natalie Anderson

Available next month

Copyright ©2022 by Natalie Anderson