The Alchemist
A hand-painted sign hung precariously on two rusty nails that threatened to lose their fight with gravity. It read:
“Universal Apothecary Emporium
Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Dr. Panacea Lovage Pharm D.”
“It’s a pharmacy!” Chilli exclaimed in surprise. She peered through a filthy window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the owner. But the pharmacy was as lifeless as the graveyard it stood in.
“Maybe there’s someone inside who can help us,” suggested Ty. He climbed the stairs onto the dusty porch and tugged on the door handle. The door remained stubbornly shut; its rusty hinges had long since ceased working after years of disuse.
Above them, the storm had moved with astonishing speed, and a clap of thunder exploded directly over their heads.
Ty urgently yanked harder on the doorhandle to dislodge the rust that clung to the door’s hinges. It suddenly gave way and he yelped in surprise as he almost fell backwards.
“Kraaaak!” Skulk shrieked as he fell off Ty’s shoulder and landed heavily on the porch. The vulture shook his feathers in disgust and drew himself up to his full height. This was a vulture who didn’t like surprises.
“Okay! Dat’s it! I’m hungry. I’m off.” He announced angrily. “Dis is where I gets to have lunch. I’ll let youse two crazy kids do what ya gotta do. Bin nice knowin’ ya. Gotta fly. Ta rah and good luck.”
The vulture flapped his wings and, with great difficulty, lifted his chunky body into the air. Then he flew off into the low stormclouds with his group of fly-friends close behind him.
“Thanks Skulk!” shouted Ty, trying to make himself heard against the wind. It was gusting so strongly that Chilli had to grab hold onto a pole supporting the roof to stay on her feet.
“Take my hand!” Ty shouted, holding his hand out to her. Chilli snatched his hand and Ty managed to pull her into the hut. Oubaas, terrified of the thunder, managed to duck through the open door before a gust of wind almost swept him off his feet.
Ty yanked the door shut behind them, grateful for shelter against the wind and rain. Outside the shack, raindrops drummed loudly on the zinc roof.
“Anybody home?” Chilli called out. There was no reply.
It looked like the hut had been abandoned many, many years before. The walls were lined with sagging shelves laden with old jam jars that had been carefully labelled: ‘Hope’, ‘Knowledge’, ‘Joy’, ‘Humour’ and ‘Love’.
An antique check-out till stood on an old-fashioned glass counter that dominated the front of the shop. A sign on the cabinet proclaimed: ‘Short of oxygen? Plant some trees and feel the difference.’
Chilli walked to the counter to examine its contents. It was filled with brown paper packets neatly packed into its drawers. The packets had been labelled with hand-written stickers and arranged in alphabetical order. They began with ‘Alfalfa’, ‘Algae’, ‘Almond’, ‘Amaryllis’, ‘Anemone’, ‘Anisette’. On and on the names went. The drawers were so tightly packed that there could have been millions of packets in the cabinet.
“What a weird chemist. Where are the antibiotics and medicines?” wondered Chilli.
But Ty was more interested in the old cashiers till.
“Look at this” he called out, “come and check out the keys!” Instead of numbers, the keys had words. “This one says ‘A Kind Word’, and that one says ‘A Smile’. But I like that one” he said, pointing to the large key that rang up the total. It read: ‘Paid in Full.’ He punched the key and a marker popped up as the drawer sprang open. It read: ‘Free. Like the best things in life’.
Chilli spotted an ancient grandfather clock in one corner of the pharmacy, probably all of eight foot tall. Remarkably, its pendulum was swinging heavily to and fro. Above the noise of the heavy weather they could hear it ticking: hurry–up, hurry–up, hurry–up.
Ty jumped as a loud clap of thunder shook the building. It was so loud it sounded like it could scrunch the building into a ball like a piece of scrap paper. The howling gale found holes in the timber framework and it whistled as it squeezed its way through them.
“The shack’s going to get flattened” shuddered Chilli.
“Huuullloooo!” Ty shouted. But the only answer was the ticking of the clock.
“Maybe there’s someone behind that curtain” suggested Chilli, pointing at fading strips of coloured plastic hanging limply over a doorway behind the counter.
“I’ll have a look” volunteered Ty, making to the doorway. As he got closer, he heard faint voices. But it was difficult to make out what they were saying above the noise of the storm.
“I can hear someone,” he whispered. Chilli followed him with Oubaas close on her heels. The baboon was terrified of thunder, and he was sticking as close to his friends as he could.
Ty pushed aside the curtain and stuck his head through the doorway.
Sitting in an old wooden rocking chair was a very tiny, very ancient lady. Her head was thrown backwards, resting on the back of the chair. Her mouth was wide open and a small snore escaped from her. That was why she hadn’t answered their calls - she was fast asleep.
She was the tiniest woman Chilli had ever seen. The years that had lined the old lady’s face had also shrunken her body. Her snow-white hair was piled on the top of her head and fastened by a faded blue ribbon. Large, thick round glasses were perched on her little snub nose, making her eyes appear too big for her small face.
“She’s alone. So where are those voices coming from?” whispered Chilli. Ty pointed to a rickety table standing next to the rocking chair. On it stood a beat up old radio, a makeshift aerial made from a wire coat hanger poking out the top of it. They could just make out what it was broadcasting:
“Good afternoon. I’m joined by Mike Chaucer on the banks of the River Novus. Good afternoon Mike. Are there any further developments with regard to the whale’s rescue?”
“Good afternoon Ian” another voice responded, “I’m afraid the news isn’t good. Scientists estimate that if they don’t manage to get Vida to the ocean within the next twenty-four hours, she’ll die. They’re not even sure if she’ll survive if she’s released into the ocean.”
With that, the old radio wheezed its last breath. It crackled weakly and then lapsed into silence.
“We’re running out of time!” Chilli exclaimed.
“We have to find Morbidius’s heart. And that old lady” said Ty, pointing at the sleeping figure, “may be able to help us.” He reached out and tapped the sleeping woman on the shoulder.
“Ahem, excuse me, ma’am. Er... hullo...” he said softly. She was so old he was afraid the shock of seeing strangers may give her a heart attack.
“Let me do that” Chill offered. “This is how I used to wake up my gran.”
She reached out and gently stroked the old lady’s hair. Although the ancient eyes remained closed, a broad grin spread across her face to reveal toothless gums. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she peered at the three of them curiously.
“What... who? Oh, I say. I’m not dreaming after all,” the old lady chuckled. She patted her heart and flopped back in the chair with relief, sending the chair rocking crazily backwards and forwards.
“I’m... I’m sorry if we frightened you” Chilli said hastily, “but we need your help.” The old woman sat on the edge of her chair and stared at them curiously.
“Well, dearie, let’s start at the beginning, shall we? I’m Dr. Panacea Lovage. I know who the two, oh, three, of you are. We don’t get many visitors in the Valley of Bones, so it’s no wonder everyone knows who you are. Now, how can I help you?”
“W... we need you to help us find the Ivory Bow and use it to destroy Morbidius’s Dark Heart...” Ty started to explain. But the old woman interrupted him.
“Ah, how wonderful!” Dr Lovage clapped her hands with delight and flopped back into her chair, making it rock giddily again. “I was beginning to think this day would never come. Tell me,” she pleaded, leaning forward in her chair “what exactly has that old rogue been up to. It seems Mr Ultimatum and his smelly companions have finally met their match in you three. Now, tell me what you need to get rid of that awful monster.”
Chilli launched into an explanation about Morbidius, Vida and the legend of the Ivory Bow. “That’s why we’re in the Valley of Bones,” she concluded.
“Well then, my young friends” the old woman answered, rubbing her hands together in anticipation of an adventure, “please call me Panacea. Follow me and I will show you Morbidius’s greatest fear. Then you will understand why it’s so important that Vida survives.”
The old woman grabbed her silver-capped cane, and lauched herself out of the chair. She stood unsteadily on her bandy legs and smoothed an imaginary wrinkle on her apron. Then she puffed out her chest and limped to the doorway with determination.
The three friends followed the old woman into the pharmacy where she took up her position in the middle of the room, her arms spread dramatically wide.
“This is what Morbidius is afraid of!” she announced with pride.
“Jam jars?” asked Ty, puzzled.
“No, dear boy. It is what’s in them that Morbidius is afraid of; these are the antidotes for everything he thrives on. You see, Morbidius’s weapon is fear. And fear is at the heart of all the jealousy, apathy, hatred, misery and greed in the world. But those are not just his weapons. They are what give him power! And in these jars are the emotions that neutralise fear: Hope, Knowledge, Generosity, Joy, Humour and, most of all, Love.”
“But all the jars are full,” Ty observed.
“That’s the problem,” Panacea answered sadly. “The jars are full because mankind doesn’t even know they need my supplies. Now and then there is a call for some Hope, but even that is rare.”
“But how do we fit into all of this?” asked Chilli.
“There are millions of people across the world that care about Vida’s survival. If she dies, the misery that will spread around the globe will strengthen Morbidius beyond comprehension. His power will be absolute, and he will be unstoppable. Now do you understand how important your task is?”
“I still don’t think we’re strong enough to stop him,” Chilli confessed.
The old lady’s eyes twinkled as she pointed to a sign over the doorway. “Perhaps that has something to do with you? Hhhm?” They silently read the familiar words: ‘A loving heart conquers one filled with hatred’.
“You already have what you need to complete your task. Right here.” She patted Chilli on her chest. “That is more powerful than anything Morbidius could possibly imagine – a loving heart.” A loud clap of thunder punctuated her sentence.
“But we’re just kids” argued Chilli, giving voice to the doubt that still haunted her.
“I sense you two young people have been through more in these last few hours than most adults have even seen their whole lives. Is that not so? The mere sight of Morbidius and his soldiers would scare off even the bravest of men” smiled Panacea.
“We had no choice. Chilli’s parents were going to be killed,” said Ty.
Panacea smiled at him, saying: “Even so. But sometimes fear can silence love. And Chilli didn’t let that happen.”
Chilli hadn’t thought of that before. She realised she didn’t hesitate to act when she had found out the danger her parents were in. She hadn’t even let piranha-infested water scare her off.
“Dr Panacea’s right,” Chilli acknowledged.
“And am I not also right in saying that you have received help at just the right time, when you needed it most?” Panacea asked with a knowing twinkle in her eye.
“That’s also true,” Ty admitted.
“That is because a noble cause is always supported by the Universe. No one who has a true heart stands alone,” said Panacea.
“I suppose you’re right again,” answered Chilli with a smile.
“I know I’m right m’dear!” insisted Panacea. “Now then, it’s back to business, but we had better be quick about it. I don’t like the sound of this storm. The first time we had a storm here, the earth entered the ice age. Then a few million years later we were hit by another storm, and that was followed by the Great Flood. I think we may be in store for another catastrophe.”
Skree-skree-skree! Oubaas suddenly stood up and barked in alarm. He lifted his head and sniffed the air.
“Oubaas smells something. It must be the Mutandii!” guessed Ty.
“I fear it is far worse than that. I think Morbidius himself has finally caught up with you. Come, we must get out of here, now! The closer he gets, the fiercer the storm. And I fear the storm is growing stronger by the second. Ty, give me a hand” Panacea instructed, pointing her cane at a rusty trapdoor handle in the floorboards.
In answer to the old lady’s warning, a powerful gust of wind swept over the roof, tearing off an iron sheet. The wind howled through the hole, bringing heavy rain with it and driving dust and grit into their eyes.
“Chilli, grab the Hopejar off that shelf over there” shouted Panacea, waving at the antidotes.
The grandfather clock’s chimes rang out: Now-or-never, now-or-never, now-or-never.
“Quickly Ty, pull that ring!” Panacea prompted him, “we must get below ground. I don’t think the pharmacy can stand much more. Morbidius will not rest until he destroys the building and us. Now that he is afraid, he will stop at nothing. His fear is giving him enormous strength, but it will also be his downfall. Now pull!” urged Panacea.
“Uuurgh” grunted Ty as he pulled on the handle with all his might. But the trapdoor remained tightly shut.
Above the roar of the wind, they could hear an angry voice: “You are dead, old lady! Dead! I’ll wipe out you and your friends!”
“It’s Morbidius! Move over Ty, let’s try together.” Chilli handed the jar to Panacea and grabbed hold of the handle.
“On the count of three, Ty. One, two, three, puuuullll!” The trap door burst open as a violent gust of wind ripped off what was left of the roof. Torrential rain stung their faces and bodies, soaking them to the skin.
“Chilli, take the jar!” shouted Panacea, handing the Hopejar back to Chilli. “Quickly, we must get underground!” The old woman led the way and clambered down the wooden ladder with surprising agility.
Something began violently battering the shop door, and a familiar rotten smell swept into the shop.
“Hurry up, you fools! They’re getting away!” roared a voice on the other side of the door.
“Morbidius! Let’s get out of here!” yelled Ty. Fortunately for them, Morbidius hadn’t realised that the wind had ripped off the shack’s roof.
Ty quickly helped Oubaas down the ladder and then Chilli, who was tightly clutching the Hopejar to her chest.
“Pull the door closed behind you Ty!” Panacea instructed. Ty stepped down onto the stairs, grabbed the trapdoor and yanked it closed over his head. It shut firmly, shielding them from the rain and wind and, most importantly, from Morbidius.
“Now what do we do?” Chilli asked Panacea. Hiding under a trapdoor wouldn’t protect them from Morbidius for very long.
Panacea didn’t give an answer. Instead she issued an instruction: “Hand me the Hopejar please Chilli.” The old woman reached for the container that, to Chilli’s astonishment, was glowing in the dark. Panacea opened the jar and sprinkled a handful of its contents around the ladder, making a circle of bright green light. “That should keep Morbidius busy, but only for a while. But it will buy us enough time to do what we have to do. Now come with me, we must get the Ivory Bow.”
Panacea held the Hopejar above her head to light their way and began running down the passage like a twenty-year-old. Morbidius had that effect on people. The children and Oubaas took off after the old woman, trying to ignore Morbidius’s angry thumps and curses as he tried to get through the trapdoor.
The friends had run quite a distance when they heard the thumping get louder and louder. Then, cccrrraaaaack, the sound of splintering wood echoed down the passage.
Morbidius was about to join them underground.