22. Literals of various temperature scales

To meet this requirement, we need to provide an implementation for several types, operators, and functions:

  • An enumeration of supported temperature scales called scale.
  • A class template to represent a temperature value, parameterized with the scale, called quantity.
  • Comparison operators ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >= that compare two quantities of the same time.
  • Arithmetic operators + and - that add and subtract values of the same quantity type. Additionally, we could implement member operators += and -+.
  • A function template to convert temperatures from one scale to another, called temperature_cast. This function does not perform the conversion itself but uses type traits to do that.
  • Literal operators ""_deg, ""_f, and ""_k for creating user-defined temperature literals.
For brevity, the following snippet only contains the code that handles Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures. You should take it as a further exercise to extend the code with support for the Kelvin scale. The code accompanying the book contains the full implementation of all three required scales.

The are_equal() function is a utility function used to compare floating-point values:

bool are_equal(double const d1, double const d2, 
double const epsilon = 0.001)
return std::fabs(d1 - d2) < epsilon;

The enumeration of possible temperature scales and the class that represents a temperature value are defined as follows:

namespace temperature
enum class scale { celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin };

template <scale S>
class quantity
const double amount;
constexpr explicit quantity(double const a) : amount(a) {}
explicit operator double() const { return amount; }

The comparison operators for the quantity<S> class can be seen here:

namespace temperature 
template <scale S>
inline bool operator==(quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return are_equal(static_cast<double>(lhs), static_cast<double>(rhs));

template <scale S>
inline bool operator!=(quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);

template <scale S>
inline bool operator< (quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return static_cast<double>(lhs) < static_cast<double>(rhs);

template <scale S>
inline bool operator> (quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return rhs < lhs;

template <scale S>
inline bool operator<=(quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);

template <scale S>
inline bool operator>=(quantity<S> const & lhs, quantity<S> const & rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);

template <scale S>
constexpr quantity<S> operator+(quantity<S> const &q1,
quantity<S> const &q2)
return quantity<S>(static_cast<double>(q1) +

template <scale S>
constexpr quantity<S> operator-(quantity<S> const &q1,
quantity<S> const &q2)
return quantity<S>(static_cast<double>(q1) -

To convert between temperature values of different scales, we will define a function template called temperature_cast() that utilizes several type traits to perform the actual conversion. All these are shown here, although not all type traits; the others can be found in the code accompanying the book:

namespace temperature
template <scale S, scale R>
struct conversion_traits
static double convert(double const value) = delete;

template <>
struct conversion_traits<scale::celsius, scale::fahrenheit>
static double convert(double const value)
return (value * 9) / 5 + 32;

template <>
struct conversion_traits<scale::fahrenheit, scale::celsius>
static double convert(double const value)
return (value - 32) * 5 / 9;

template <scale R, scale S>
constexpr quantity<R> temperature_cast(quantity<S> const q)
return quantity<R>(conversion_traits<S, R>::convert(

The literal operators for creating temperature values are shown in the following snippet. These operators are defined in a separate namespace, called temperature_scale_literals, which is a good practice in order to minimize the risk of name collision with other literal operators:

namespace temperature
namespace temperature_scale_literals
constexpr quantity<scale::celsius> operator "" _deg(
long double const amount)
return quantity<scale::celsius> {static_cast<double>(amount)};

constexpr quantity<scale::fahrenheit> operator "" _f(
long double const amount)
return quantity<scale::fahrenheit> {static_cast<double>(amount)};

The following example shows how to define two temperature values, one in Celsius and one in Fahrenheit, and convert between the two:

int main()
using namespace temperature;
using namespace temperature_scale_literals;

auto t1{ 36.5_deg };
auto t2{ 79.0_f };

auto tf = temperature_cast<scale::fahrenheit>(t1);
auto tc = temperature_cast<scale::celsius>(tf);
assert(t1 == tc);