Enmity-Amity Tree

When you reach these trees (and I hope you do reach them), you’ll know it. Up to three hundred feet in height, each squared-off trunk is covered in hundreds of holes, about an inch in diameter each. One of two things can come out of those holes: (1) little wooden branches that you can use to climb the tree (yay, Amity!), or (2) poisonous thorns that will kill you on the spot (yikes, Enmity!). Want the Amity option? Of course, you do! Here’s what you need to know: (1) Each of the tree’s four sides must be pressed simultaneously, and (2) all tree-touchers must have amity between them. Like the Truth-Will-Out Vine, this flora’s sensitivity to the reactions and intentions of would-be climbers is a survival adaptation. Little SmooshieFace and two delightful Oddest of Odd Otters were my companions on my first trip up, and while it was extremely nerve-racking even for an intrepid explorer such as myself, it was worth the climb. Well worth it.

Habitat: Even nearer to the CENTER OF THE ISLAND

Population Estimate: Copse of thirty trees

Disposition: The best bud you’ll ever have or a murderous lunatic … it’s up to you!