This feline is rarely spotted, even by the keenest observer (of course, I’m referring to myself). Its fur is made up of a complex arrangement of reflective hairs. As a result, the UnderCover Cat is almost completely camouflaged. The only unmirrored parts are the cat’s retractable fangs, which are a foot long and razor-sharp. Full-grown, these cats weigh around four hundred pounds. They can leap to the top of an Enmity-Amity Tree in a single bound and reach speeds of up to one hundred miles per hour. So if you see two floating fangs coming toward you—yes, you should be afraid. Be very afraid! But also—you’re on THE right track. If you’re still in one piece, keep going!
Habitat: Near the center of the island
Population Estimate: Around eight full-grown UnderCover Cats and their offspring on the island at any given time
Disposition: Honestly, kind of terrifying
Food Source: Various small mammals … and intruders