Big thanks to my agent, Miriam Altshuler, for finding this manuscript a home, and to my editor, Cheryl Klein, for her help shaping my hopeful jumble into a real book. I couldn’t have asked for more insightful readers. More generally, a heartfelt thanks to all those who’ve encouraged my writing endeavors — fiction, poetry, or otherwise — along the way: in particular, thank you, UNC–Chapel Hill Creative Writing Program, especially Michael McFee; thank you, Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars, especially Mary Jo Salter and Dave Smith; thank you, Corporation of Yaddo; thank you, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. A huge thank-you to the ever-charming David Prude for his excellent photography. I’d also like to acknowledge the Sarah Vowell segment on the This American Life episode entitled “What You Lookin’ At?” to which Paul refers when discussing the pinkness of goth. (And if you aren’t already a listener, I should add that This American Life is a great radio show. You should go listen as soon as you finish reading this page.)

Shout out to Shelby High School and the Shelby High School class of 1998. Shout out to Shelby, North Carolina. Love and gratitude to my hometown girls, Leigh Ann and Rebecca, and to my bff since high school days, Mary Lattimore, who is still one of the most incredible people I’ve ever had the privilege to know. Love and thanks to my remarkable siblings for being the best in the world: to my clever and hilarious brother Alex, for his title brainstorming help and steadfast enthusiasm; to my wonderful brother Lane, for always supporting me and keeping me hip to what the DJs are playing; to my best sister, Adie, for bringing me extra sweetness and light when I need it. Pearson siblings, you rock the party that rocks the party. And of course, most of all, thank you, Mom and Dad, for having been (and continuing to be) my tireless champions since day one. And thank you, Nana and Grandaddy. You’re the best. Finally, love and thanks to my brilliant, patient husband, Matthew Smith, for everything, everything, everything.