Chapter 36

Chase’s idea was not only risky but also one they hadn’t attempted before. He’d suggested they stake out the inns and cottages on Tybee Island, where many tourists stayed. They would look for a woman walking alone to or from her vehicle then ask for directions while holding out a brochure as a prop. The plan was similar to when they’d snatched Valerie except for the fact that it wasn’t two a.m. They would have to be near the van, grab her before she yelled out, and peel off before anyone saw, heard, or suspected anything.

The plan was daring, and Chase usually erred on the side of caution, not because he was afraid but because he wanted their enterprise to last at least another year before they took a break. He was sure they could pull it off, though, and since Teddy was at work anyway, he decided to check out the area himself.

It was a half-hour drive, but Chase had plenty of time and nothing better to do. Once on the island, he drove the popular route, US Highway 80 to Butler Avenue. He checked out the smaller, less-populated inns and cottages and found two that would be perfect if he and Teddy were lucky enough to see a woman alone. The parking lots held about ten cars at most, and they were somewhat private locations with large palms and potted plants to ensure privacy for their guests. They would return later, look for a woman alone or, worst case, a man they could handle, and take it from there. After that? Move on to other cities, take care of business, and return to Savannah on the weekends for rest and relaxation.

With the plan firmly planted and sure to be a success, Chase returned home and waited for Teddy. It wasn’t long before he heard a car pull into the driveway then the sound of a key turned in the front door. His brother was home, and Chase was excited to share his news.

“What’s up, buddy?” Teddy asked.

“We’re going on a run.”

“We are?”

“Yep, to Tybee Island. I’ve already scoped it out. The person we nab will likely be a tourist, so that’s a plus, and we can dump the remains out in the marsh again.”

“But that first girl was found.”

“So what? The second woman was found, too, but as long as we stay under the radar, it doesn’t matter. We’ll be right in the marsh area anyway, so we’ll look for an even more remote spot. I’ve already talked to Mr. Harris, and he’s agreed to meet us halfway once we let him know we’re on our way.”

Teddy shrugged. “If you say so.”

Chase was ready to head out. It would be a long night no matter what, and the sooner they left the better. Because Tybee Island was a tourist hot spot, most women would either be part of a group or with a man. Still, arriving in the area around nine o’clock seemed safe. Tourists were out and about, and finding a woman alone who might be meeting up with friends wasn’t out of the question.

“We could wait until bar time like we did last week and grab someone right here in Savannah,” Teddy said.

“Nah, I’ve already checked it out. The cops are patrolling the bar area too closely. We have to go somewhere that they haven’t thought of. Come on. It’ll be fine.”

They reached the Cozy Inn at ten after nine. Chase turned in and shifted into Park at the end of the lot.

“We’ve got to scope out the situation for a few minutes before I decide how we’re going to do this.”

“I don’t know, man. It looks kind of dead.”

Chase laughed at the irony. “That’s exactly how it’s supposed to look, at least once we have someone in the back of the van. I grabbed some brochures earlier to use as props. We’ll run the stupid-guy routine and say that we can’t find the Coastal Cove Cottages. Of course, anyone who’s been here for at least a day knows where they’re at. You can’t miss them two blocks up the street.”

Teddy nodded, but his expression said he was less confident than his brother.

“What’s wrong? You were a tough guy with the trooper the other day, and then cutting him up and handing his organs to Mr. Harris on a silver platter was brilliant. Don’t turn into a chickenshit now. Remember that luxury boat we’re going to buy?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Guess this is a little out of my comfort zone. I mean, the area in general is pretty populated. What if she screams and someone hears her?”

“I’ll be in charge. You just follow my lead.” Chase looked through the side mirror as a car turned in and parked. “Here comes someone. Let’s see who gets out.”

Chase lowered his window, and they watched as three women who looked young, fearless, and clueless climbed out. Chase cocked his head and listened to their conversation as they emptied the trunk of what looked to be beach bags. One said something about cleaning up then hitting the bars. The others laughed and said they’d already drunk a twelve-pack of beer.

Chase grinned from ear to ear. “That’s perfect. They’re half in the bag already.”

Teddy’s sigh said he wasn’t so sure. “What good are they to us? We can’t grab all three.”

“Let’s just see where they go. If we have to move on, we will. Be patient, little brother. It’ll all work out in the end.”

They watched as the ladies walked toward a unit at the end of the building, which was partially blocked by potted plants. Once they were out of sight, Chase pulled in and parked next to the vehicle the women had just left. No sooner had he killed the lights than one of the girls yelled out that she’d left her cell phone in the car and would be right back.

“Hurry, jump out of the van! We’ll come up from behind when she’s preoccupied at the car. Call out to her, and as soon as she turns, punch her in the face. I’ll get the van door, you secure her, and we’ll be out of here in under a minute. There’s no time to think, so move!” Chase followed Teddy out the side door. They waited in the shadows as the young lady approached the car she had just gotten out of and fumbled with the key fob until the lights flashed and a beep sounded. She grabbed the passenger-side door handle and pulled it open.

Chase gave Teddy a nudge to go then pointed at the van. He whispered, “Now!”

Not making a sound and coming up from behind, Teddy called out to her. He was within striking distance when she turned.

“Damn, dude, you scared the shit out—”

Teddy’s fist was already cocked when she turned around, and a sucker punch to the face stunned her long enough for him to load her into the van.

After slamming the sliding door, Chase jumped into the driver’s seat, backed up, and spun around. He barreled onto the street in hopes of making a quick exit out of town.

“Hey, I can’t secure her by myself. The bitch is coming around.”

“Punch her again!” Chase said. “We need to get out of town. Shit! Now I have to wait for this line of cars to pass before I can turn.”

Just then, the woman kicked Teddy with all her might. He flew backward and cracked his head against the rear of the van.

“Shit!” Chase slammed the shifter into Park as the girl reached for the door handle. He leapt over the seat and grabbed her by the hair just as she opened the door. She screamed, and he yanked her in but not before a bystander waiting at the crosswalk caught a glimpse of her.

Chase yelled out to Teddy. “Damn it, help me! I’ve got to get us out of here.”

Teddy grabbed the woman and pinned her to the floor as Chase returned to the driver’s seat, gunned the van, and turned left onto Highway 80 heading north. There was still a mile to go before he would be out of the tourist trap area, then he could hit the gas and get distance between them and that Tybee Island tourist who might have called 911.

“Is she down?” Chase jerked his head to the right and looked over the seat.

“Yeah, I think I knocked her out this time. Son of a bitch, she caught me off guard.”

“Yeah, and that might have been our undoing. A guy on the sidewalk saw her when she tried to get out, and that means he saw the van too.”

“Now what?”

“Now we get the hell out of here, go home, hopefully without incident, and take care of her there. We’ll have to regroup, use your car to deliver the organs, and then decide on our next move.”

After arriving home a half hour later, Chase backed the van into the garage, got out, and slid the side door open. “Geez, Teddy, her face looks like hamburger.”

Teddy shrugged as he climbed out and stood next to Chase. “I had no choice, and nobody cares about her face anyway.”

Chase let out a groan and lowered the overhead. “Okay, I’ll yank her out, and you lay a tarp on the floor.”