Anyone who has read ‘THE true ADVENTURES OF MUDPOO‘ would understand how excited Mudpoo and Harry were when Captain Pete told them they were going on a camping trip to Iluka (in Bundjalung National Park). They were going to meet up with their old friend Liz and another great old friend; Rod the bush poet and his beautiful blue dog Jess. Gus, the talking Kombi van, was so excited he kept jiggling about. 

“C’mon, pack everything,” said an over-excited Gus (he looked like a little house on wheels). 

“Hmmm,” said Captain Pete scratching his head, “I’d better check my list.”

He fumbled through his pocket for a crumbled piece of paper where he’d written a list of everything they needed to pack. Most of the items were scattered all around Gus.

“I’ll call out the item and you find it,” said Captain Pete to Mudpoo and Harry. 

“Three toothbrushes,” said Captain Pete. 

“In they go,” said Harry. 

“Torch,” called out Captain Pete. 

“Yes, in it goes,” said Mudpoo.

“Map of Victoria and New South Wales,” checked Captain Pete 

“Here it is,” chimed Mudpoo and Harry together. 

“It’s important to check that we have everything we need when we go on a long, adventurous journey,” muttered Captain Pete, “did you know it’s almost one thousand kilometres from our home in Bethanga to Iluka?” 

“Wow that’s far!” said Harry. 

“Do you think we’ll see our humpback whale friends again?” asked Mudpoo. 

“Well . . . err . . . Iluka is near the coast and humpback whales do pass by there, so you never know,” replied Captain Pete. 

On their last adventure, a humpback whale had rescued Mudpoo’s hat and Mudpoo had taught the whales the tune of a beautiful song called the Blue Danube.

 “I wonder if the whales are still singing” Harry pondered. 

“I hope so. I can’t wait to camp near the ocean!” exclaimed Mudpoo.

Everyone was kept busy checking and loading, which was made more difficult because Gus was jiggling and chanting, “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go . . . ”

Captain Pete placed the last item inside Gus, and after checking Gus’s tyres, oil and engine, he declared, “We’re ready to go, jump in!” 

“Yippee! Hooray!” shouted Mudpoo and Harry. 

With a Brrooooommm and a Zrroooooomm away they went . . .