More great reading from Blue Butterfly Books

If you enjoyed Arctic Twilight, you might also like the following Blue Butterfly titles on a related theme.
The Flag & The Pole


With the advent of global warming and the rapid melting of the polar ice cap, the Arctic is quickly opening up. Its value as a shorter route for ships travelling between Europe and Asia, along with the vast riches of its mineral and oil wealth have already lured a number of countries—polar states and others—to lay claim to parts of it.

Canada has significant interests there too, something made clear by the keen interest in the area that Prime Minister Harper has displayed since coming to office. Although it’s been over a hundred years since Canada laid claim to all of the Arctic Archipelago and the waters surrounding it, Canada’s claim is not secure.

In The Flag & the Pole, Dominic Farrell tells the remarkable story of how this bold extension of Canadian sovereignty initially took place, and examines the promises and threats the future holds for Canada in the Arctic.

The Flag & The Pole
by Dominic Farrell
Soft Cover / 6 × 9 in.
ISBN 978-1-926577-08-1
Features: photographs, maps, interview with author



George Parkin was born the thirteenth child of an immigrant New Brunswick farmer and died a knight of the realm and perhaps the most famous Canadian in the world.

Charismatic, charming, eloquent and dedicated, Parkin devoted his immense energy to two causes. As an orator and journalist, he worked to strengthen the bonds between the English-speaking peoples; as Principal of Upper Canada College and Founding Secretary of the Rhodes Scholarships he promoted a vision of education primarily as the formation of character, not the training of the intellect.

This beautifully written and witty biography is a story of ideas lived through Parkin and those in his wide circle of influence with leaders of many countries. He was one of the first Canadians to see the development of globalization, and produced that famous map to demonstrate his vision, the British Empire all in red, Canada huge and dominating in the centre. His passionate opposition to free trade and eventual annexation by the United States mark him as an eloquent and prophetic visionary of Canada’s fate under NAFTA.

“William Christian makes all this come alive, evoking time, place, and character so well, not forgetting the private life too in probing the anatomy of a Victorian marriage between the teacher and his star student, and the remarkable family they produced.”

- Terry Cook, Department of History, University of Manitoba

“William Christian tells the story of a Canadian who deserves far more attention if one is to understand the evolution of Canadian foreign policy.”

- Hon. Michael Chong, P.C., M.P.

Author William Christian’s own life in Parkin’s footsteps and rich sensitivity to Parkin’s story is on full display in this masterful biography. Political science professor at University of Guelph, well-known journalist and political commentator, Christian is an acknowledged authority on the intersection of philosophy, political life, communication theory and public purpose.

by William Christian
450 pages / 6 × 9 in.
ISBN 978-0-9781600-3-6 / $26.95
Features: Includes photos, subject index, author interview


When impoverished, disheartened, poorly educated, but well-armed aboriginal young people find a modern revolutionary leader in the tradition of 1880s rebellion leader Louis Riel, they rally with a battle cry “Take Back the Land!” Coordinated attacks on Canada’s strategic energy supply facilities soon have the armed forces scrambling and the country’s leaders reeling.

Uprising: A Novel
by Douglas L. Bland
Hard Cover / 507 pages / 6 × 9 in.
ISBN 978-1-926577-00-5 / $39.95
Features: author interview, maps, real developments fictionalized in “Uprising” documented in “A Newsmakers’ Guide to Uprising” at