What This Book does Not Do

What this book does not do — like any other book on game on the market — is teach you how to attract that specific stripper you’ve been after all these years. You know, that super-hot one that works at The Sapphire Lounge every Friday, who you’ve been drooling over with your friends since time immemorial.

One of the features of stripper game is that, alongside normal game, it is less about going for that ‘one, special girl’, and more about getting girls of the kind that you like.

The way to go about this is, far from fixating on a specific lady, being very open to opportunities with all different types of girls. This can often be hugely effective. That quiet, shy stripper over there in the corner might seem mousy and not your type, but get her out on a date and into bed and you’ll be amazed at how freaky she actually is.

If you are fixated on a specific girl that works in a strip club near you then, counter-intuitively, the best thing for you to do, and certainly for now, is to avoid that club. Simply start going somewhere else. Why? Because it’s far easier to make a good impression on a new girl (stripper or not) than to try to revitalize someone’s poor impression of you. And make no mistake, if you’ve been going in, ogling her week after week, the likelihood is, her impression of you is bad.

Screw that. This is not the time to be playing the underdog, or trying to dig yourself out of previously-dug holes. This is the time to be learning about what really makes strippers tick, understanding them, and then acting accordingly to create huge attraction spikes and a serious, almost outlandish, degree of sexual attraction. Learn to do this through the material laid out in this book and you will put yourself in a much better position to meet new, fresh, and eager young women. Keep your options open, don’t make the mistake of falling into ‘oneitus’ over any girl, and you will do far better than otherwise.

This book is not a catch-all method of seducing absolutely any stripper on the planet. It’s worth remembering that, as in the ‘normal’ sexual marketplace, strippers have different types and tastes. No matter how strong your game is there is no guarantee that this one or that one will like you. Just because strippers are very sexualized women — this is undeniable — doesn’t mean they are undiscriminating. You have to stand out, you have to be well-presented, and you have to have charisma and game. Strip clubs are not a free-for-all. Nevertheless, if you have those things, and you follow the advice I put forward here, there is no reason why you shouldn’t do very well overall.

What this book also doesn’t do is go into huge detail about the basics of game. I am assuming that you already have a fundamental understanding of attraction, flirting, escalation, comfort and closing. I am also assuming that you have decent basic grooming and dress sense. If any of these things seems alarmingly out of your grasp then I would encourage you to go back and read my first book The 7 Laws of Seduction . There I lay out the fundamentals of my game strategy; that is, how I approach, what I say, how I escalate and so on. You will find this very useful reading if you haven’t yet gotten a grip on the basics. Because make no mistake, strip club game is higher-level stuff, in the sense that you are dealing with a difficult target audience and environment. That said, if you can get to grips with it you will find it extraordinarily fun, and rewarding.

If you are looking for a silver bullet, through — a magic set of lines that will guarantee you access to any stripper’s knickers, again you are in for a disappointment. While this is not a numbers’ game and there are methods — tried and tested — that will help you in your goal of getting great at stripper game, as with anything, the more time and practice you put in, the better you will ultimately do.

The way that I got good at stripper game — and the way that the other guys I know who practice it got good — is simply to immerse oneself in the culture of strip clubs. Hang out in them, spend time there, and really get to know how they work. This is key to my method, which I go into in more detail later. The trick with any style of game is to become a veteran of whatever scene you are looking to infiltrate so you can master it. It takes time, it requires commitment and there are no shortcuts: but it can be done. Read on and I’ll show you how.