Anthony stood on the shore and stared.

With the sun directly overhead, the lake’s water looked as dense as oil. Every so often, the passage of a carp or a pike broke its velvety surface. The boy sniffed. The air was heavy with the smell of mud, of leaden, baked earth. July had scattered freckles across his already broad back. He was just wearing soccer shorts and a pair of fake Ray-Bans. It was hot as hell, but that didn’t explain everything.

Anthony had just turned fourteen. For a snack, he could devour an entire baguette with Vache qui Rit cheese. At night, wearing headphones, he sometimes wrote songs. His parents were jerks. When school started, he would be in ninth grade.

Lying next to him, his cousin was taking it easy. He was half asleep, stretched out on the nice towel they’d bought at the Calvi market the year they went to summer camp. Even lying down, he looked tall. Everyone thought he was at least twenty-two or -three. He used that assumption to get into places he shouldn’t. Bars, nightclubs, girls.

Anthony took a cigarette from the pack he’d slipped into his shorts and asked his cousin if he didn’t agree that they were bored out of their skulls.

His cousin didn’t stir. You could make out the exact outline of the muscles under his skin. From time to time a fly landed near the fold of his armpit. Then he would twitch, like a horse bothered by a horsefly. Anthony would’ve liked to be like that, slim, with well-defined abs. But he wasn’t the type. Despite doing push-ups and sit-ups in his bedroom every night, he remained square and massive, like a slab of beef. At school, one of the monitors once gave him some shit about a burst soccer ball. Anthony told him to meet him after class. The guy never showed up. Also, his cousin’s Ray-Bans were real.

Anthony lit his cigarette and sighed. The cousin knew perfectly well what he wanted. For days now, Anthony had been pestering him to go over to the “bare-ass” beach. They’d dubbed it that in an excess of optimism because you might see girls topless there, at the very least. Whatever the case, Anthony was completely obsessed.

“C’mon, let’s go there.”

“Nah,” muttered his cousin.

“C’mon. Please.”

“Not now. Just go for a swim.”

“Yeah, sure…”

Anthony looked out at the water with his crooked eye. His right eyelid drooped lazily, and it threw his face off, making him look perpetually grumpy. One of those things that was out of whack. Like the heat enveloping him, like his taut, off-kilter body, his size-ten feet, and the pimples sprouting all over on his face. Go for a swim, the cousin had said. What a laugh. Anthony spit between his teeth.

A year earlier, the Colin boy had drowned on July 14—Bastille Day, easy to remember. That night a crowd of people from the surrounding area had gathered on the lakeshore and in the woods to watch the fireworks. People lit campfires and barbecues. As usual, a fight broke out shortly after midnight. Guys on leave from the barracks went after the Arabs from the projects, and the Hennicourt inbreds waded in. Then the regular campers got involved, most of them young, but a few fathers, too, Belgians with big bellies and sunburns. Dawn revealed greasy paper, bloody sticks, broken bottles, even one of the sailing club’s Optimists stuck in a tree; not something you saw every day. The Colin boy, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.

He’d definitely spent the evening at the lakeshore, though. That was known because he came with his pals, who all testified later. Ordinary kids with names like Arnaud, Alexandre, and Sébastien, who’d just passed their baccalauréat exam and didn’t even have driver’s licenses. They’d come to watch the usual fights without intending to get personally involved, except at one point they got caught up in the melee. After that, everything was kind of vague. Several witnesses said they’d seen a boy who’d seemed hurt. People mentioned a T-shirt covered with blood, and also a cut on his throat, like a mouth open over dark, liquid depths. In the confusion, nobody stepped forward to help him. Come morning, the Colin boy’s bed was empty.

The préfet ordered a search of the neighboring woods over the following days, while divers dragged the lake. For hours, onlookers watched as the firefighters’ orange Zodiac came and went. The divers tumbled backward out of it with a distant splash, and then you had to wait, in dead silence.

They said that the boy’s mother was in the hospital, on sedatives. Others that she’d hanged herself. Or that she’d been seen wandering the streets in her nightgown. The boy’s father was a town cop, and he was also a hunter. Everyone naturally figured the Arabs had done the deed, so people kind of hoped for a settling of scores. He was the stocky guy who stayed aboard the firefighters’ boat, bareheaded in the blazing sun. People watched him from shore, watched his immobility, his unbearable calm, and his slowly ripening scalp. They found his patience disgusting, somehow. They would’ve liked him to do something, move at least, put on a cap.

What really upset people was the picture published in the newspaper later. In the photo, the Colin boy had a nice face, graceless and pale; a good face for a victim, actually. His hair was curly on the sides, his eyes were brown, and he was wearing a red T-shirt. The article said he had passed his baccalauréat exam with top honors. If you knew his family, that was quite an accomplishment. Just goes to show, said Anthony’s father.

In the end, the body was never found, and the Colin father went back to work without making a fuss. His wife hadn’t hanged herself or anything. She just took pills.

Anyway, Anthony had no desire to go swimming. His cigarette hit the water’s surface with a little hiss. He looked up at the sky, then frowned, dazzled. For a fraction of a second, his eyelids were in balance. The sun was high; it must have been three o’clock. The cigarette left an unpleasant taste on his tongue. Time was dragging by, but at the same time the start of classes was approaching at top speed.

“Oh, fuck it,” said the cousin, standing up. “You’re such a drag.”

“We’re bored, like big-time. Nothing to do, every day.”

“All right, then.”

His cousin draped his towel around his shoulders and climbed onto his mountain bike, ready to take off.

“C’mon, move your butt. We’re going over there.”


“Move it, I said.”

Anthony jammed his towel into his old Chevignon backpack, retrieved his watch from a sneaker, and quickly got dressed. He’d barely gotten his BMX upright before his cousin disappeared down the road around the lake.

“Wait for me, for chrissakes!”

Ever since they were kids, Anthony had followed his cousin everywhere. Their mothers had been close as well, when they were younger. The Mougel girls, people called them. They’d been picking up the cutest boys at the canton’s dances for a long time before they eventually settled down with Mister Right. Helène, Anthony’s mother, chose one of the Casati sons. Irène did even worse. The Mougel girls, their men, cousins, and in-laws were all part of the same world, anyway. To see it in action, you could just check out the weddings, the funerals, and the Christmas festivities. The men said little and died young. The women dyed their hair and looked at life with gradually fading optimism. When they got old, they retained the memory of their men, beaten down on the job, at bars or sick with silicosis, and their sons dead in car crashes, not counting the ones who packed up and left.

As it happens, the cousin’s mother, Irène, belonged to that category of abandoned wives, so he grew up fast. At sixteen, he knew how to mow the lawn, drive without a license, and cook. He was even allowed to smoke in his bedroom. He was bold and self-confident. Anthony would have followed him into hell. He, on the other hand, felt increasingly alienated from his family’s ways. He found them awfully small in their stature, their jobs, their hopes, even their misfortunes, which were common and predictable. Among those people you got fired, divorced, cuckolded, or cancer. In other words, you were normal, and everything beyond that was seen as relatively unacceptable. Families grew that way, on great slabs of anger over depths of accumulated pain that, lubricated by pastis, could suddenly erupt in the middle of a party. More and more, Anthony thought himself above all that. He dreamed of getting the fuck out.

When they reached the old railroad line, the cousin ditched his bike in the bushes. Crouching down on the tracks, he studied the Léo-Lagrange recreation center, which lay below the railway embankment. The boathouse was wide open, and there wasn’t a soul in sight. Anthony left his BMX and joined him.

“No one’s around,” said his cousin. “We’re gonna grab a canoe and go.”

“You sure?”

“Well, we sure aren’t gonna swim there.”

His cousin sprinted down the bank, pushing through the brambles and weeds. Anthony followed. He was scared; it felt great.

Once in the boathouse it took them a few moments to get used to the darkness. There were dinghies, a 420, and some canoes hanging from a metal rack. Life jackets on hangers gave off a strong moldy smell. The wide-open doors were like a movie screen cut in the damp shadows, showing the beach and the sparkling lake in the flat land beyond.

“C’mon, we’ll take this one.”

Moving in tandem, they unhooked the canoe the cousin had chosen and grabbed some paddles. They paused a moment before leaving the coolness of the boathouse. It felt good. A windsurfer cut a clear wake on the lake’s surface in the distance. No one was coming. Anthony could feel the heady dizziness that comes before doing something stupid. It was like when he shoplifted at the Prisu or pulled risky stunts on a motorbike.

“Okay. Let’s go,” said his cousin.

With the canoe on their shoulders and paddles in hand, they took off running.

The Léo-Lagrange center mostly hosted well-behaved kids whose parents parked them there while waiting for school to start. That way, instead of getting into trouble in town, the kids could go horseback riding and ride pedal boats. There was a party at the end, and everyone would hide away to kiss and drink on the sly. The cooler boys were sometimes even able to score with a counselor. But the group always included a few weirdos, tough kids from the countryside who’d been raised on horse-whippings. If those guys got hold of you, things could get ugly. Anthony tried not to think about that too much. The canoe was heavy. He had to make it as far as the shore, thirty yards away, tops. The boat’s gunwale was cutting into his shoulder. He gritted his teeth. But just then his cousin tripped on a root, and the canoe nose-dived. Stumbling behind him, Anthony felt his hand snag on something sharp, a splinter or something sticking out inside. He knelt down and looked at his open palm. It was bleeding. His cousin was already back on his feet.

“C’mon, we don’t have time.”

“Just a second. I hurt myself.”

He put the wound to his lips. The taste of blood filled his mouth.


Voices were approaching. The boys jogged on, awkwardly lugging the boat, watching their feet. Carried by their momentum, they went into the water up to their waists. Anthony thought of his cigarettes and the Walkman in his backpack.

“Get in!” said his cousin, pushing the canoe away from shore.

“Hey there!” yelled someone behind them.

The voice was sharp and male. Other shouts followed, getting closer.

“Hey, you! Come back here!”

Anthony hauled himself into the canoe as best he could. His cousin gave one last shove and climbed aboard in turn. On the lakeshore behind them, two counselors and a kid in a bathing suit were yelling.

“Paddle! We’re on our way now. Let’s go!”

After some hesitation, the boys found their rhythm, with Anthony paddling on the port side, and the cousin to starboard. A crowd of yelling, excited kids gathered on the beach. Counselors ran into the boathouse and came out carrying three canoes.

Fortunately, the cousins’ boat was cutting across the lake’s surface with reassuring smoothness. They could feel the water’s resistance in their shoulders and a heady sensation of speed under their feet. Anthony noticed a streak of blood snaking down his forearm. He put his paddle down for a moment.

“You okay?” asked his cousin.

“It’s nothing.”

“You sure?”


Red drops falling between Anthony’s feet made an outline of a Mickey Mouse head. A thin, open cut ran across his palm. He brought it to his mouth.

“Paddle!” shouted his cousin.

The boats pursuing them carried two or three people apiece, including grown-ups. They weren’t that far behind, and Anthony began paddling harder than ever. The sun beat down on the dark lake waters, making a million white flashes. He could feel sweat running down his forehead and along his ribs. On his back, his tank top stuck to him like a second skin. He was worried. Maybe they had called the cops.

“What are we going to do?”

“They won’t follow us.”

“You sure?”

“Paddle, for chrissakes!”

After a while the cousin changed direction, now hugging the shore. He hoped to quickly reach Le Pointu, the thin spit of land that divided the lake in two. Once they rounded that point, they would be out of sight for a few minutes.

“Look,” he said.

On the neighboring beaches, bathers had stood up to see better and were whistling or shouting encouragement. Anthony and his cousin were in the habit of always going to the same place, a fairly accessible beach called the Déchetterie—the dump. It was said to be near a sewer outlet, which was why there were so few people there, even in midseason. The lake had other beaches. The Léo-Lagrange one was behind them. The campground beach was over there. Farther on was the American beach, where the inbreds hung out. On the far side of the Pointu spit, the sailing club had the prettiest beach of all, with pine trees, almost golden sand, cabanas, and a bar, like at the seaside.

“We’re getting there,” said his cousin.

A hundred yards ahead on the right, an old, tumbledown forest service cabin marked the beginning of the Pointu. The boys turned around to see how far behind their pursuers were. They didn’t seem to be catching up, and the counselors appeared to be having a big discussion. Even from a distance, the boys could tell they were irritated and arguing. At one moment someone stood up to make a point, and someone else made them sit back down. They finally turned back toward the recreation center. The cousins grinned at each other and Anthony allowed himself to give them the finger, now that their backs were turned.

“So what do we do now?”

“What do you think?”

“They’re going to call the cops for sure.”

“So what? Paddle!”

They continued on their way through the reeds, staying close to shore. It was past four, and the light wasn’t as blinding. The sound of croaking rose from the mass of leaves and branches tangling the bank. Hoping to see frogs, Anthony kept his eye on the water’s surface.

“Your hand okay?”

“Yeah. Are we going to be there soon?”

“Ten minutes.”

“Fuck! This was really far!”

“I told you. Just think about the bare asses.”

Anthony could already imagine the place, as sort of like the porn section at the video store. He would sometimes slip in there, his belly tense with fear, looking at as much as he could before some adult came to kick him out. The urge to see girls’ bodies was overwhelming and constant. He kept magazines and videotapes in his drawers and under his bed, not to mention tissues. His pals at school were all the same way, totally obsessed. It was making them crazy, and explained most of the fights, now that he thought of it. One wrong look in a hallway would set them off, and suddenly they were at it, struggling with each other, rolling around on the tiles and yelling every name in the book. Some of the guys managed to go out with girls. Anthony had kissed a girl once, in the back of the bus. But she wouldn’t let him touch her breasts, so he dropped her. He was sorry now. Her name was Sandra; she had blue eyes and a cute ass in her C17 jeans.

He was drawn from his ruminations by exhaust noises coming from behind the trees. He and his cousin immediately froze. People were coming their way. Anthony easily recognized the recreation center’s Piwi 50s, cranky little motocross trikes. The center had long offered motorbike activities, which had made it successful, much more than paddleball and orienteering courses.

“They’re driving around the lake on the road.”

“Looking for us, for sure.”

“They shouldn’t be able to see us, though.”

Just the same, the cousins weren’t taking any chances. Hearts pounding, they crouched down in their canoe and listened.

“Get rid of your T-shirt,” muttered the cousin.


“Your T-shirt. You can spot it a mile away.”

Anthony pulled his Chicago Bulls tank top over his head and slipped it under his butt. The sharp chatter of the motorbikes hovered above their heads like a bird of prey. The boys kept quiet, impatient and motionless. A sweetish smell rose from the rotting vegetation on the water’s surface. Mingling with their sweat, it made them itch. Anthony shuddered at the thought of all the crawling things in the swampy water.

“We’re gonna get there too late,” he said.

“Shut up.”

The motorbikes eventually drove away, leaving a vague quavering echo. Stealthily, the boys paddled on their way. When they rounded the Pointu spit, the horizon widened to reveal the other half of the lake. The famous bare-ass beach was finally in sight off to starboard. It was gray and enclosed, inaccessible from the road—and nearly deserted. A motorboat rode at anchor some thirty yards offshore.

It had been a complete waste of time.

“Fuck, there’s no one here,” moaned Anthony.

In actual fact, there were two girls to be seen, but they were wearing bathing suits, even the tops. From a distance it was hard to tell if they were pretty or not.

“So what do we do?”

“As long as we’re here…”

They got closer, and the girls began to stir restlessly. The boys could now see that they were very young, and nervous; worried, mainly. The smaller one stood up to call to the motorboat. Standing in the water, she whistled between her teeth very loudly, but without success. She ran back to her beach towel and sat close to her girlfriend.

“They’re scared,” said Anthony.

“And you’re not?”

The cousins landed, pulled the canoe onshore, and sat down near the water’s edge. They couldn’t think of what else to do, so they lit cigarettes. They hadn’t exchanged a glance with the other people there. Mostly they were aware of their presence behind them, their dull, impenetrable hostility. Anthony now sort of felt like leaving. But at the same time, it would be a pity, after all the trouble they’d taken. They should’ve known how to go about it better.

After a few minutes the girls gathered up their things at the other end of the beach. They were super cute, actually, with ponytails and girls’ legs, butts, tits—the works. They started calling to the motorboat again. Anthony shot little glances their way. He felt bad to be bothering them like this.

“That’s the Durupt girl,” whispered his cousin.

“Which one?”

“The smaller one, in the white suit.”

“What about the other girl?”

His cousin didn’t know that one, but you couldn’t miss her. A neat, heavy figure from her neck to her ankles. Her hair, which was tied very high, tumbled down with a terrific impression of weight. Her bathing suit was laced across her hips. They probably left distinct lines on her skin when they were untied. Her ass, especially, was not to be believed.

“Yeah…” agreed his cousin, who could sometimes read minds.

Eventually, the people in the boat responded. They turned out to be a couple, an athletic-looking guy and a woman so blond it almost hurt your eyes. They quickly pulled themselves together, and the jock yanked hard on the starter cord. The boat swung around with a long whine like a food blender and reached the beach in nothing flat. The guy asked the girls if they were okay, and they said yes. Meanwhile, the blonde was staring at the cousins as if they’d just ridden through her bedroom on a moped. Anthony noticed that the jock was wearing brand-new Nike Airs and hadn’t even bothered to take them off before jumping into the water. He was now striding toward them, followed by the girls. You could tell he was determined to lay down the law. The cousin stood up to face him, then Anthony did, too.

“What the hell are you doing here?”


“So what do you want?”

This was a slippery slope. The jock wasn’t as tall as the cousin, but he looked tough and confident. He wasn’t about to drop things just like that. Anthony had already clenched his fists. But his cousin defused the situation with a word.

“Do you have any rolling papers?” he asked.

Nobody had an answer for that. Anthony was standing with his head cocked at an angle, a habit he’d picked up to hide his sad eye. His cousin pulled out a wet package of OCB papers.

“I dropped mine in the water.”

“You have something to smoke?” asked the guy in surprise.

Anthony’s cousin took a Kodak film canister from his pocket and rattled the little ball of hash inside. Abruptly, everyone relaxed, especially the jock. Without even noticing, they began to mingle. The guy had rolling papers. Now he was all excited.

“Where did you score that? There’s nothing available right now.”

“I have some weed, too,” said the cousin. “You interested?”

Clearly, yes. Two weeks earlier the local cops had been jerked around by the kids in the ZUP housing project. As payback, they launched a fairly well-informed raid on some apartments in the Degas tower. Word was that half the Meryem family was more or less in jail, and you couldn’t make a single score in the whole town. In the middle of the summer, that was the shits.

Other networks were thrown together, fast. The inbreds were making round trips to Maastricht, and the cousin had set up a thing with some Belgians in the campground—two brothers with piercings who spent their time doing X while listening to techno music. As luck would have it, they were spending two weeks in Heillange on a family vacation. Thanks to them, a shuttle from Mons brought Dutch skunk and something like Moroccan Red that made you feel like dipping cookies in warm milk and watching Meg Ryan movies. The cousin was selling it around the Grappe housing development at twice the normal price, a hundred francs a gram. The consumers bitched a little but preferred to pay up rather than to stay straight.

When Anthony took a last ride around the neighborhood on his bicycle in the evening, he could catch the smell of that special dope filtering out through half-open skylights. Up in the attic, kids barely older than him were getting bombed while playing Street Fighter. On the ground floor, their father was watching Intervilles with a beer in his hand.

The cousin lit a three-sheet blunt and handed it to the jock, whose name was Alex and who was becoming more and more friendly. Then it was Anthony’s turn. He took a few hits and passed it on. He knew the Durupt girl by name. Her father was a doctor and she had a reputation of being fairly brazen. In particular it was said she’d wrecked her old man’s BMW one Saturday evening, which was pretty remarkable for someone who didn’t even have a learner’s permit. She put out, too. Looking at her, Anthony imagined doing things.

By contrast, the other girl had appeared out of nowhere. She’d plopped down right next to him, which is how he noticed her freckles, the fuzz on her thighs, and the drop of sweat sliding from her navel down to her bathing suit waistband.

Right away, his cousin rolled another blunt, and Alex bought two hundred francs’ worth of skunk from him. Everybody was nice and relaxed now, laughing easily, their mouths pasty. The girls, who had brought bottles of Vittel water, handed them around.

“Mainly, we came here to see girls topless.”

“What you heard was bullshit. Nobody ever gets naked here.”

“Maybe they used to.”

“Maybe you want us to strip?”

Anthony turned to his neighbor, the girl who had asked the question. She was full of surprises. At first glance she gave an impression of passivity, of almost animal indifference. Seeing her like that, lazy and vague, you’d imagine her sitting on a station platform waiting for a train. But she was also a wiseass, funny, and determined to have a good time. She’d pretty much dozed off after the first joint. She smelled really good, too.

“Hey, listen to that!”

In the distance you could hear the whine of 50cc engines, the same ones as before, with their high notes and deep backfires.

“They’re looking for us.”

“Who is?”

“The guys from the recreation center.”

“Wow, they’re hotheads this year!”

“What do you mean?”

“The fires, that was them.”

“No, it wasn’t. That was the inbreds.”

“So what are they after you for?”

“The canoe. We swiped it from the center.”

“No shit, you really did that?”

They laughed for a good long time, feeling sheltered, stoned, and relaxed. The heat had dropped and something soft, a smell of charcoal, woods, and parched pine trees, rose to their nostrils. The setting sun had quieted the insects, leaving only the lapping of the lake, the distant hum of the highway, and bursts of two-stroke engines occasionally ripping the air. The girls had put on T-shirts and removed their bathing suit tops. You could see their breasts moving under the fabric. They didn’t care, and the boys pretended not to care either. Anthony eventually took off his sunglasses. At one point he caught his neighbor trying to make sense of his off-kilter face. Then, a little after six o’clock, the girls began to get impatient and restless. It was probably time to go home. When the girl sitting on the ground close to Anthony got up, her knee brushed his. A girl feels really soft; it’s something you never really get used to.

This one was called Stéphanie Chaussoy.

That was the summer Anthony turned fourteen. It all had to start somewhere.