The Selected Bibliography for this work follows the Appendices to Volume IV. This Short-Title Index gives the names by which certain important sources mentioned once in the footnotes with the full title and the name of the author or editor are cited thereafter. Only to those manuscripts and publications that are the subject of frequent reference have short titles been assigned. The adopted short title appears on the left in italics, then the name of the author or editor, and, on the right, a longer, identifying title. In some instances these titles have been somewhat abbreviated, inasmuch as the Selected Bibliography contains full information.
Alexander. E. P. ALEXANDER. “Military Memoirs of a Confederate.”
Anderson, C. C. ANDERSON. “Texas Before and on the Eve of the Rebellion.”
B. and L. “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War.”
Baylies. FRANCIS BAYLIES. “A Narrative of General Wool’s Campaign in Mexico.”
Beale, R. L. T. R. L. T. BEALE. “History of the Ninth Virginia Cavalry.”
Bigelow. JOHN BIGELOW, JR. “Campaign of Chancellorsville.”
Boyd. THOMAS BOYD. “Light Horse Harry Lee.”
Boynton. EDWARD C. BOYNTON. “History of West Point.”
Bradford. GAMALIEL BRADFORD. “Lee the American.”
Brock. R. A. BROCK. “General Robert Edward Lee.”
Brock, Miss. SALLY BROCK. “Richmond During the War.”
Cent. U.S. C. “Robert E. Lee: Centennial Celebration of His Birth—University of South Carolina.”
Cent. U.S. M. A. “Centennial of the United States Military Academy.”
Chamberlaine, W. W. W. W. CHAMBERLAINE. “Memoirs of the Civil War.”
Childe. EDWARD LEE CHILDE. “The Life and Campaigns of Gen. Lee...translated from the George Litting.”
Chilton Papers. “MS. Papers of Gen. R. H. Chilton.”
C. M. H. C. A. EVANS, editor. “Confederate Military History.”
Cond. M. A. “Condition of the Military Academy, 1824, American State Papers, Military Affairs.”
Conner. P. S. P. CONNER. “The Home Squadron Under Commodore Conner.”
Cook, Joel. JOEL COOK. “The Siege of Richmond.”
Cooke. J. E. COOKE. “Life of General Robert E. Lee.”
Cullum. G. W. CULLUM. “Biographical Register of the United States Military Academy.”
Dabney. R. L. DABNEY. “Life and Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson.”
Darby. J. F. DARBY. “Personal Recollections.”
Davis. JEFFERSON DAVIS. “The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government.”
Dawson, F. W. F. W. Dawson. “Confederate Reminiscences.”
De Leon. T. C. DE LEON. “Four Years in Rebel Capitals.”
Drake’s Hatton. J. V. DRAKE. “Life of General Robert Hatton.”
Early. JUBAL A. EARLY. “Autobiographical Sketch and Narrative of the War Between the States.”
Eggleston. GEORGE CARY EGGLESTON. “A Rebel’s Recollections.”
English Combatant. AN ENGLISH COMBATANT. “Battlefields of the South.”
English Soldier. “Autobiography of an English Soldier with the U.S. Army.”
Figg. ROYALL W. FIGG. “Where Men Only Dare to Go.”
French. S. G. FRENCH. “Two Wars.”
Goolrick. JOHN T. GOOLRICK. “Historic Fredericksburg.”
Gordon. JOHN B. GORDON. “Reminiscences of the Civil War.”
Gordon, G. H. G. H. GORDON. “History of the Campaign of the Army of Virginia.”
Grimes. PULASKI COWPER, COMPILER. “Extracts of Letters of Maj.-Gen. Bryan Grimes to His Wife.”
Hallowell. “Autobiography of Benjamin Hallowell.”
Harrison, Mrs. Burton. MRS. BURTON HARRISON. “Recollections Grave and Gay.”
Head. T. A. HEAD. “Campaigns and Battles of the Sixteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers.”
Heintzelman’s MS. Diary. “MS. Diary of Cadet S. P. Heintzelman.”
Henderson. G. F. R. HENDERSON. “Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War.”
Hill, D. H. D. H. HILL. “North Carolina in the War Between the States, from Bethel to Sharpsburg.”
Hitchcock. E. A. HITCHCOCK. “Fifty Years in Camp and Field.”
Hood. J. B. HOOD. “Advance and Retreat.”
Hotchkiss and Allan. JED HOTCHKISS AND WILLIAM ALLAN. “Chancellorsville.”
Hughes. GEORGE W. HUGHES. “Memoir Descriptive of the March of a Division of the United States Army, under the command of Brigadier-General John E. Wool from San Saltillo...Senate Doc. 32., 1st sess., 31st Cong.”
Jackson, Mrs. MRS. T. J. (MARY ANNA) Jackson. “Memoirs of Stonewall Jackson.”
Johnson’s Greene. WILLIAM JOHNSON. “Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene.”
Johnston’s Bull Run. R. M. JOHNSTON. “Bull Run, Its Strategy and Tactics.”
Johnston’s Narrative. JOSEPH E. JOHNSTON. “Narrative of Military Operations.”
Jones. J. WILLIAM JONES. “Personal Reminiscences, Anecdotes, and Letters of Gen. Robert E. Lee.”
Jones, L. and L. J. WILLIAM JONES. “Life and Letters of Robert Edward Lee, Soldier and Man.”
Kenley. J. R. KENLEY. “Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer.”
Keyes. E. D. KEYES. “Fifty Years’ Observation of Men and Events.”
Lee, E. J. E. J. LEE. “Lee of Virginia.”
Lee, Fitz. Fitz. LEE. “General Lee.”
H. Lee’s Carolinas. H. LEE. “Campaign of 1781 in the Carolinas.”
Henry Lee’s Memoirs. HENRY LEE. “Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States.”
H. Lee’s Observations. HENRY LEE. “Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson.”
R. E. Lee, Jr. R. E. LEE, JR. “Recollections and Letters of General Robert E. Lee.”
Lee’s Dispatches. D. S. FREEMAN, editor. “Lee’s Dispatches.”
Lewis, John H. JOHN H. LEWIS. “Recollections from 1860 to 1865.”
Long. A. L. LONG. “Memoirs of Robert E. Lee.”
Longstreet. JAMES LONGSTREET. “From Manassas to Appomattox.”
McCabe. JAMES D. MCCABE, JR. “The Life and Campaigns of General Robert E. Lee.”
McClellan, H. B. H. B. MCCLELLAN. “The Life and Campaigns of...J. E. B. Stuart.”
McClellan’s Diary. W. S. MYERS, ed. “The Mexican War Diary of George B. McClellan.”
McDaniel. J. J. MCDANIEL. “Diary of Battles, Marches, and Incidents of the Seventh South Carolina Regiment.”
McGuire, Mrs. MRS. JUDITH MCGUIRE. “Diary of a Southern Refugee.”
Malone. W. W. PIERSON, JR., ed. “Diary of B. Y. Malone.”
M. A. Regs. “Military Academy, Article 78 (Army Regulations) C. 1813.”
Marginalia. “PERSONNE” (F. G. DE FONTAINE). “Marginalia.”
Markie Letters. AVERY CRAVEN, ed. “To Markie, the Letters of Robert E. Lee to Martha Custis Williams.”
Marks. JAMES J. MARKS. “The Peninsula Campaign in Virginia.”
Marshall. CHARLES MARSHALL. “An Aide-de-camp of Lee.”
Mason. EMILY V. MASON. “Popular Life of General Robert Edward Lee.”
Mason Report. “Senate Comm. Report No. 178, 1st sess., 36th Cong.”
Maury, D. H. D. H. MAURY. “Recollections of a Virginian.”
Md. Doc. Y. “Maryland Senate Document Y, March 2., 1860.”
Meade. GEORGE MEADE. “Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade.”
Mexican Reports. “Exec. Doc. No. 1, 1st sess., 30th Cong.”
M. H. S. M. “Papers of the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts.”
Mitchell, F. A. F. A. MITCHELL. “Ormsby MacKnight Mitchell.”
Moore, E. A. E. A. MOORE. “The Story of a Cannoneer under Stonewall Jackson.”
Morgan. W. H. MORGAN. “Personal Reminiscences.”
Myers, F. M. F. M. Myers. “The Comanches.”
Napier. B. NAPIER. “A Soldier’s Story of the War.”
N.C. Regts. WAITER CLARK, ed. “History of the Several Regiments and Battalions from North Carolina in the Great War, 1861‒65.”
Nisbet. J. C. NISBET. “Four Years on the Firing Line.”
N. O. R. “Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies.”
Northern Tour. H. D. GILPIN. “A Northern Tour; Being a Guide to Saratoga.”
O. R. “Official Records Of the Union and Confederate Armies.”
O. R. Atlas. “Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies.”
Oswandel. J. J. OSWANDEL. “Notes on the Mexican War.”
Owen. W. M. OWEN, “In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artillery of New Orleans.”
Packard. JOSEPH PACKARD. “Recollections of a Long Life.”
Parker. W. H. PARKER. “Recollections of a Naval Officer.”
Parks, Leighton. LEIGHTON PARKS. “What a Boy Saw of the Civil War.”
Paxton. “Memoir and Memorials, Elisha Franklin Paxton.”
Pendleton. SUSAN P. LEE. “Memoirs of William Nelson Pendleton.”
Polk. W. M. POLK. “Leonidas Polk.”
Porter Inquiry. “Proceedings and the Case of Fitz-John Porter.”
Powell, Mrs. MARY G. POWELL. “History of Old Alexandria.”
Quintard, Dr. A. H. NOLL. “Doctor Quintard.”
Quitman. J. F. H. CLAIBORNE. “Life and Correspondence of John A. Quitman.”
Reagan. J. H. REAGAN. “Memoirs.”
Rhodes. J. F. RHODES. “History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850.”
Richmond Howitzers. WALDROP. “Contributions to the History of the Richmond Howitzers Battalion.”
Riley. F. L. RILEY. “General Robert E. Lee After Appomattox.”
Ripley. R. S. RIPLEY. “The War with Mexico.”
Rives. G. L. RIVES. “The United States and Mexico.”
Roman. ALFRED ROMAN. “Military Operations of General Beauregard.”
Ropes. J. C. ROPES. “The Story of the Civil War.”
Rowland. DUNBAR ROWLAND, ed. “Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist.”
R. W. C. D. J. B. JONES. “A Rebel War Clerk’s Diary.”
Scales. A. M. SCALES. “Battle of Fredericksburg.”
Scott. WINFIELD SCOTT. “Memoirs of Lieut.-General Scott.”
Semmes. RAPHAEL SEMMES. “Service Afloat and Ashore.”
S. H. S. P. “Southern Historical Society Papers.”
Smith. G. W. SMITH. “Confederate War Papers.”
Smith, F. H. F. H. SMITH. “West Point Fifty Years Ago.”
Smith, J. H. JUSTIN H. SMITH, “The War with Mexico.”
Sorrel. G. MOXLEY SORREL. “Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer.”
Southern Generals. ANON. “Southern Generals, Who They Are and What They Have Done.”
Stephens. A. H. STEPHENS. “A Constitutional View of the War Between the States.”
Talcott. T. R. M. TALCOTT. “General Lee’s Strategy at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 34 S. H. S. P.”
Talcott MSS. (F). “Talcott MSS. (Freeman).”
Talcott MSS (VHS). “Talcott MSS. (Virginia Historical Society).”
Taylor, C. E. CHARLES E. TAYLOR. “Letters in Wake Forest Student, March, 1916.”
Taylor, R. RICHARD TAYLOR. “Destruction and Reconstruction.”
Taylor’s Four Years. W. H. TAYLOR. “Four Years with General Lee”
Taylor’s General Lee. W. H. TAYLOR. “General Lee.”
Thomas. H. W. THOMAS. “History of the Doles-Cooke Brigade.”
Thomason. JOHN W. THOMASON, JR. “Jeb Stuart.”
Villard. O. W. VILLARD. “John Brown, a Biography After Fifty Years.”
von Borcke. HEROS VON BORCKE. “Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence.”
Webb. A. S. WEBB. “The Peninsula.”
Welch. S. G. WELCH. “A Confederate Surgeon’s Letters to His Wife.”
White. H. A. WHITE. “Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy.”
Winston. R. W. WINSTON. “Robert E. Lee.”
Wise. JENNINGS C. WISE. “The Long Arm of Lee.”
Wise, G. G. WISE. “History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry.”
Withers. R. E. WITHERS. “Autobiography of an Octogenarian.”
Wolseley. G. WOLSELEY. “A Month’s Visit to the Confederate Headquarters.”
Wooten. D. G. WOOTEN. “Comprehensive History of Texas.”
Worsham. JOHN H. WORSHAM. “One of Jackson’s Foot Cavalry.”
W&LB. “MS. Letter Book of the Superintendent of West Point.”