Appendix II



God Give Us Men! The Invisible Empire demands

Strong minds, great hearts, true faith and ready hands.

Men whom the lust for office does not kill;

Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy;

Men who possess opinions and a will;

Men who have honor; men who will not lie;

Men who can stand before a demagogue and damn his treacherous flattering without winking!

Tall men, sun crowned, who live above the fog

In public duty and private thinking;

For while the rabble, with their thumb-worn creeds,

Their large professions and little deeds,

Mingle in selfish strife, Lo freedom weeps,

Wrong rules the land, and waiting justice sleeps,

God give us men!

Men who serve not for selfish booty,

But real men, courageous, who flinch not at duty;

Men of dependable character; men of sterling worth;

Then wrongs will be redressed, and right will rule the earth.

God Give Us Men!


Sirs, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, as a great and essetially [sic] a patriotic, fraternal, and benevolent order, does not discriminate against a man on account of his religious or political creed when [the] same does not conflict with or antagonize the sacred rights and privileges guaranteed by our civil government and christian [sic] ideals and institutions.

Therefore to avoid any misunderstanding and as evidnece [sic] that we do not seek to impose unjustly the requirements of this order upon anyone who can not [sic], on account of his political or religious scruples, voluntarily meet our requirements or not, we require as an absolute necessity on the part of each of you an affirmative answer to each of the following questions:

Is the motive prompting your ambition to be a Klansman serious and unselfish?

Are you a white, Gentile, American Citizen?

Are you absolutely opposed to and free from any allegiance od [sic] any nature to any cause, Government, people, sect or ruler that is foreign to the United States of America?

Do you believe in the tenets of the christian [sic] religion?

Do you esteem the United States of America and it’s [sic] institutions above any other government, civil, political, or ecclesiastical, in the whole world?

Will you without reservation take the solemn oath to defend, preserve, and enforce same?

Do you believe in Klanishness [sic] and will you faithfully practice same towards Klansmen?

Do you believe in and will you faithfully strive for the eternal maintenance of white supremacy?

Will you faithfully obey our constitution and laws and conform willingly to all our usages, requirements, and regulations?

Can you always be depended on?


You will place your left hand over your heart and raise your right hand to heaven.

You will say “I”—pronounce your name in full—and repeat after me—in the presence of God and Man—most solemnly pledge, promise and swear—unconditionally—that I will faithfully obey—the constitution and laws—and will willingly conform to—all regulations, useges [sic], and requirements—of the [Klan] which do now exist—or which may be hereafter enacted—and will render at all times—loyal respect and stedfast [sic] support—to the Imperial authority of same—and will heartily heed—all official mandates—decrees—edicts—rulings and instructions—of the I*W* [Imperial Wizard?] thereof.—I will yield prompt responce [sic]—to all summondses [sic]—I having knowledge of same—Providence alone preventing.


I most solemnly swear—that I will forever—Keep sacredly secret—the signes [sic] words and grips—and any and all other—matters and kneowledge [sic] of the [Klan]—regarding which—a most rigid secrecy—must be maintained. Which may at any time—be communicated to me—and will never divulge same—nor even cause same to be divulged—toany [sic] person in the whole world—unless I know positively—that such person is a member of this order—in good and regular standing—and not even then—unless it be—for the best interest of the order.

I most sacredly vow—and most positively swear—that I never yield to bribe—flattery—threats—passion—punishment—persecution—nor any other eicene [sic] whatsoever—coming from or offered by—any person or persons—male or female—for thepurpose [sic] of—obtaining from me—a secret or secret information—of the [Klan]—I will die rather than divulge the same—so help me God—Amen.

You will lower your hands.


Real Fraternity, by shamefull [sic] neglect, has been starved until so weak her voice is lost in the Courts of her own castle and she passes unnoticrd [sic] by her sworn subjects as she moves along the crowded streets and thru [sic] the din of the market places. Man’s valuation of man is by the standard of wealth and not worth; selfishness is the festive queen among human kind and multitudes forget honor, justice, love, God and every religious conviction to do homage to her; and yet with the cruel heart of Jezebel, she slaughters the souls of thousands of her devoties [sic] daily.

The unsatisfied thirst for gain is dethroning reason and judgment in the citadel of the human soul and men madden thereby, for get [sic] their patriotic, domestic and social obligations and duties, and fiendishly fight for a place in the favor of [a] goddess of glittering gold; they starve their own souls and make sport of spiritual developments.

You will place your left hane [sic] over your heart and raise your right hand to heaven.

You will say “I”—pronounce your name in full—and repeat after me—“Before God—and in the presence of—these mysterious Klansmen—on my sacred honor—do most solemnly and sincerely—pledge, promise and swear—that I will diligently guard—and faithfully foster—every interest of the [Klan] and will maintain it’s [sic] social cast and dignity.

I swear that I will never recommend—and person for membership in this order—whose mind is unsound—whose reputation I know to be bad—whose character is doubtful—orwhose [sic] loyalty to our country—is an [sic] any way questionable.”


I swear that I will pay promptly—all just and legal demands—made upon me to defray the expenses—ofmy [sic] Klan and this order—when same are due or alled [sic] for.

I awear [sic] that I will protect the property—of the [Klan] —of any nature whatsoever—and if any should be intrusted [sic] to my keeping—I will properly keep—or rightfully use [the] same—and will freely and promptly surrender same—onoffical [sic] demand—orif [sic] ever I am banished from or volentarily [sic] discontinue—my mambership [sic] in this order.

I swear that I will most determinedly—maintain peace and harmony—in all the deliberations—of the gatherings or assemblies—of the [Klan]—or of any subordinate jurisdiction—or Klan thereof.

I swear I will most strenuously—discourage selfishness—and selfish political ambition—on the part of myself or any Klansman.

I swear that I will never allow—personal friendship—blood or family relationship—nor personal—political—or professional prejudice—malice—nor ill will—to influence me in casting my vote—for the election or rejection—of an applicant—for mambership [sic] in this order—God Being MY Helper.—Amen.

You will drop your hands.


Sirs: We congratulate you on your manley [sic] decision to forsake the world of selfishness and fraternal alienation and emigrate [sic] to the delectable bonds of the Invisable [sic] Enormous and become loyal citizens of the same. The prime purpose of this great order is the develop character, practice Klanishness [sic], to protect the home and the chastity of women-hood [sic], and to exeplify [sic] a pure patriotism towards our great country.

You as citizens of the Invisible Empire must be actively patriotic toward our country and constantly klanish [sic] toward Klansmen socially, physically normally and vocationally.

Will you assume this obligation of citizenship?

Sirs: if you have any doubts as to your ability to qualify, either in body of character as citizens of the Invisible Empire, you now have an opportunity to retire from this place with thw [sic] good will of the Klan to attend you; for I warn you now, if you falter or fail at this time or in the future as a Klansman, in Klonklave or in life, you will be banished from citizenship in the Invisible Empire without fear or favor.

This is a serious undertaking; we are not here to make sport of you nor indulge in the silly frivolity of circus clowns. Be you well assured that “He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh back; is not fit for the kingdom of heaven” or worthy of the high honor of citizenship in the Invisable [sic] Empire, or the fervent fellowship of Klansmen. Don’t deceive yourselves; you can not [sic] deceive us and we will not be mocked.

Do you wish to retire?

You will place your left hand over your heart and raise your right hand to heaven.

You will say “I”—pronounce your name in full—and repeat after me—that I will never slander—defraud—deceive—or in any manner wrong—the [Klan] —a Klansman—nor a Klansman’s family—nor will I suffer the same to be done—if I can prevent it.

I swear that I will be faithful—in defending and protecting—the home—reputation—and physical and business interest—of a Klansman’s family.

I swear that I will at all times—without hesitating—go to the assistance or rescue—of a Klansman in any way—at his call I will answer. I will be truly Klanish [sic] toward Klansmen in all things honorable.

I swear that I will never allow—any animosity—friction—nor ill will—to arise and remain—between myself and a Klansman—but will be constant in my efforts—to promote real Klanishness [sic]—among the members of this order.

I most solemnly promise and swear—that I will always—at all times and all places—help, aid and assist—the duly constituted officers of the law—in the proper performance of their legal duties.

I will keep secure to myself—a secret of a Klansman—when [the] same is committed to me—in the sacred bond of Klansmanship—The crime of violating this solemn oath—treason against the United States of America—rape—and malicious murder—alone excepted.

I most solemnly assert and affirm—that to the Government of the United States of America—and any state thereof—of which I may become a resident—I sacredly awear [sic]—an unqualifiedly allegiance—above any other and every kind of Government—in the whole world—I here and now pledge my life—my property—my vote and my sacred honor—to uphold it’s [sic] flag—it’s [sic] constitution and constitutional laws—and will protect—defend enforce same unto death.

I swear that I will most zealously—and valiantly—shield and preserve—by any and all—justifiable means and methods—the sacred constitutional rights—and privileges of free public schools—free speech—free press—seperation [sic] of church and state—liberty—white supremacy—just laws—and the pursuit of happiness—against any encroachment—of any nature—by any person or persons—political party or parties—religious sect or people—native, naturalized, or foreign—of any race—collor [sic]—creed—liniage [sic] of tongue whatever.

All to which I have sworn by this oath—I will seal with my blood—be thou my witness—Almighty God.—Amen.

You will drop your hands.

End of obligation.