AKIA: acronymic greeting meaning “A Klansman I Am.”
alien: anyone who is not a Klan member.
banish: to force out a Klan member from a Klavern.
domains: groups of states in the Invisible Empire (same boundaries as U.S. states).
Empire Mutual: corporation created to sell life insurance to Klan members.
exalted cyclops: president of a Klavern.
grand dragon: leader of Klan realm.
grand giant: honorary term for a former grand dragon.
grand goblin: sales manager of Klan memberships for a particular domain.
hydras: generic term used for officers of a particular Realm.
Imperial Kloncilium: advisory board for the national Klan, also known as “Genii.”
imperial tax: portion of local dues sent to national headquarters.
imperial wizard: national leader of the Ku Klux Klan (also known as “grand wizard”).
Inner Circle: select group of Klan leaders responsible for planning covert action.
ITSUB: Klan sign-off in correspondence meaning “In the Sacred Unfailing Bond.”
Junior Order: youth auxiliary KKK unit.
kalendar: dating system used by the KKK beginning with the rebirth year of 1915.
king kleagle: officer responsible for establishing new chapters at regional levels.
klabee: treasurer of a local chapter.
kladd: official responsible for initiating new members in a local chapter.
klaliff: vice-president of a local chapter.
Klanishness: behaviors and rituals expected of Klan members (sometimes known as Klankraft); often used to describe economic activity by Klan members, such as buying only from known Klan members and avoiding purchases from non-Klan businesses.
Klansman: a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
klanton: area of jurisdiction for a local Klan chapter.
klarogo: sergeant-at-arms of a local chapter.
klavalier: military detachment of the Klan used primarily as protection during meetings.
klavern: a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.
klazik: second vice-president at Imperial level.
kleagle: Klan officer responsible for recruiting new members at the local level.
klectoken: initiation fee.
klepeer: a delegate sent to the Imperial Klonvokation.
kligrapp: secretary of a local chapter.
klokard: lecturer of a local chapter.
Klonklave: regional meeting of Klan chapters (also spelled “Konklave”).
klonversation: the use of Klan passwords and code words between Klan members.
klonverse: meeting between Klan members at the provincial level.
Klonvokation: national convention of the Klan (also spelled “Klanvocation”).
Kloran: handbook of Klan rituals.
Klorero: state convention with representatives from local Klan chapters.
kludd: chaplain of a local chapter.
Kluxer: member of a Klan chapter.
Kluxing: the act of promoting the Klan.
knight: first-degree member of KKK.
knight kamelia: second-degree member of KKK (also known as K-Duo).
knight of the great forest: third-degree member of KKK (also known as K-Trio).
knight of the midnight mystery: fourth-degree member of KKK (also known as K-Quad).
naturalization: the initiation ceremony of the Klan.
nighthawk: courier of a local chapter.
non silba sed anthar: Latin phrase used by Klans meaning “Not for one’s self, but for others.”
province: regional subdivisions within individual states.
Realm: individual state within the Invisible Empire (same boundaries as U.S. states).
Realm tax: portion of local dues sent to state headquarters.
SANBOG: acronym meaning “Strangers Are Near, Be On Guard.”
terrors: generic term for the officers of a Klavern.
Women of the Ku Klux Klan: women’s auxiliary KKK units.