Chapter Fourteen

It took several minutes for Garrett’s racing heart to slow down to a normal pace. Despite being just a few strokes from shallow water, he’d felt utter despair when Natalie’s blonde head disappeared beneath the murky depths. It was insanely stupid of her to jump into the water wearing so many petticoats and skirts. And to save a puppy! Yes, he’d concluded the creature was a beloved pet to her.

In an effort to clear his head, Garrett shook it side to side and drops of water splattered on the ground around him. Her mother had been none too happy with them, and now Darlington hovered about, scowling. Matters were growing complicated—far too complicated.

Garrett accepted Viscount Darlington’s outstretched hand and allowed the man to pull him free of the mud he’d been wallowing in. Damned if his legs didn’t feel just a little shaky.

“My sister has some explaining to do,” Darlington groused. Natalie’s oldest brother spoke evenly, stoically, in fact, but just then, a shudder ran through him. He’d obviously realized the danger his sister had been in. Darlington bent forward to retrieve the blanket and tossed it at Garrett. “My family owes you our thanks. The lake is clouded with mud this time of year, and once a person becomes submerged…”

“She believed her pet to be drowning,” Garrett interjected matter-of-factly as he wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. Now that his adrenaline had passed, the chill of the water was setting in. “Damn, I liked these boots,” he added, looking downward.

“I was unaware, as was the rest of my family, that my sister owned a pet.” Darlington began walking toward the front of the manor with Garrett. “Of all the fool things to do…”

Garrett for some reason felt it necessary to defend her actions. “She must hold a depth of feeling for the little rascal.” The image of horror on her face just before she jumped convinced him of this. His boots made a squishing sound with each step he took. Thank God she had not been alone. Perhaps ladies ought not to float about on lakes in multiple layers of fabric and lace. Damn society and damn fashion.

Upon reaching the steps, Garrett sat and attempted to remove his boots. It would not serve well to traipse boot-loads of lake water onto the shiny parquet floors for the servants to clean. Viscount Darlington, understanding the difficulties involved in removing a snug-fitting pair of hessians, went down on his haunches and tugged on one of the offending articles. Garrett once again marveled at this family. They lived in complete opposition to the notions his father had valued. Not often did the heir to an earldom perform valet services.

“My thanks, Darlington.”

The viscount nodded cordially, and the two men proceeded into the house. The viscount stalked in the direction of the study, while Garrett climbed the stairs to change into dry attire. Not in any way accustomed to having the service of a valet, Garrett was pleasantly surprised to find Marcus already preparing a hot bath and warming towels for him in his quarters. The thoughtfulness brought a calm to Garrett he had not often felt. At least some small things in his life were in order.