‘It’s not going to be enough, is it?’ Ramouter asked when Henley had booked Blaine back into his cell.
‘I can’t see the CPS authorising a charge of murder on what we’ve got,’ she admitted. ‘But we’ve got enough to have him charged with assisting and harbouring an offender.’
‘Something doesn’t make sense,’ Ramouter said.
They made their way out of the police station. ‘What’s that?’
‘Why are Blaine and Olivier still here? What is the point in hanging around? I would have done a runner a long time ago.’
Henley’s phone pinged with the arrival of an email. ‘God, it’s been non-stop today,’ she said as she scrolled through.
‘Anything important?’
Henley stopped in her tracks and she reread the email from PS Harris at the Community Safety Unit in Muswell Hill.
Thursday, 17 September 2019 at 16:24
Re: URGENT: Carole Lewis Investigation
From: Tony Harris, Met Police
To: Anjelica Henley, Met Police
DI Henley,
Apologies for the delay. PC Morris 875YK is currently on leave but I’ve spoken to him and he’s confirmed that Carole Lewis attended the station and reported four incidents of harassment from February to April 2019 (CRIS No: 87456624/19). I cannot find a copy of the harassment warning on the system, but I’ve asked PC Morris to forward a copy of the harassment warning which was issued to Alessandro Naylor DOB 17.06.83 to you ASAP.
PS Tony Harris