This bibliography has several purposes. First, it includes the references that appear throughout the book. Second, it offers many additional references that are not directly cited in the text. The reason for this is that Great War archaeology is a new and quite different kind of archaeology, which incorporates many varied types of research that are not archaeological in the traditional sense. Investigations from anthropology, military history, cultural history, geography, geology, art history, tourism and heritage studies all contribute to the archaeology of the First World War. Many important books and articles from these various disciplines are often unfamiliar to the student and general reader primarily interested in archaeology, and a cross-section of these is included here. It is hoped that bringing together in one place a representative selection of important references will allow all who are fascinated by, and wish to read more about, this newest kind of archaeology, to find the multidisciplinary path both stimulating and just a little easier to follow.
As some readers might wish to participate in, or at least learn more about, the various projects described in this book, I include here a brief list of the appropriate websites.
The Great Arab Revolt Project (Jordan) is at:
The Plugstreet Project is at:
The Sedgefield Aerodrome Project is at:
The Great War Archaeology Group is at:
Digging Dad’s Army (DDA) is at:
The Durand Group is at:
My own website is under construction at:
The University of Bristol new MA in ‘20th Century Conflict Archaeology’ can be accessed at:
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