Two moons later, Baale, accompanied by his brothers and an uncle, paid an initial private visit to Ntongo’s parents to inform them of his intentions toward their daughter. Not to seem desperate, Ntongo’s parents told the party that they would “think about it.” Now Kintu had received a message asking Baale to bring the dowry within three moons. Three moons would take the wedding into Musenene’s rains, but Baale had refused to change the dates.
Kintu had a program for Baale’s grooming. First, he had to take Baale away from his mothers and from Kiyirika Village so that he could taste life without them. Baale also needed to understand that not all women were kneeling yes-sir women. But most of all, something had to be done about that brooding energy.
Kintu summoned Baale and they went for a walk. They came to Nnondo’s house and Kintu asked him to join them. As they walked, Kintu informed Baale that he was sending him away into the service of Princess Mazzi immediately. Nnondo, walking a step behind father and son, listened silently. Kintu told Baale that Mazzi, Namugala’s youngest daughter, had recently traveled to Buddu. She needed dependable young men to run her temporary home.
“The princess will introduce you to public and royal etiquette—learn with diligence. Do not bring dishonor onto your mothers. Do whatever she asks with a good heart. Be open to new ways. Keep your ears and eyes open. Most of all, guard your tongue: if you must speak say good things only. I expect her to travel back to Kyadondo in a moon. She won’t need your services after that, and you must return home.”
“When do I leave?” Baale was excited at the prospect of travel.
“Eh?” Baale gasped at the haste. But Kintu did not offer any explanation.
“Go home and pack a few things.”
As Baale left, Kintu held his hand and said, “Wait, you don’t breathe a word to anyone—not even to your mothers. Do not bid anyone goodbye.” Baale kept nodding. “When you are packed, come to Nnondo’s house. You will set off from there.”
When Baale had left, Kintu turned to Nnondo. He held in his hands a single cassava stem. It was short, half of what women used to plant cassava. It was thick but carefully cut at both ends. Now Kintu handed it over to Nnondo with both hands.
“This is a message to Princess Mazzi,” he looked straight in Nnondo’s eyes. “Don’t give it to a servant; don’t show it to anyone. If Mazzi can’t see you immediately, keep it close to your chest. When she’s ready to see you, present this stem with Baale. Tell her that this is the cassava that she craves, the very stalk. Tell her that Baale will be in her service for a moon and I would like her opinion of him. Do you understand?”
“I am a man, Ppookino.”
“And, Nnondo, my son is in your hands.”
Nnondo nodded.
Kintu added, “You know he will be Ppookino one day. Keep an eye on him, see how he carries himself over there, advise him, and bring him home safely.”
“No word will rise off my tongue.”
The two men turned and walked back to Nnondo’s house. Now they talked about the Ssoga who had recently killed the governors Kyabaggu had appointed, again.
“Do you think that Kyabaggu is going to give up now?”
“And do what? He needs something to occupy him. He will go back to Busoga and the Ssoga will disappear into their bushes knowing that he would not stay long, otherwise he will lose his throne over here in Buganda. As soon as he returns to Buganda they will kill the governors and they shall go on like that until Kyabaggu gets tired or killed.”
Nnondo sighed, “Then let’s wait and see.”
Soon Baale arrived at Nnondo’s house carrying a small sack. When Nnondo and the men escorting Baale had left, Kintu returned to his home and informed Babirye and Nnakato that Baale had set off for apprenticeship.
Babirye kept silent. Nnakato was upset.
“He didn’t even say goodbye to his mothers,” she said.
“Baale’s getting married soon. He will do things without informing us, unless he is taking you along to his marriage.”
“That’s not what I meant, Mbuga. Baale has never strayed beyond family.”
“Now he has, as he should.”
To indicate that the discussion was over, Kintu walked away. He smiled to himself. Nnakato would convulse if she knew that Baale had been sent to Princess Mazzi. Mazzi was notorious the world over. She had lasted only three days in marriage after the honeymoon because, as she lisped when she returned to her grandmother Nnabulya, “The husband wanted breakfast; I made it. He asked for lunch; I made it. Then he wanted supper and like a good person, I made it. For two days I suffered silently but then on the third day he was at it again—can you imagine the ash?”
From then on, Mazzi became a metaphor for spoiled brides in the kingdom. She refused to return to marriage even when she was given servants to take with her. Out of boredom, she now toured the nation.
One moon after Baale’s departure, Nnondo returned without him. Nnondo asked to see Kintu in private. When Kintu saw Nnondo without Baale, his heart leaped into his mouth.
“Where’s my child, Nnondo?” There was a slight tremor in his voice.
“The princess has had a change of plan. She won’t leave until Musenene.”
Kintu sighed with relief but was still confused.
“When the rain sets in? How will she cross the River Katonga?”
“I wondered too.”
“Listen Nnondo, we’ve only got two moons to taking the dowry.”
“I couldn’t talk back to Mazzi. All she said was that I should come and let you know that Baale’s fine. She also said that from the look of the stem, the cassava is a fine specimen. Baale is quick to learn in royal etiquette but some edges still need caressing into smoothness. Another moon, maybe a moon and a half would round him out.”
“A moon and a half—did Mazzi actually say that?”
Nnondo spread his arms helplessly.
“How did Baale seem to you? Does he want to come home?”
“I hardly see him: the princess keeps him quite close. I think he’s enjoying the attention.”
“All right, Nnondo. Take a rest. In a week, go back to Mazzi and tell her that Baale is getting married soon and must return home. Don’t let her take my boy.”