I would like to thank more people than I can list here, but in particular:
My agents, Kate Burke and Diane Banks, for all their encouragement, support and input into the book.
My editor, Angus Cargill, whose insight and advice improved the manuscript in so many ways.
The team at Faber – in particular Sophie Portas and Katie Hall – for their dedication to getting my book into as many hands as possible.
To all the bloggers and reviewers who took an interest in my writing, and in particular Liz Barnsley, whose enthusiasm for The Dark Inside spurred so many to read it.
To Anne and Alex Wise, and Kim and Guy White, for their phenomenal efforts in spreading the word overseas.
To all my fellow writers who’ve offered kind words about my work, especially Anya Lipska, Stav Sherez, Eva Dolan, Chris Ewan, Gilly Macmillan, Sarah Ward, Tim Baker, Martyn Waites, Helen Giltrow, David Young and Steph Broadribb.
To my friends who’ve been so generous in helping spread the word – Oliver Wheatley, Steve O’Meara, Matthew Wilkinson, Darren Sital-Singh, John Maloney, Tim Caira and Emma Callaghan.
To James Hancock and Nick Thompson – sorry about last time!
And to my family, for always believing.