My heartfelt thanks to my agent, Josh Adams, and to this book’s original editors, Catherine Onder and Sarah Lilly, for their support and guidance, as well as to Steve Laube at Enclave Publishing for giving Rebel another chance.
I am grateful to Claudia Gray, who helped me brainstorm and refine the plot in its earliest stages; to my crack beta-reading team of Liz Barr, Brittany Harrison, Meg Burden, Saundra Mitchell, Kerrie Mills, Erin Fitzgerald, Teri Guill, Emily Bytheway, and Sylvia Thomas for providing encouragement and insightful criticism along the way; and also to the 2009 Debs a.k.a. the Feast of Awesome, for helping me sail the choppy seas of publication.
This book demanded a considerable amount of research, and I would have been lost without the help of the kind folks on District Dave’s London Underground Forum (subwayrail, stuartpalmer, Colin, undergroundgal, solidbond, Dmitri and Sean B.), who advised me on mechanical and security issues related to the Tube; as well as Jovia Crooks, Carlo Kutesa and Tumwijuke Mutambuka, who graciously answered my questions about life in Kampala and corrected some of my more egregious misapprehensions. Any errors which remain are my fault, not theirs.
And finally, to my dear friend Judy, who helps keep me healthy and sane; my wonderful husband and boys, who put up with my crazed scribbling at all hours of the day and night; and my wise, godly, and supportive parents who have always made me proud to have been, however briefly, a “missionary kid” – I love you all.
R.J. Anderson