I left early that day. It didn’t count as bunking off because I don’t have fixed hours at the Republikschutz—I’m just helping out while Martin’s on sick leave. But it felt like I was sneaking out, and Grit gave me a wink as I edged out of the office.
As soon as I got home I checked whether Schimmel was in, and, to be honest, I was a bit relieved when I couldn’t find him. The usual aceness of living with Schimmel had turned into something else, in fact it kind of felt like I was living with his ghost. It started back in March: we were on a demo when he just lost it. He saw a face from the past, from when he was in the borstal or something, and it made him seriously flip. Knowing why he’s changed doesn’t really help though—like last night, just a simple change of plan and he totally freaks out on me. It’s hard to deal with.
So I went to see Antifa Bert. It’s not like he’s number 2 on my list or anything, it’s just I knew where to find him: sitting in the back bar of the Schreina.
“Anything going on?” I nodded towards the CB that Bert was monitoring just in case any alarm calls from other squats and social centres came in.
“Nah, been quiet since the Resurgence. I reckon we can get rid of all this tat.”
“Rumours are, the skins have started supporting Kaminsky.”
“Re-educating them, isn’t he? Doing a good job too, from what I hear.” Bert fiddled with the CB kit for a bit, ignoring me while I did a sceptical face. But then he must have felt the need to justify what he’d just said. “Kaminsky’s a socialist, he’s got nothing in common with the fash.”
“Yeah, but the way he goes on about common sense and stuff like that, that we need to use common sense when it comes to deciding who we let into our country, he goes on about needing to control immigration—that kind of stuff, it’s all a bit-”
“Give the man a break! He’s casting his net wide, trying to get people involved. It’ll all come together.”
Now Bert was in a huff. I hadn’t expected this, but I knew what he was like when he was in a mood. There was no point trying to talk to him right now. Probably hungover or something.