
Chapter Eight: Building Permit and Other Legal Requirements




"Every country has its own sets of rules and standards. This means a container house in the U.S. does not look like a container house in Denmark. That is something most people do not think about. The container is a generic product, but climate, fire regulations etc. are not..."

Mads Moller (Arcgency, a Danish Architectural office) on shipping container home regulations.



Key Takeaway: As with other types of housing construction, there are regulations covering the repurposing of shipping containers into homes. Your structure must comply with the general laws of the municipality you will be constructing in, and should have the necessary permits before the project commences. Rules vary per region, so if you haven’t picked a location yet, find one with lenient building code. If you are going to hire an architect or contractor, find one that is familiar with local building regulations. Communicate openly during the application process, submit all the necessary paperwork and address any concerns. This will maximize your chances of success!



One of the biggest concerns for future container homeowners is obtaining a building permit. Unfortunately, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ set of criteria that, when followed, will always result in a building permit being granted. However, if you spend some time researching and understanding the legal requirements before you apply, you can greatly increase your chances of checking all the boxes and receiving the ‘go-ahead’.

