For the most part, the building regulations and permits for shipping container homes are the same as those for traditional housing projects.
At first glance, one would expect that shipping container homes would be embraced by local governments. They are much sturdier than a trailer home. And they even score points when compared to traditional houses, especially when it comes to being able to withstand bad weather conditions.
However, there are a few possible concerns that you may need to address during the application process. A lot of people, including neighbors and government officials involved in the building permit application process, are unfamiliar with shipping container homes. They may oppose it for different reasons.
Neighbors may fear that a giant steel container next door may negatively impact their property value. And inspectors or surveyors may give you a hard time before any permits are issued because they are concerned about a lack of proper insulation or fortifications.
Anticipate these concerns and come up with a plan on how you are going to address them. Well begun is half done.
One tip: it may be a good idea to do some research in your locality and find out if there are existing shipping container homes already constructed, or even retail or office spaces converted from shipping containers. If you are able to locate some in your general area, just knock on the door and ask if you can have a chat with the owner. Voice your concerns, and ask about their experience.
The occupant of this home would be an excellent person to talk to.
The owner of this shipping container home has successfully gone through the permit application process. You may be able to get some valuable information or leads on what requirements you will need to satisfy, or what permits to acquire, before building.