
I am grateful to those who have read and commented upon various drafts of this book, including Chris Arthur, Paresh Chattopadhyay, Nick Hostettler, Costas Lapavitsas, Michael Perelman, Alejandro Ramos Martinez, John Rosenthal, Simeon Scott, David Spencer, Nicola Taylor and John Weeks. I am especially indebted to Andrew Brown and Ben Fine for their valuable support and exhaustive comments, which have helped to improve every aspect of this book.

The Conference of Socialist Economists has kindly consented to the reproduction of sections of my papers ‘A Note on Marx’s Analysis of the Composition of Capital’, Capital & Class 50, Summer 1993, pp. 127–146 and ‘An Alternative Reading of the Transformation of Values into Prices of Production’, Capital & Class 63, Autumn 1997, pp. 115–136. Verso and Lawrence and Wishart have kindly consented to the citation of extensive passages of, respectively, Capital and the Theories of Surplus Value, for which I am grateful.